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Nature and human beings are close to each other for mutual existence and sustenance. The mutual interdependence, relationship between nature, humans, plants and animals has always been discussed in the history of human civilization at different periods, in different religions of the world. This book is about the interaction and interdependence between man and nature which is reflected through different religious practices followed in India. The religions like Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism through the interpretation of their ancient texts and Agamas all are agreed at a point that eco-theology are coterminous and synonymous. The spirit of humility and prayers... Read More

Engish 234 Pgs. (HB)

This is a simple Vedic prayer; but it is pregnant with ideas of vital import. Applied philosophy, the universal urge in beings, and the goal of the phenomenal existence-all these are contained in it. The fundamentals are all couched herein. There is not a single life issue that cannot be linked with it. Even the problems and puzzles pertaining to the objective world may with ease be traced back to this ancient but ever new prayer. All inclusive and all embracing is this pithy benediction. What prayer is may first be enquired into. The mechanical utterance of a religious formula... Read More

Engish 178 Pgs. (PB)
Puranic Encyclopaedia: A Comprehensive work with Special Reference to the Epic and Puranic Literature by Vettam Mani Sale -3%

This voluminous work, a storehouse of information about the Epics, Puranas and allied literature, was originally composed and published in Malayalam. It constituted the results of the author's devoted study and research extending over fourteen years. This English version of the same is to meet the growing demand of scholars interested in the study of Puranas. This stupendous work, in the form of an exhaustive descriptive index, covers the vast and varied field of ancient Indian culture in all aspects - history, geography, religion, philosophy, myths, beliefs and practices as depicted in the Epics and Puranas. The work is planned... Read More

English, 930 Pg. (HB)
Rs. 2,900.00Rs. 3,000.00

Hindu Mythology and The Critique of Sacrifice The Head Beneath the Altar In the beginning, says the ancient Hindu text the Rig Veda, was man. And from man's sacrifice and dismemberment came the entire world, including the hierarchical ordering of human society. The book presents a wide-ranging study of Hindu texts read through the lens of Rene Girard's mimetic theory of the sacrificial origin of religion and culture. For those interested in Girard and comparative religion, the book also performs a careful reading of Girard's work, drawing connections between his thought and the work of theorists like Georges Dumez11 and... Read More

English, 320 Pgs. (HB)
vast science for 21st century by b b puri Sale -1%

  Vastu Science for 21st Century is the latest contribution by the author, Prof. B. B. Puri, after an overwhelming response to his earlier books titled Vedic Architecture and Art of Living, Applied Vastu Shastra in Modern Architecture and Vastu Shastra for Mass Housing. Vastu Shastra is not merely an art but a definite science in itself. This book has made an excellent effort to establish this fact. The knowledge of Vastu is based on Vedic literature and is derived from the fundamental principles of Vedantic knowledge. Prof. B. B. Puri is a well – known architect, having a vast... Read More

English, 298 Pgs. (PB)
Rs. 495.00Rs. 500.00
History and Doctrines of the Ajivikas: A Vanished Indian Religion Sale -5%

  The book presents the history and the doctrines of the Ajivikas who formed a third heretical sect besides the sect of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism and that of Mahavira Vardhamana, the twenty-B fourth Tirthankara of the Jainas. The three heterodox sects react against the ritualistic creed of the Vedists. The cult of Ajivikas was founded by Makkhali Gosal, the contemporary of Mahavira Vardhamana, on the basis of strict determinism with a belief in the all-embracing rule of Niyati (principle of order). According to Gosal, it was Niyati which ultimately governed our action, controlled phenomena and left no... Read More

English, 316 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 950.00Rs. 1,000.00

Traditional systems of medicines developed in various parts of the world during different ages. A systematic shape was given to them in different ancient centres of civilization and culture. Some of these traditional systems are based on a rational and sound fundamental principles and some others have only an empirical base. Some of those traditional systems did not survive and have become subjects of history whereas others like the traditional system of medicine of India and China are not only surviving but also fully progressing with State patronage. The present book gives fundamentals of Ayurveda in clear and lucid style.... Read More

Engish, 372 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 1,200.00

Ayurveda came about as a science at a time when Spiritualism and Yogic procedures failed to stop the spread of diseases and epidemics. Indian sages evolved the tenets of samanya (generic concomitance), vishesha (variant factor), guna (quality), dravya (substance), karma (action) and samavaya (inseparable concomitance) for raising the span of life. These principles form the substances of therapeutics. The subject of Ayurveda is divided into eight disciplines (Astanga Ayurveda) and all the specialties include the application of dravyas (food/drug) to achieve the ultimate goal i.e., restoration of health. In view of the importance of Dravya, Guna and Karma among six... Read More

Engish, 507 Pgs. (PB)

Vastu Science for 21st Century is the latest contribution by the author, Prof. B. B. Puri, after an overwhelming response to his earlier books titled Vedic Architecture and Art of Living, Applied Vastu Shastra in Modern Architecture and Vastu Shastra for Mass Housing. Vastu Shastra is not merely an art but a definite science in itself. This book has made an excellent effort to establish this fact. The knowledge of Vastu is based on Vedic literature and is derived from the fundamental principles of Vedantic knowledge. Prof. B. B. Puri is a well – known architect, having a vast experience... Read More

Engish 322 Pgs. (PB)

Prof. Malavika kapur is currently teaches in the Department of Clinical Psychology of the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Science, Bangalore, In the course of over three decades of clinical, teaching and research experience, she has been a clinical psychologist of the National health Services, Scotland, Senior Research Associate of the University of Edinburgh, and on the Faculty of KMC Hospital, Manipal. Professor Kapur has undertaken various projects on behalf of organizations and offered consultancies to the World health Organization, the National Council of Educational, Research in Training the Indian Council of Medical Research, the Indian Council of... Read More

Engish, 216 Pgs. (HB)
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