The aura has been given many names over the centuries-ch'i, prana, karnaeem, and Illiaster. In fact, it has been documented for over 5,000 years. Astral lights alluded to by ancient Eastern Indians, Chinese and Jewish mystics are attributed to a universal energy permeating all matter. The aura was described in early esoteric writings and later in those of the Rosicrucians, Zen Buddhists, Christian mystics-even in the oral traditions of the American Indians. Now, Capturing the Aura brings the science, technology and metaphysics of auric investigation into a concise and readable book for the 21st century-a, Century that will see continuing integration of science and metaphysics into the Meta Science of the future.
DR. C.E. LINDGREN, iS currently Professor of History at American Military University. Lindgren teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on medieval religious military orders, ancient/medieval military history, Vietnamese history and medieval educational history. He also serves as president of the Institute for Historical Research (1981). He took graduate courses in psychology and parapsychology at the University of Mississippi in the 1970s.
You ARE NOT ALONE. . . . As you will see, perhaps feel, through this book, many people (i.e., scientists, inventors, scholars, and lay individuals) already spend considerable time exploring consciousness through different avenues. Using skills, talents, and innovative technology, these dedicated "searchers" explore the correlation between personal and collective consciousness and diverse phenomena such as quantum physics, wormholes, multi-dimensions, chakra sounds, electronics, and metaphysics. Often, initially motivated by curiosity, these individuals soon turn their avocations into lifelong passions.
At a time in history when the world is overshadowed by wars, natural disasters, and uncertainty, the sun continues shining for everyone who dares go beyond the visual linearity of mundane situations and accepts the potentiality that Creation is motivated by Love and a supreme universal intelligence. This intelligence is part of mankind, as mankind is a part of the God energy and auric fields of the Cosmos.
This work offers an opportunity for the reader to become a part of something bigger and more perfect than he/she could ever imagine-a world, a dimension, and a universe intermingled with energy fields, magnetic forces, and unimaginable electromagnetic vibrations of light and sound.
Capturing the Aura will introduce you to a new Era where humans are invited to use their creativity, love, passion, and mental ability constructively in making a better world for themselves and humanity as a whole. Let us, therefore, keep an open mind and heart in sharing a vision of a better potentiality. A potentiality which we each must activate through the reading of our Cosmic blueprint-life itself.
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