The design of A Sanskrit Reader is twofold. In the first place, it is to serve as an introduction to the subject for the students of the colleges and universities. This Reader is designed, in the second place, to render a knowledge of Sanskrit accessible to the classical teachers of high schools, academies, and colleges. Besides, it is intended to help correct some of the false notions respecting the relations of Sanskrit to other languages of the Indo-European family, and to save the literature from undue depreciation and from exaggerated praise. In making selections from the various Sanskrit writings, the author had two practical aims in view: first, to provide abundant material for a thorough drill in the language of the classical period; and, secondly, to furnish a brief introduction to the works of the Vedic period, Mantra, brahmana and Sutra. Among the Vedic period, were Mantra, Brahmana and Sutra. Among the Vedic hymns (or Mantra-material) are, some of the easiest, then some taken on account of their poetic or dramatic merit, or their ethical interest; and finally some taken on account of their poetic or dramatic merit, or their ethical interest, and finally some taken because of their historical importance. For the most part, a repetition of the hymns given by Delbrueck and by Boehtlingk in their Chrestomathies has been avoided. The Brahmana pieces are chosen in such a way as to show the relation of this kind of literature to the hymns or Mantras.
The results of comparative philology are now so generally incorporated into our modern classical grammars, lexicons, and textbooks, that even a slight knowledge of Sanskrit if it is accurate so far as it goes, is of great service to the classical teacher in making his instruction interesting and effective. As independent disciplines, moreover, Sanskrit and comparative philology, and the literature and religions of India, are constantly gaining in importance, so that, for example, Sanskrit is now taught at all but one of the twenty universities of the German Empire.
Introductory suggestions
I. The story of Nala and Damayanti
II. Preface and introduction III. The old tiger and the traveller IV. The deer and the crow, and the jackal V. The blind vulture, the birdlings, and the cat VI. The ass, the dog, and the thief VII. The lion, the mouse, and the cat VIII. The crows and the serpent IX. The lion, the old hare, and the well X. The birds and the apes XI. The ass in the tiger-skin XII. The elephant, the hares, and the moon XIII. The blue Jackal XIV. The two geese and the tortoise XV. The three fishes XVI. The herons, the serpent, and the ichneumons XVII. The hermit, and the mouse that was changed to a tiger XIX. The Brahman and his jar XX. The Brahman with the goat, and the three rogues XXI. The Brahman and his faithful ichneumon
XXII. King Putraka and the seven-league boots XXIII. Story of Mousey, the thrifty mechant XXIV. King Cibi, the falcon, and the dove XXV. Story of Ahalya XXVI. The king who didn't know his Sanskrit grammar XXVII. The Pathetic history of the stories
a. The creation b. The four ages of the world c. The Brahman's life, etc. d. The transmigration of souls XXIX. Riddle XXX. Riddle
R.V XXXI. i.1 Hymn to Agni, the Fire-god XXXII. i.32 Indra slays the dragon XXXIII. i.50 To Surya, the Sun-god XXXIV. i.97 To Agni XXXV. i.165 Indra and the Maruts XXXVI. iii.62 To Savitar XXXVII. iv.52 To Ushas, the Dawn-goddess XXXVIII. v.24 To Agni XL. v.40 Indra and Arti, and the Sun eclipsed by the demon XLI. vii.55 Magic spells to produce sleep XLII. vii.56 To the Maruts or gods of the storm-winds XLIII. vii.86 To Varuna XLIV. vii.88 To Varuna XLV. vii.89 To Varuna XLVI. viii.14 To Indra.- Indra and Namuchi XLVII. viii.85 Indra and the Maruts, and Vritra XLVIII. viii.91 To Agni XLIX. x.9 To the Waters L. x.14 Funeral-hymn LI. x.16 Funeral-hymn LII. x.17 Funeral-hymn LIII. x.18 Funeral-hymn LIV. x.33 The aged priest to the young prince LV. x.40 Wedding-stanza LVI. x.52 The gods install Agni as oblation-bearer LVII. x.53 Burial and wedding-hymn LVIII. x.85 The wedding-hymn LIX. x.137 Exorcism for a sick person LX. x.154 To Yama.-Funeral-hymn LXI. x.155 Burial-stanza
LXII. Hiranya-garbha.- The god Ka or who LXIII. Legend of Yama and Yami.- The creation of night LXIV. Legend of the winged mountains LXV. The Potency of the sacrifice
LXVI. Legend of Agni the oblation-bearer, and of the fish LXVII. Legend of Indra and the Maruts, and Vritra LXVIII. Legend of Indra and the god ka or who LXIX. The two kinds of deities, the gods and the Brahmans LXX. Truth, untruth, and silence LXXI. How the gods got immortality and how Death got his share LXXII. Legend of Indra and Namuchi LXXIII. Nirukta on R.V. i32.10, selection xxxii
LXXIV. Wedding-customs and the wedding-service LXXV. The customs and ritual of cremation and burial
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