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The Dharmashastra occupies a prominent place in the Sanskrit literature. It has always been a work of universal Authority. It has always served as a sourcebook of Hindu jurisprudence. It has been a veritable storehouse of information for the social, cultural, political, and religious aspects of ancient Indian society. It is the very essence of Hinduism. Its' deeper study helps in the proper understanding of the Ancient Indian Culture. The term Dharma Shastra is generally applicable to both the Dharmashutras and the smritis. The word series is used in two senses. In a wider sense, it includes the whole ancient... Read More

sanskrit, English, 2462 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 5,350.00

DR. DAVID FRAWLEY (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri), is one of the most respected modern teachers of the deeper secrets of Yoga and the Vedas, and author of more than forty books in twenty languages worldwide. He has received the prestigious Padma Shushan award from the government of India for his outstanding work in the Vedic field.   Introduction The following book is a profound work on Shiva as the Lord of Yoga and His form of the Linga. The author Sri Vamadeva Shastri or Dr. David Frawley needs It should be no introduction. His world-respected books have explained in detail all... Read More

Engish 296 Pgs. (PB)

Our knowledge of the most ancient times in India rests mainly on tradition. The Puranas, the Mahabharata, and in a minor degree of Ramayana profess to give accounts from tradition about the earliest occurrences. The Rgveda contains historical allusions, of which some record contemporary persons and events, but more refer to bygone times and persons and are obviously based on tradition. Almost all the information, therefore, comes from tradition. The results obtained from an examination of Puranic and epic tradition as well as of the Rgveda and Vedic literature are set forth in the present book, which happens to be... Read More

English, 391 Pgs.
Historical Geography of Madhya Pradesh: From early records by P. K. Bhattacharyya Sale -1%

Hardbound Edition (318 Pgs.) The historical Geography of Madhya Pradesh presents some complicated problems which require a systematic study. Sri Bhattacharyya has not only utilised geographical materials contained in the epics, the Puranas and Buddhist and Jaina literature but has also judiciously used inscriptional evidence and the accounts left by travellers. He has further supplemented his information by co-ordinating with the present-day topography of the land. Divided into seven chapters, in a systematic manner-the Historical Background, The Central Provinces and Madhya Pradesh, The Mountain System, The River System, Territories and Districts, Capitals, Cities and Towns, Villages and Routes-the work gives... Read More

Rs. 695.00Rs. 700.00

The Lalita Cult has figured and still figures prominently among the countless cults of ancient India. Lalita is looked upon by the Hindus as a divine manifestation of the goddess Durga. The cult of Lalita is intimately associated with the Sakti cult or the worship of the Divine as Energy in the feminine form. The present book studies the cult of Lalita from a historical point of view. Though this study is mainly based on the Lalitopakhayana section of the Brahmanda Purana, an endeavour is made to review other phases of the Sakti cult and its place in Vedic literature,... Read More

English, 108 Pgs. (HB)

Dr. Jadunath Sinha's significant work on Indian Philosophy in three volumes deals with the subject comprehensively. His treatment closely follows the basic texts of the various schools, which is a unique feature of the work. The topics included in the volumes are as under: Volume I : The major and minor Upanisads; Epics; Puranas; Gita, Carvaka, Vaisesika; Nyaya; Navya Nyaya; Mimamsa; Sabdika.  Volume II : Samkhya; Yoga; Jaina; Early Buddhism; School of Buddhism; Background of Vedanta; Advaita; Bhagavad Gita; Bhagavata; Pancaratra; Ramanuja; Madhva; Nimbarka; Vallabha; Caitanya; Saivism and Saktaism. Volume III : Bhaskara; Kasmira Saiva; Pasupata; Saiva Siddhanta; Srikantha; Vira Saiva;... Read More

English, 2242 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 5,900.00

The Series Includes:The Magic Flute (Vol 1): 9788172764630The Wrath of an Emperor (Vol 2): 9788172764753The Five Brothers (Vol 3): 9788172764845The Book of Bhima (Vol 4): 9788172764722The Book of Satyabhama (Vol 5): 9788172764661The Book of Vedavyaasa, The Master (Vol 6): 9788172764739The Book of Yudhishthira (Vol 7): 9788172764678 Volume IIntroduction Who has not heard of Sri Krishna who delivered the message of the Bhagavad Gita and whom the Bhagavat calls 'God Himself? From the earliest days that my memories can go back to, Sri Krishna has been, in a sense, dominating my imagination. In my childhood, I heard his adventures with breathless... Read More

English, 2055 Pgs. (PB)
Rs. 3,200.00

The Book Is An In-Depth Study Of The Integral Philosophy Of Sri Aurobindo. It Throws Light On His Fundamental Ideas On Socio-Political Issues And Concepts Relating To Yoga And Knowledge. The Well Researched Writings Pointedly Examine Sri Aurobindo’s Views On Nationalism, Western Imperialism, Morality, Stateless Society, Human Relations And Education Among Other Such Subjects. Quoting Liberally From Sri Aurobindo The Volume Delves Deep Into His Understanding Of The “Divine” And The “Human”; The “Nation” As Characterized By Spirituality; And Spiritual Transformation Relying On The Brotherhood Of All Humans As Multiple Expressions Of The Same Godhead. His Philosophy Of Integral Monism... Read More

Engish, 152 Pgs. (HB)

The word Puranam means that which was composed first-purvasmin bhutam puranam. There are eighteen Mahapuranams-. (Vide This work, They form three groups, namely, sattvika, rajasa and tamasa. The six, Matsya, Kurma, Linga, Siva, Skanda and Agni are tamasa Puranams. The six Brahmanda, Brahmavaivarta, Markandeya, Bhavirya, Vamana, and Brahma are rajasa Puranam-s and the six Visnu, Naradiya, Bhagavata, Garuda, Padma and Varaha are sattvika Puranam-s. This classification of the Puranams and other works according to the qualities which prevail in them is found in the Uttara Khanda of Padma Purana. It is briefly indicated in the Matsya Puranam also. Though... Read More

Engish 327 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 1,350.00

Devimahatmyam: In Praise of the Goddess" by Devadatta Kali is a significant literary work that explores the sacred text known as the "Devi Mahatmya" or "Durga Saptashati." This text is a part of the Markandeya Purana and is revered in Hinduism as a hymn in praise of the goddess Durga. Devadatta Kali's rendition and interpretation of the "Devi Mahatmya" delve into the deep spiritual and mythological significance of the text. The "Devi Mahatmya" recounts the story of the battles between the goddess Durga and various demons, symbolizing the eternal struggle between good and evil, light and darkness. Through his scholarly... Read More

Engish, 382 Pgs. (PB)
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