
Upanishad Sangrah: (188 Upanishdon ka Sankalan) by Pandit Jagdish Shastri

Upanishad Sangrah: (188 Upanishdon ka Sankalan)

Author(s): Pandit Jagdish Shastri
Language: Sanskrit
Total Pages: 1148
Available in: Paperback & Hardbound
Regular price Rs. 1,250.00 Sale price Rs. 1,295.00
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The work presents a complete history of Sanskrit literature in a condensed and succinct form. It embodies a general study of the Vedic, Epic, Puranic, classical and philosophical literature. It sheds light on the life and thought of Ancient and Medieval India as reflected in the literary productions of those periods. The brief epitome given in the Appendix on Technical Literature including Law, Science, and Arts provides information both interesting and instructive. The bibliographical notes and index appended at the end add to the value and render the work most useful to the reader. Even in this age of advanced historiography when even the outstanding research of eminent antiquarians has become outdated, the utility of this small work has not diminished by the passing away of three-quarters of a century.