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About the book Srimad Bhagavata which comes under the category of scriptural Texts called the Puranas, consists of eighteen thousand and odd verses and is a veritable encyclopedia of spiritual philosophy put in an epic form that is both devotional and poetic. It depicts pure devotion, expressed as unmotivated service of the Divine and of all living beings considered as the tabernacle of God. Pious Hindus consider daily reading of the Text an important spiritual discipline in life for generating devotion and the spirit of dedication to God. Any person, whatever his religion, will find himself spiritually enriched by a... Read More

Sanskrit & English, 501 Pgs. (HB)

India has a very rich tradition of cultural heritage, but most of it being in the garb of symbols is difficult to understand. The Aranyakas, a class of Vedic Literature, are conspicuous for treating a part or whole of a sacrifice as a representation of some spiritual activity or as a symbol of the Sun. Samvatsara. Purusa or Brahman etc., thereby revolutionising the Brahmanic religion of sacrifice and bringing it back to its age-old right track of metaphysical spiritualism : Purusa evedam sarvam (Rv.X. 90.2) and ethics of duty for duty sake: Yajfiena Yajnamayajanta devah (R.V.I. 164.50; X.90.16). This revolution... Read More

Engish, 245 Pgs. (HB)

Dr. Raghavendra Katti was a student in my Bhagawadgita / Upanishad Classes in Pand He is a highly qualified student. He has studied spiritual texts on his own and also has published books. This book has been nicely presented and I am sure it will help people to understand the presence of God not away from themselves, but as themselves and the entire World as God. Hence, to the question "Where is That God?" answer is "Where is He not? In reality there is nothing other than God. According to the Scriptures there is only God". Whatever one sees is... Read More

Engish, 96 Pgs. (PB)

Dr. Gautam Kumar Jha teaches Bahasa Indonesia at the Centre for Chinese and South East Asian Studies, School of Language Literature & Culture Studies, JNU. He is the founder of the Indic-Belt Society which studies the Indic civilizational fraternity, and India's Interactions with the Southeast Asian region. His area of Interests are Political Islam, Indonesian Government, Society & Politics, Southeast Asian Affairs, and Indonesian language. As an expert on Indonesian affairs, he has travelled extensively in Southeast Asia and Caribbean countries giving lectures and attending international conferences in more than 30 universities. He has been instrumental in the signing more... Read More

Engish 231 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 3,000.00

Here is a textbook of Sanskrit grammar whose popularity with teachers and students alike has been on increase since its first printing. In it the essentials of Sanskrit grammar are carefully organized in thirty selected lessons. Interest in lessons is added by quotations of vocabulary from original Sanskrit, and the student is encouraged to read and memorize them. The lessons are followed by appendixes which are of no less interest. The inclusion of English-Sanskrit and Sanskrit-English glossaries is a special feature of the book. The reprint of A Rapid Sanskrit Method will be welcomed by the students as well as... Read More

English, 239 Pgs.

The Gita is a song-not just any song, but a very special song, the song of God-sung by the Divine Being of infinite consciousness to His most beloved devotee, Arjuna. Arjuna in Sanskrit means clear white light, the brightness and clarity, the name of the man who manifested the clarity of pure devotion by which the Lord's wisdom may be heard, and by which the universal form may be perceived. And what a song it is! A symphony of the soul's longing for divinity, of the search for clarity, the explanations of yoga-what constitutes divine union, and how one gets... Read More

English, 352 Pgs. (PB)

The Devi-Mitheitmya is well-known to both devotees and scholars of the Indian Great Goddess. Composed some 1500 years ago, it is the first comprehensive account of the Goddess in Sanskrit, and it has maintained its centrality in the Goddess (Sakta) tradition to the present day. Like so much in that tradition, however, the text has until now resisted careful study from an historical perspective. It is this study that the present volume accomplishes. The central task here is to explore how an anonymous Sanskrit text articulates a view of ultimate reality as feminine when there is virtually no precedent in... Read More

English, 360 Pgs. (HB)
The Vedas Sold Out

His holiness Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati, Sankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Pitham, was the sixty-eighth in the line of succession of Pithadhipati's from Adi Sankara. He become the math at the age of thirteen in 1907. After the requisite training in seclusion on the banks of the river Kaveri near Kumbhakonam, he went round India from 1919 to 1939. The conversation I am having now with the Acharya is itself my evening meal for to day Mahatma Gandhi When reminded by Rajaji during the Mahatma's conversation with his Holiness in a goshala in Pallaseni village Kerala in 1929 that it was... Read More

Engish, 258 Pgs. (PB)
Rs. 505.00

The Goddess or Devi is God in Its Mother aspect. Devi, who is existence, consciousness and bliss, is thought of as a female, a male or pure Brahman. This volume Hymns to the Goddess is an endeavour of Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon) to translate the Sanskrit hymns in praise of the Goddess or Devi, scattered in Tantra and Purina texts, Mahabharata, and in the hymns of Sankaracarya, who was an incarnation of devotion and a great philosopher, Valmiki and Indra. After a general introduction, the book starts with a hymn to Kalabhairava, the spouse of Devi, followed by Devi... Read More

Engish, 314 Pgs. (PB)

Winternitz's major work was Geschichte der Indischen Literature (History of Indian Literature). The first volume was published in two parts in 1905 and 1908. It dealt with Vedic literature, the epics and the Puran- as. The second volume on Buddhist and Jain literature appeared in two parts, in 1913 and 1920. In the last volume, Kavya literature and scientific literature found a representation. A bird's eye view of the vernacular literature of modern India completed that volume published in 1922. The value of the work was enhanced by copious notes. The English translation was revised by Winternitz himself. The first... Read More

English, 2044 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 2,985.00
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