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Tantra and Sakta Art of Orissa (in 3 Vol Set) by Thomas E. Donaldson
    Siva-Parvati and Allied Images (Their Iconography and Body Language in Two Big Volumes) Volume I: Text, Volume II: Plates by Thomas Eugene Donaldson
      Paribhasendusekhara (पारिभाषेन्दुशेखरः) (in 2 Vol Set.) by M.M.K.V. Abhyankar
        Slokavarttikam Of Kumarila Bhatta (श्लोकवार्तिकम्) (Set Of 3 Vols.) by M.M.Ganganath Jha
          Shukraniti- Tenets of Governance & Leadership from the Golden Age of India (in 2 Vol Set) by Margie Parikh
            The Grihya Sutras: Rules of Vedic Domestic Ceremonies Set of 2 Vol by Hermann Oldenberg
              The Brhad-Devata (Set of 2 Vol) by A.A.Macdonell
                Premchand Ke Vichar (Set of 3 vol) by Premchand
                  The Baudhayana Srautasutra (5 Vol Set) by T. N. Dharmadhikari
                    भारतीय भाषाओं में राम- Ram in Indian Languages (Set of 4 Volumes) by Ayodhya Shodh Sansthan
                      Natyasastra (Set of 4 Volumes) by Bharat Muni
                        Shri Lakshmi Narayan Samhita (Set of 5 Volumes) by Shwetayan Vyas
                          Sale -3% Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads (2 Vols.)
                            Sacred Books of the East (50 Vols.)
                              Pahlavi Texts (Set in 5 Vols.)  (SBE Vol. 5, 18, 24, 37 & 47)
                                Sale -5% Sanskrit Worterbuch (Set of 7 Vols.)
                                  The Art of Indian Asia, 2 Vols.: Its Mythology and Transformation: Volume One: Text, Volume Two: Plates
                                    Sale -1% The Khandakhadyaka (An Astronomical Treatise) of Brahmagupta with the commentary of Bhattotpala, 2 Vols.
                                      The Agni Purana 4 Parts in Set (AITM Vol. 27 & 30): Ancient Indian Tradition And Mythology
                                        Sale -2% The Bridge to the Three Holy Cities: The Samanya-praghattaka of Narayana Bhatta's Trishalisetu
                                          Sale -4% Srimad Bhagavadgita (11 Volumes Set): With 21 Rare Sanskrit Commentaries in Original Calligraphy Commissioned by Maharaja Ranbir Singh of Jammu and Kashmir by Dr. Karan Singh, Dr. Kamal K. Mishra
                                            Sale -30% The Book of the Kindred Sayings (5 Vols.): (Sanyutta Nikaya) or Grouped Suttas by Ryhs Davids, F.L. Woodward
                                              Stories from the Mahabharata 3 Volumes: (free DVD with the Purchase of 3 Parts together): A Sanskrit Coursebook for Intermediate Level, A Sanskrit Language Course by Warwick Jessup, Elena Jessup
                                                Sale -10% Psalms of the Early Buddhists [2 Vols in One]: 1. Psalms of the Sisters, 2. Psalms of the Brethren by Rhys Davids
                                                  Sixty Upanisads of the Veda (2 Vols.) by Paul Deussen, V. M. Bedekar
                                                    Charaka Samhita: Reorganised (Set of 2 Volumes)
                                                      Brahmasutra Samkarabhasya in 2 Vol Set
                                                        Brhat Samhita of Varahamihira (in 2 Vols. Set) by M. Ramakrishna Bhat
                                                          Foundations of Indian Culture: Spiritual vision and Symbolic Forms, in Ancient India (2 Vols) by G. C. Pande
                                                            Buddhist Records of the Western World by Si-Yu-Ki (2 Vols. in One): Translated from Chinese of Hiuten Tsiang (A.D. 629) by Samuel Beal
                                                              Complete Bhavisya Mahapurana (Sanskrit Text with English Translation in 3 Vol Set) by Shanti Lal Nagar
                                                                Sale -2% Collection of the Middle Length Sayings (in 3 Vol Set.) by I.B. Horner
                                                                  Buddhist Legends- in 3 Vol Set.
                                                                    Minerals and Metals In Ancient India (In 2 Vol Set) by Arun Kumar Biswas
                                                                      An Integrated Science of the Absolute (in 2 Vol Set) by Nataraja Guru
                                                                        Jain Rama Katha or Padma Purana - Padmacarita (Set of 2 Volumes) by Shantilal Nagar
                                                                          Manthanabhairavatantram Kumarikakhandah (The Section Concerning the Virgin Goddess of the Tantra of the Churning Bhairava In Fourteen Volumes) by Mark S.G.Dyczkowski
                                                                            Dynamics of The Language Philosophy of The World of Words (in 2 Vol Set) by Devendra Nath Tiwari
                                                                              Mind and Cognition- An Interdisciplinary Sharing,Essays in Honour of Amita Chatterjee in 2 Vol Set by Kuntala Bhattacharya
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                                                                                        A Text Book of Anatomy- Rachana Sharira (in 2 Vol Set) by P.K.Moharana
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                                                                                            Dharamsamhitadashkam,Tradition of Hindu Laws as Original ) Text with English Translation (in 2 Vol Set)
                                                                                              Encyclopaedia of Domestic Medicine (in 2 Vol. Set) by Thomas J.Graham
                                                                                                Complete Plays Of Bhasa,Text With Introduction and English Translation With Set of 2 Volumes by K.P.A.Menon
                                                                                                  Brahmasutra Bhaashyam (2 Vol Set) by Halasyanatha Sastri
                                                                                                    History Of Indian Philosophy (2 Vol Set) by Erich Frauwallner
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                                                                                                        Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies: Set of 26 Books
                                                                                                          Sale -11% Linguistic Survey of India: 11 Volumes in 19 Parts (1973 Rare Edition) by George Abraham Grierson
                                                                                                            Dialogues of the Buddha (3 Vols.)
                                                                                                              Mayamatam: 2 Volumes
                                                                                                                Laghu Siddhant Kaumudi (Set of 2 Volumes) by mahesh singh kushwaha
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                                                                                                                      Caraka Samhita: 4 Volumes (Text with English Translation) by p v sharma
                                                                                                                        Abhidharmakosa-Bhasya of Vasubandhu (4 Vols.): The Treasury of the Abhidharma and its (Auto) Commentary
                                                                                                                          Indian Philosophy: (3 Vols. Set)
                                                                                                                            History of Indian Literature (3 Vols.): A New Authoritative English Translation
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                                                                                                                                Sale -1% Kashika - A Commentary on Panini's Grammar (Set of 10 Volumes)(An old Book) by श्री वामन और जयादित्य (SHRI VAMAN & JAYADITYA)
                                                                                                                                  Brahmavaivarta Purana 3 Parts in Set (AITM Vol. 77 & 79): Ancient Indian Tradition And Mythology
                                                                                                                                    History of Dharmashastra full set Vol. I - V
                                                                                                                                      Sale -14% Manusmrti, 10 Vols.: With the 'Manubhasya' of Medhatithi
                                                                                                                                        Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology: English Translation of Mahapuranas (Set of 79 Books) by J. L. Shastri, G. P. Bhatt
                                                                                                                                          Sale -14% Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan (3 Vols.): Or the Central and Western Rajput State of India by James Tod, William Crooke
                                                                                                                                            Sale -13% Dictionary of Pali Proper Names (2 Vols.) by G.P. Malalasekera
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