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The Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan-that Institute of Indian Culture in Bombay-needed a Book University, a series of books which, if read, would serve the purpose of providing higher education. Particular emphasis, however, was to be put on such literature as revealed the deeper impulsions of India. As a first step, it was decided to bring out in English 100 books, 50 of which were to be taken in hand almost at once. I is our intention to publish the books we select, not only in English, but also in the following Indian languages: Hindi Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and... Read More

Engish, 253 Pgs. (PB)

Sri Rachamallu China Venkateshwarlu was born on 13-11-1935 in Konjedu Village, Prakasam District. He studied from 1st form to SSLC in R.V.N. Board High School, Ravinuthala and Intermediate at Chirala, V.R.S. College and BA in A.C. College, Guntur. He stood first in 3rd year BA and obtained merit scholarship. He studied MA (Public Administration) and LLB in Nagpur University from 1957-60. He got scholarship for getting very good marks in LLB He also studied LLM (Constitutional and International Law in Osmania University) 1960-62. He was selected as D.S.P. in Group-I services of A.P.P.S.C. and joined for training in Police Training... Read More

Engish, 340 Pgs. (PB)

The fable is the most metaphorical of all narrative genres. The Indian fable, being both realistic and other-worldly, is recognised as a wonderful integration of the aesthetic and the discursive. Imitating the habits, chores, beliefs of the Indian culture, it is the dominant form in texts like the Pancatantra, the Jatakas, and the Hitopadea. It is included at different places in the long narratives of the Mahabharata and the Yogavasistha, and is disseminated in the form of the various folktales of India. This volume explores the unique tradition of Indian fables to present a theoretical understanding and critical analysis of... Read More

Engish, 218 Pgs. (HB)
Bharatiya Samskriti: The Spectrum of India's Culture by Sane Guruji Sold Out

This is a book written for ordinary people by an ordinary person. There is no scholarship hare, no erudition. There are no reference to, or quotations from, hundreds of books. There is no expertise in Orientology, nor anything that may be considered as a deep riddle or mystery. This book does, however, distinct viewpoint. This is not a history of Indian culture. It does not contain information about the advances we have made in the field of the arts and sciences, or in trade, commerce or politics. There are no new historical accounts of Chandragupta or Ashoka, Kalidasa or Tansen,... Read More

Engish 255 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 400.00

Visnuism is one of the chief religions of the Hindus and the Pancaratra is the oldest surviving Visnuite sect. The influence of its tenets on later Visnuism has undoubtedly been great but has never been thoroughly explored. Despite change and corruption the ritual worship described in the old Pancaratra texts is still performed today in many of the famous temples in southern India and in some in the north. A deeper insight into the historical development of the Visnuite sects, their ritual, occultism and building of temples and images can only be obtained from the scientific study of these ancient... Read More

English, 437 Pgs
Rs. 1,100.00
Fundamentals of Visistadvaita Vedanta: A Study Based on Vedanta Desika's Tattva Mukta Kalapa by S. M. Srinivasa Chari Sale -7%

The doctrine of Visistadvaita, expounded by Ramanuja, was developed into a sound system of philosophy by the most brilliant of his successors, Venkatanatha, 'popularly known as Vedanta Desika'. His chief contribution to the intellectual foundation of the system lay in the composition of the text of Tattva-mukta-kalapa, a treatise of significant philosophical import left for posterity. In this volume, which is a study of Visistadvaita based on Tattva-mukta-kalapa, the line of arguments advanced by Vedanta Desika is closely followed. The major and important issues related to the philosophy of Visistadvaita--its basic ontological and epistemological approach, the concept of the individual... Read More

English, 442 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 925.00Rs. 995.00

Kalhana, the celebrated author of Rajatarangini, is not merely a chronicler but a poet who loved his Arcadian Kashmiri homeland, its streams and cascades, the flower-strewn meadows, the soft cloud-dappled sky over rice fields, the far vistas of snow on the mountains that at dawn and sunset hold all the roses and pinks and madders of the artist's palette. Kalhana's voice which falls crystal clear across the dead centuries is in many ways singularly modern in its love of natural beauty, in the critical scrutiny of the hearts of men and women and of the means they used to achieve... Read More

English, 92 Pgs. (PB)

Pujyasri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Svami of the Kanchi Kamakoti Pitha is one most attractive and inspiring figures of our time. Millions if people regard him as a divine presence and look to him for grace. He is the authentic voice of Hinduism, the authentic voice of india, and yet he is a universal guru. In the midst of all our conflicts all our difference and all our petty rivalries, he stands as a gopuram a reminder of all those ideals and values that are etemal. In his frall person this Great Acharya encompasses an ocean of knowledge. He was installed the... Read More

Engish, 279 Pgs. (HB)

From the Jacket This book examines, for the first time, those threads in Indian thought that present a prolife view of plants. Using texts from Vedic, Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist traditions, the author argues that there is strong support in early materials that plants are thought to be alive, to be sentient (and have the one sense of touch), to feel pleasure and pain, to have an interior consciousness, and to be bearers of Karma. Moreover, while plants are traditionally thought to be of tamasic quality with their immobility and dullness, they are sometimes described as sattvic, with their calmness, even... Read More

Engish, 620 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 1,095.00

All Volumes included in this set: Bibliography, The Tradition of Nyaya-Vasesika up to Gangesa, Advaita Vedanta up to Samkara and his Pupils, Samkhya, The Philosophy of the Grammarians, Indian Philosophical Analysis Nyaya-Vaisesika from Gangesa to Raghunatha Siromani, Abhidharma Buddhism To 150 A.D., Buddhist Philosophy from 100 to 350 A.D., Buddhist Philosophy from 350 to 600 A.D., Jain Philosophy - Part I, Advaita Vedanta from 800 to 1200, India's Philosophy of Meditation, Nyaya-Vaisesika Philosophy from 1515 to 1660, Jain Philosophy Part II, Bhedabheda and Dvaitadvaita Systems, Philosophy of Purva-Mimamsa, Jain Philosophy Part- III, Dvaita Vedanta Philosophy, Acintyabhedhabheda Vaisnava Philosophy, Visistadvaita Vedanta,... Read More

English, 17,458 Pgs. (HB)
Rs. 49,085.00
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