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The Indian Theogony: A Comparative Study of Indian Mythology from the Vedas to the Puranas by Sukumari Bhattacharji Sale -9%

The present book is the result of ten years work on the subject of historical development of Indian mythology and its connection with parallel historical development of Indian mythology and its connection with parallel mythologies elsewhere, on which no satisfactory work exists in English. In the first part the Vedic-Brahmanical and epic-puranic components of Siva, Varuna, Yama, Nirrti, Agni, Kala, the mother goddess, Karttikeya, Ganapati, Kama and Pusan are treated. Part II studies the rise of Visnu. The component gods-the Vedic solar gods Savitr, Surya, Vivasvat, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Amsa, Daksa, Martanda, Indra, and Visnu together with the epic-Puranic incarnations... Read More

English, 412 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 725.00Rs. 795.00
The Ganesa-Purana Pt. 1 Upasana Khanda (AITM Vol. 74): Ancient Indian Tradition And Mythology Sale -10%

The Ganesapurana (GnP.) is a Puranic text probably composed in the fourteenth or fifteenth century. Its contents derive partially from earlier literature dealing with Ganesa, but also draw on the body of myths found in the mahapuranas and upapuranas. It is divided into two books, called Upasanakhanda (Ukh.) and Kridakhanda (Krkh.), which are complementary to each other from the perspective of contents. Each book contains many myths and sections of text detailing rituals to be performed to Ganesa, though 'these are much less common in the Krkh. In addition, the forty-sixth chapter of the Ukh. contains a sahasranamastotra and chapters... Read More

English, 408 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 900.00Rs. 1,000.00

The Garuda Purana is normally classified as a Vaisnava Purana, obviously on the basis of the fact that among the deities glorified in this Purana Visnu holds the supreme position. Still, this Purana cannot be deemed as sectarian, for it contains the worship of other deities too, such as Siva, Brahma, Indra, Surya, Agni, Candra, Vayu, Skanda, Ganesa, and many forms of Mother Goddess. The present volume, like all other volumes, is encyclopedic in character. It deals with miscellaneous topics such as Death, Pretahood, Yama the god of Death and his world, torture-cells —hells, and the world of Fathers. It... Read More

English, 1222 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 3,000.00

This present Volume in the series of Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology. This Volume deals exclusively with the Tantric Ritual connected with the worship of deities. It presents in an elaborate way, the method of worship of the deity, particularly, the mantra, Nyasa, meter, sage, mudra, dhyana, etc. in relation to worship. Though the deity to be worshipped is Pasupati (the lord of Pasus=Jivas, i.e. Lord Siva) emphasis is placed on the worship of his Saktis— the different manifestations of his power such as Tara, Kali, Bhairavi, Lalita, Bhuvanesvari, Durga, Sarasvati, Savitri, and Mahalaksmi. The aspirant (sadhaka) can undertake this... Read More

English, 2175 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 5,000.00

Here is a study of rationality and mind based on the earliest recorded stratum of Buddhism, the Pali Nikayas. The author makes a distinction between what can be said from within the context of the Buddhist texts themselves and what can be spoken of from the point of view of contemporary philosophy of religion. The author is at once sympathetic to Early Buddhism as a system of religious belief and attentive to its philosophical difficulties. The volume is primarily addressed to students of Buddhism. Scholars and researchers in the field of philosophical and religious studies will also find it interesting. Read More

English, 694 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 2,000.00

The Puranas are classified as Vaisnava, Brahma, or Saiva according to the degree of quality, sattva, rajas, or tamas which they possess in prominence. Judged by this standard the present Purana belongs to the Visnuite class. The majority of the verses relate to Visnuite rituals, stotras, or anecdotes. The Purana eulogizes the ten incarnations of Visnu and proclaims that a devotee attains identity with the lord by reciting and listening to his praise. A number of chapters describe the initiation of devotees to the Visnuite order. The Purana prescribes initiation not only for the Brahmanas but also for the Ksatriyas,... Read More

English, 782 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 2,000.00

The present volume contains the Brahma Purana Part I (Chapters 1-40) in English Translation. This is the thirty third volume in the Series on Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology. The project of the series was planned in 1970 by Lala Sundar Lal Jam of Messrs Motilal Banarsidass, with the aim to universalize knowledge through the most popular international medium, viz. English. Hitherto the English translations of nine Purãnas, namely Siva, Linga, Bhagavata, Garuda, Narada, Kurma, Brahmanda, Agni and Varaha have been published by us. The present volume (Brahma Purana, part I) contains 40 chapters. Chapter 1 opens with a dialogue... Read More

English, 1267 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 4,000.00

This two-volume in the series on Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology constitutes the first part (Purvardha) of the Vayu Purana of which the second part (Uttarardha). This part contains the English translation of Chapters 1-61 comprising the first two Padas or Sections out of the total four Padas into which the Purana is divided, viz. Prakrya, Upodghata, Anusanga and Upasainhara Padas. Read More

English, 1065 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 2,000.00
Vamana Purana 2 Parts in Set (AITM Vol. 72 & 73): Ancient Indian Tradition And Mythology Sale -0%

Vamana is assigned the fourteenth position in the list of eighteen Mahapuranas or major Puranic texts, preceded by Skanda and succeeded by Kurma. It gets its name after Vamana or the dwarf incarnation of God Visnu, which is the first human incarnation preceded by the "Fish", and "Tortoise". "Boar" and "Man-Lion" incarnations that can, by the way, be seen as corresponding to the earlier stages of the evolution of life on the earth, the main purpose of the Purana being a description of the legend of the demon Bali, grandson of Prahlada, the Visnu devotee par excellence, suffering a great... Read More

English, 530 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 1,995.00Rs. 2,000.00
The Ganesa-Purana Pt. 1 Upasana Khanda (AITM Vol. 74): Ancient Indian Tradition And Mythology Sale -10%

Preface This book is a reworking of an earlier work The Ganesa Purana. Volume One. Upasanakhanda, Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1995. I have revised the translation for this new edition, the Introduction has been substantially shortened and the notes to the translation have been severely truncated. I have tried to make the translation less literal than in the previous volume and I have been able to correct some mistakes in the initial translation, especially following some good suggestions made by reviewers such as Ludo Rocher and John Brockington. Introduction 1. THE GANESA PURANAThe Ganesapurana (GnP.) is a Puranic text probably composed... Read More

English, 408 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 900.00Rs. 1,000.00
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