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Srimad Bhagavata (The Message Divine) Sold Out

Srimad Bhagavata, an epic does not need any introduction to the learned people because it has been a treasure to them from the time immemorial. Besides, it has been a source of inspiration to those who treat it as a great classic, being a part of literature. So far as its linguistic meaning is concerned, it may fairly be said that Sri mad stands for Sri, meaning beauty and prosperity of goddess Laksmi, and 'mad' means the form of Madana or Kamadeva. As such combining both Srimad stands for "exquisitely beautiful". The word Bhagavata has been derived from the word... Read More

English, 200 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 350.00

The present book Shri Tripura-rahasyam is a celebrated Tantric Text widely respected all over the country. Specially its Thana-khancla deals in detail the concept of Chiti i.e. the human consciousness. According to this book 'Chiti' or `Para-chiti' is none other than the goddess Tripura, considered to be the highest reality. The whole of the Shri Tripura-rahasyam is full of dis-courses on the concept of chiti by the renowned sage Dattatreya. It consists of 22 chapters dealing with the nature of world, nature of God, and the Samadhi etc. The goodess says that the whole creation is imagination and it is... Read More

Sanskrit & English & Hindi, 606 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 1,650.00

The brilliant intellect of Sri T. V. kapali sastry is patent in his writings in Sanskrit, English, Tamil and Telugu published in 12 volumes. His magnum opus, Siddhanjana, commentary on the First Ashtaka of the Rig Veda, explores the hitherto neglected psychological and spiritual sides of the ancient hymnal. After a life-long study, verification in personal inner life and confirmation in other branches of Indian Wisdom, he began writing his commentary on the Rig Veda in his sixtieth year (1945). In his Bhumika, Introduction, he presents his approach, deriving from ancient rishis like Yaska, medieval teacher slike Ananda Tirtha and... Read More

Engish, 260 Pgs. (HB)

Hindu mythology is a fascinating world of legends and stories centred around a sophisticated structure and hierarchy of deities and their worship. The many gods and goddesses, depicted in myriad forms in art and literature, constitute a sacred and complex subject of interesting study. The book, Hindu Mythology attempts to offer a systematic and complete account of the names and character of the deities of Hinduism and their relationship with one another. The book, typed afresh, studies the main attributes of the deities and recounts myths associated with their origin, nature, function and worship. For the purpose, the deities are... Read More

Engish, 520 Pgs. (PB)

Samkhya is the oldest among Indian philosophies. Rather, it had for long been synonymous with philosophy itself. Over the centuries, it has influenced all other Indian schools: orthodox and unorthodox. At its metaphysical plane, Samkhya is dualistic realism holding out the doctrine of two ultimate realities: prakrti (matter, physical world) and purusa (self, spirit). As a time-honoured tradition, Samkhya has, at its base, along line of complex, often baffling expositions! commentaries! interpretations. Which by ancient thinkers and sages gave it both varied meaning and content. The earliest available work in this line of writings is Tarvarakrsna’s Samkhyakarika (fifth century AL))... Read More

Engish, 491 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 1,480.00

Born in Tirunilayi village of palakkad district (Kerala state), TRV (age 76) is a post graduate of the Madras University in Humanities. After a brief stint at journalism he joined the government of India immediately after independence. Initially he served in the ministry of external Affairs and moved on to several other Ministries including commerce and Industry, steel and Mines, Finance. He assisted the administrative reforms commission for five years on subjects mainly relating to Personnel industry, Defence and defence production. He retired as Deputy secretary from the Ministry of steel and mines. During the concluding period of his service... Read More

Englich, 409 Pgs.(PB)

Tara, the second Mahavidya of the Sakta pantheon, is an extremely popular goddess of the Hindus in eastern India, particularly in Assam and West Bengal. This documentation will help a researches to make a through investigation into the Brahmanical cult of Tara, especially, in the background of cultural and ideological developments of India. The Ist Chapter presents a survey of the development of the concepts of the Mother Goddess in ancient India as gleaned from textual and archaeological sources, vis-à-vis the seedling of the godhead of Tara in her pleasant and terrible forms. The IInd chapter comprises a catalogue of... Read More

Engish, 414 Pgs.(HB)
Rs. 2,700.00

Prof. Dr. Subhash Ranade is one of the foremost experts on Ayurveda. He is leading academician and physician in the field of Ayurveda. He is the author of 127 books on Ayurveda and Yoga. These books have been published in Marathi, Hindi, E Malayalam, English, French, and Czech, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish languages. He has worked as Prof and Head, Dept. of Interdisciplinary School of Ayurveda and Prof and Head, Dept. of Ayurveda Pune, University and Principal of Ashtang Ayurveda College, Pune, India. Prof. Dr. Subhash Ranade has given many television interviews on Ayurveda, not... Read More

Engish, 280 Pgs. (PB)

The Scriptural writings of the Hindus are divided, mainly into two classes Sruti and Smrti. According to the belief of the Hindus. Smrti also is of divine origin; the difference between it and the Veda consists in the fact that in the Hindu system of Law the sense is recorded either in the divine words or other equivalent expressions. This set of two books is a collection of sixteen minor smrtis. Namely Atri, Usana, Angirasa, Yama, Samvarta, Satatapa and Vasistha. Each of these smrtis is named after their creators. All of them were hermits with great wisdom. These are actually... Read More

English & Sanskrit, 771 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 1,100.00

Born on October 4, 1916, in Bangalore and educated in that city, the author had the privilege of studying under the distinguished Professor B. M. Srikantiah, Professor and Head of the English Department, Central College, Bangalore, and top litterateur in modern Kannada. She developed early in life an avid taste for English literature and particularly a love for Shakespeare’s plays. In 1937, she married Dr. V. S. Subramaniam, the renowned E.N.T. Surgeon of Madras. Preoccupation with family affairs did not come in the way of her literary pursuit. She wrote a series of “Imaginary Conversations” on the modern Landos for... Read More

English, 710 Pgs. (HB)
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