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Vijnanabhiksu, the author of Vijnanamrtabhasya, an independent commentary on Badarayana's rahmasutras, conceived a system in which both the world and the individual selves also enjoyed the status of reality and which accorded due importance to both knowledge and action as means to liberation. He believed that it is the philosophy of the unreality of the world which was responsible for man's alienation from his environment and in order to help him overcome the alienation a more meaningful relationship of man with his surroundings and fellow-beings was needed. This is precisely the reason why Vijnanabhiksu took up cudgels against the advocated... Read More

Engish 201 Pgs. (HB)

प्राचीन भारतीय साहित्य में ब्राह्मण (Brahmins in Ancient Indian Literature)" by Dr. Himanshu Pandit is a scholarly work that examines the representation and roles of Brahmins in ancient Indian literature. This book provides an in-depth analysis of how Brahmins are portrayed in various literary and religious texts from ancient India and explores their socio-cultural and religious significance. Key Themes Likely Covered in the Book: Literary Representation: The book likely analyzes how Brahmins are depicted in ancient Indian literary works, including epics, Puranas, and classical texts. It examines their roles, attributes, and the context in which they appear. Historical Context: Dr.... Read More

Hindi 125 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 1,495.00

Winternitz's major work was Geschichte der Indischen Literature (History of Indian Literature). The first volume was published in two parts parts in 1905 and 1908. It dealt with vedic literature, the epics and the Puranas. The second volume on Buddhist and Jain literature appeared in two parts, in 1913 and 1920. In the last volume, Kavya literature and scientific literature found a representation. A bird's eye view of the varnacular literature of modern India completed the volume published in 1922. The value of the work was enhanced bu copious notes. The English translation was revised by Winternitz himself. The first... Read More

Engish 640 Pgs. (HB)

This volume is a tribute befitting the international renown and vast array of knowledge and activities of Pandit N.R. Bhatt who has silently practised his dharma of Pansita for several decades, through his vyutpatti and mastery of Sanskrit, through his labours in many sastras: vyakarana, Ayurveda, dharma, samgita, tantra etc., and by giving his knowledge, privately to a number of Indian and European students, generally to the world of research through his pioneering critical editions of Saivagamas and other works. This volume includes forty-two articles by eminent Indian and foreign authors on a rich variety of topics of Indological interest.... Read More

English, 621 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 1,095.00

Knowledge' and 'Wisdom' are the two anchor words, which are the theme of spiritual philosophy presented in this book. Concepts of knowledge (jnana) and wisdom (vjnana) are those used in scriptural texts. Briefly, there are two levels of knowledge (vidya). One is the lower knowledge (apara Vidya), which includes study of various scriptures, knowledge of various mantra-s for performance of religious rites, to understand the concept of one God and various gods as its limited manifestations, etc. Other is the higher knowledge (paravidyaj, which alone leads an aspirant to wisdom that enables realization of the oneness of the (individual) self... Read More

Engish, 387 Pgs. (HB)

Bhubaneswar is the capital of Odisha State from 1948 and now it has completed seventy-five years. As the capital of Greater Odisha from 1948 it has grown to be a famous urban centre in India. But the significance of Bhubneswar has to be considered from fix vast antiquities and in place in the cultural space in India. It was a celebrated religious site in India from the phase of the Nandas and Mauryas which can be known from the epigraphic records of the Maurya Ling Ashoka and Mahameghabahana Kharavela. The special Rock Edicts of Ashoka and the famous Hatigumpha inscription... Read More

Engish 128 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 3,000.00

Although feminine deities, frequently but not always fertility goddesses, were a widespread phenomenon in man's early religious experience, 'the idea of female divinity was gradually neglected or rejected by many of the great historic religious traditions. Ultimate reality', C. M. Brown further pointer out, 'came to be conceived basically in terms of masculine forms (the Father, the King), or in terms of a formless and neuter Absolute'. The Hindu tradition, however, While exceedingly creative in interpreting reality in both its masculine and neuter aspects, also developed the ritual, devotion, and theology of feminine divinity more profusely, and perhaps more profoundly,... Read More

Engish, 1415 Pgs.(HB)
Rs. 12,000.00

The Hindu scientific astronomical works are divided into two classes. Some of these are works of distinguished astronomers like Aryabhata I (499 A.D.), Latadeva (505 A.D.),,* Varahamihira (550 A.D.),1- Brahmagupta (628 A.D.), Lalla (748 A.D.),: Manjula (932 A.D.), Sripati (1028 A.D.) and Bhaskara II (1150 A.D.), whose works are : Works. The Aryabhatiya and another Tantra The Romaka and the Pauliba Siddhantas The Panca Siddhantika The Brahmasphuta Siddhanta and the Khandakhadyaka The Sisyadhivrddhida The Laghumanasa and the Brhanmanasa The Siddhanta Sekhara The Siddhanta Siromani Authors. Aryabhata I Latadeva § (Expounder) Varahamihira Brahmagupta Lalla Manjula Sripati Bhaskara II These works and... Read More

Engish, 463 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 1,100.00
Bharatiya Gyan Parampara- Discourses and Traditions Sale -0%

Bharatiya Gyan Parampara" by Kusha Tiwari explores the rich intellectual and philosophical traditions of India. This work likely delves into various aspects of Indian knowledge systems and their historical evolution. Here’s an overview of what such a study might cover: 1. Historical Evolution of Indian Knowledge Systems Ancient Texts and Scriptures: Examination of foundational texts like the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, and epics such as the Mahabharata and Ramayana, which form the basis of Indian philosophical and scientific thought. Classical Philosophies: Exploration of key philosophical schools such as Vedanta, Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, and Vaisheshika, and their contributions to Indian knowledge systems.... Read More

Engish 102 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 750.00Rs. 752.00

Imagining Kingship: Duty and Love in Ancient India" by Pratik Kumar is a scholarly exploration of the concepts of kingship, duty, and love in the context of ancient Indian political and social thought. Here’s an overview of what this book might cover: Key Areas of Focus: Concepts of Kingship: Pratik Kumar likely examines different models of kingship as depicted in ancient Indian texts and traditions. This could include the ideal ruler's role, qualities, and responsibilities as outlined in scriptures like the Arthashastra, various Puranas, and historical chronicles. Duty (Dharma) and Governance: The book probably explores how the concept of dharma... Read More

Engish 87 Pgs. (HB)
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