Showing 199 - 215 of 215 results

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Wheel of Desire by M.L. Varadpande
    Wittgensteinian Philosophy and Advaita Vedanta (A Survey of the Parallels) by Ravindra K.S. Choudhary
      Women Seers of The Rgveda
        Women's Status in North-Eastern India by Sindhu Phadke
          Yoga-NidraYogic Trance Theory, Practice and Applications by N.C.Panda
            Yogacara Vasubandhu's Phenolenological Idealism. by Shruti Kapur
              Yogini (The Shady Side of Devi) by Guide Zanderigo
                आर्यभट कृत आर्यभटिय,Aryabhat Krit Aryabhatiya by Kedarnath Shukla
                  कालिदास की नायिका,Kalidasa's Nayikas by Harsha V. Dehejia
                    कृष्ण स्वयं काव्यम्,Krishna as Poetry by Harsha V. Dehejia
                      दार्शनिक समीक्षा का सत्याग्रह- Satyagraha of Philosophical Review by Ambikadata Sharma
                        दार्शनिक सम्प्रत्यय कोश,Dictionary of Concepts in Indian Philosophy by Shashi Prabha Kumar
                          ध्यान-योग क्यों और कैसे: Why And how of Meditation-Yoga by Ajay Bharadwaj
                            ब्रह्मसूत्र अध्यासभाष्य,Shankaracharya's Adhyasa Bhashya (With Bhamati and Vivarana) by Kapil Gautam
                              वेदामृतबिन्दव,Drops of Vedic Nectar by Shashiprabha Kumar
                                संविदुल्लास: - Samvidullasah Manifestation of Divine Consciousness by Bettina Baumer
                                  सुन्दर भारतीय हिन्दू मनस्,The Beautifully Indian Hindu Mind by Harsha V, Dehejia
                                    Translation missing: