Anmol Prakashan, Pune, has published my Kayachikitsa book in Marathi language in 1981. This was written as per the syllabus for B.A.M.& S. Course, of integrated system pattern Since that time there were constant changes in the syllabus and accordingly the book was updated several times. The last updating was done in 1998, as per new changes made by the CCIM, Delhi. This book is so popular in Maharashtra State, that so far, eight editions have come out and more than 25,000 copies have been sold.
When the same pattern of syllabus was introduced at the All India level, there was great demand, that this book should also be published in English language.
The present book has been divided in 7 sections. This covers the entire syllabus of Kayachikitsa of third B.A.M&S. excluding the topic of Panchakarma. The reader will find information on more than 130 diseases and their treatment including 400 generic medicines described in various ancient texts. I have added many important diseases, which have not been included in the syllabus, but are useful to Ayurveda physicians and students. At the end, I have also included the list of important medicines with their contents along with detailed list of herbs with their Sanskrit-English names for easy reference of users.
I hope that like my other 59 books published in various languages like Hindi, Malayalam, German, Polish, Italian and other English books published in United States, Germany, Poland and Italy the readers will also appreciate this book. I am happy that Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, Delhi has taken up the task of its publication and has published the book in excellent manner.
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