Bhoga Karika of Sadyojyoti: With the Commentary of Aghira Siva by W. A. Reddy

Bhoga Karika of Sadyojyoti: With the Commentary of Aghira Siva

Author(s): W. A. Reddy
Language: English
Total Pages:
Available in: Hardbound
Regular price Rs. 395.00 Sale price Rs. 500.00
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The Bhoga Karika is a collection of Sanskrit verses by the renowned Saivite teacher and writer Sadyojyoti of the eighth century A. D. This translation of the Bhoga karika also includes a short commentary by the similarly renowned Aghora Siva of the twelfth century. In a lively and engaging manner, the Bhoga Karika defends the Agamic Saivite theology epistemology and ontology of bhoga or mundane worldly experience against the attacks of rival schools notably the Naiyayikas Samkhyas carvakas and Buddhists.