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You've shown interest in the 'स्कन्द महापुराणम् (संस्कृत एवं हिन्दी अनुवाद): Skanda Purana (Set of 10 Books)' by Khandelwal. This extensive work provides a comprehensive translation and commentary on the Skanda Purana, one of the largest Mahapuranas in Hinduism, in both Sanskrit and Hindi. If you have any specific questions or need more details, feel free to ask. Read More

Sanskrit & Hindi, 8898 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 15,950.00
स्कन्द महापुराणम् (संस्कृत एवं हिन्दी अनुवाद): Skanda Purana - Reva Khanda (Vol-V) Sold Out

स्कन्द महापुराणम्" (Skanda Purana) एक महत्वपूर्ण प्राचीन भारतीय ग्रंथ है जो हिन्दू धर्म के पुराणों में प्रमुख स्थान रखता है। यह ग्रंथ भगवान स्कन्द (कर्मकांड में स्कन्द या कुमार के रूप में जाने जाते हैं) के संबंध में है और इसमें धार्मिक, दार्शनिक, और सांस्कृतिक विषयों की विस्तृत चर्चा की गई है। S.N. Khandelwal द्वारा संपादित "Skanda Purana - Reva Khanda (Vol-V)" संस्करण में विशेष रूप से रेवाखंड (Reva Khanda) पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया गया है। रेवाखंड स्कन्द महापुराण का एक महत्वपूर्ण खंड है, जो विशेष रूप से नदी रेवाघाट (नर्मदा) और उसके पवित्रता के महत्व पर केंद्रित है। इस... Read More

Sanskrit & Hindi, 820 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 1,600.00

Krsna is one of the best-loved figures in Indian religion and literature. The stories of his life and deeds occupy a central place in Indian literary traditions down to our day. The present work deals with the main themes and motifs found in the Krsna legend up to the 10th century. In the first chapter, the Vedic antecedents to the Krsna figure are examined, as well as some of the views that claim that Krsna is found in the Vedic hymns. The second chapter deals with the first historical evidence on Krsna up to the beginning of the Christian Era,... Read More

English, 234 Pgs. (HB)
The Agni Purana Pt. 2 (AITM Vol. 28): Ancient Indian Tradition And Mythology Sale -10%

The Agni Purana, like most of the other Puranas, is of an encyclopedic character. Like the parts, this part also contains topics of diverse nature, as a glance through the contents will show. They include the art of wielding common weapons like swords, mace, etc., judicature, settlement of civil disputes and criminal proceedings against offenders, the use of Vedic hymns for accomplishing specific secular and religious purposes, observances for averting bad effects of portents and planets, modes of worshipping various deities, description of the recensions of the Vedas, merits accruing from making gifts of Puranas, etc. Several chapters are devoted... Read More

English, 400 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 900.00Rs. 1,000.00
The Narada Purana Pt. 2 (AITM Vol. 16): Ancient Indian Tradition And Mythology Sale -10%

This present Volume in the series of Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology. This Volume deals exclusively with the Tantric Ritual connected with the worship of deities. It presents in an elaborate way, the method of worship of the deity, particularly, the mantra, Nyasa, meter, sage, mudra, dhyana, etc. in relation to worship. Though the deity to be worshipped is Pasupati (the lord of Pasus=Jivas, i.e. Lord Siva) emphasis is placed on the worship of his Saktis— the different manifestations of his power such as Tara, Kali, Bhairavi, Lalita, Bhuvanesvari, Durga, Sarasvati, Savitri, and Mahalaksmi. The aspirant (sadhaka) can undertake this... Read More

English, 426 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 900.00Rs. 1,000.00
The Agni Purana Pt. 1 (AITM Vol. 27): Ancient Indian Tradition And Mythology Sale -10%

The Agni Purana, like most of the other Puranas, is of an encyclopedic character. Like the parts, this part also contains topics of diverse nature, as a glance through the contents will show. They include the art of wielding common weapons like swords, mace, etc., judicature, settlement of civil disputes and criminal proceedings against offenders, the use of Vedic hymns for accomplishing specific secular and religious purposes, observances for averting bad effects of portents and planets, modes of worshipping various deities, description of the recensions of the Vedas, merits accruing from making gifts of Puranas, etc. Several chapters are devoted... Read More

English, 400 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 900.00Rs. 1,000.00
Srimad Bhagavata Purana of Krsna Dvaipayana Vyasa (With the commentary of Sridhara Svami) by J. L. Shastri Sale -6%

It is a book of devotion. Its exponents the nine fold devotion [navadha bhakti]. The present Purana is accompanied by the commentary Bhavarthabodhini of Sridhara Swami who interprets it on the lines of the Advaita School of Sankara. This Purana ha a great attraction for Vaishanavas. The Purana is an excellent contribution to the study of ancient Indian tradition and mythology. Read More

Sanskrit & Hindi, 800 Pgs.
Rs. 1,500.00Rs. 1,595.00

The Purana literature as ascribed to Vedavyasa are uniformly stated to the eighteen in number, are also works of evidently different ages, and have been compiled under different circumstances, the precise nature of which we can but imperfectly conjecture from internal evidence, and from what we know of the history of religious opinion in India. The Visnu Purana. "That in which Parasara, beginning with event of the Varaha Kalp, expounds all duties, is called Vaisnava; and the learned know its extent to be twenty-three thousand stanzas. This Purana is divided in the six books, in which the first is occupied... Read More

Engllish & Sanskrit, 616 Pgs. (HB)

Winternitz’s major work was Geschichte der Indzschen Literature (History of Indian Literature). The first volume was published in two parts in 1905 and 1908. It dealt with Vedic literature, the epics and Puranas. The second volume on Buddhist and Jam literature appeared in two parts, in 1913 and 1920. In the last volume, Kavya literature and scientific literature found a representation. A bird’s eye view of the vernacular literature of modern India completed that volume published in 1922. The value of the work was enhanced by copious notes. The English translation was revised by Winternitz himself. The first volume was... Read More

Engish 603 Pgs. (HB)
Brahmavaivarta Purana Pt. 1 Brahma Khanda (AITM Vol. 77): Ancient Indian Tradition And Mythology Sale -10%

About the Book Brahmavaivartapurana figures as the tenth in the traditional list of the Puranas. It is divided into four parts called khandas, comprising 267 chapters. The khandas are Brahmakhanda: 30 chapters, Prakstikhanda: 67 chapters, Ganapatikhanda:46 chapters, and Srikrsnajanmakhanda 133 chapters. It is well known that the Brahmavaivarta is a Vaisnavite Purana and the sole objective of the work is to glorify the life and achievements of Sri Krsna, an incarnation of Visnu and his Sakti Radha. Many episodes and topics have been interwoven to embellish the main theme of the work. In this Purana, Krsna is not simply an... Read More

English, 188 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 900.00Rs. 1,000.00
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