
Theory of Karma, as Interpreted in Brahmasutra and Bhagavadgita by Dr. P. Jagannivas

Theory of Karma, as Interpreted in Brahmasutra and Bhagavadgita

Author(s): Dr. P. Jagannivas
Publisher: D.K. Printworld
Language: English
Total Pages: 254
Available in: Hardbound
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Creation is a process, where the potential insentient matter (prakr̥ti) gets manifested into the gross form, to embody during the sr̥ṣṭi, each of the sentient entities called the ātmas with the suitable body either of deva, manuṣya, jaṅgama or of sthāvara. This glorious activity is orchestrated by the one and only Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Reality called Brahman. But one question remains still an enigma, as to why a particular sentient entity gets a specified body and through whose direction that decision arrives? The ancient Vedāntic knowledge reinforced by the Brahmasūtra and the Bhagavadgītā establishes that it is, purely and solidly, the result (karma-phala) of earlier actions (karmas) of each one of the sentient entities. This is a strong and formidable solution to the unanswered questions like why does, one child being blessed to be born in either rich or healthy and sāttvic family and another child being consigned to be born in a family living in poor conditions or unhealthy tāmasic environment.
This book would engage the readers to think on those lines by supplying enough material on karma-adhikāratva, jīva-kartr̥tva and Divine intervention.


ISBN: 9788124610541
Year Of Publication: 2021
Edition: 1st
Pages : xxiv, 254
Bibliographic Details : Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Foreword By : M.A. Venkatakrishnan, Francis X. Clooney ,SJ
Size: 23
Weight: 518


Creation is a process, where the potential insentient matter (prakr̥ti) gets manifested into the gross form, to embody during the sr̥ṣṭi, each of the sentient entities called the ātmas with the suitable body either of deva, manuṣya, jaṅgama or of sthāvara. This glorious activity is orchestrated by the one and only Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Reality called Brahman. But one question remains still an enigma, as to why a particular sentient entity gets a specified body and through whose direction that decision arrives? The ancient Vedāntic knowledge reinforced by the Brahmasūtra and the Bhagavadgītā establishes that it is, purely and solidly, the result (karma-phala) of earlier actions (karmas) of each one of the sentient entities. This is a strong and formidable solution to the unanswered questions like why does, one child being blessed to be born in either rich or healthy and sāttvic family and another child being consigned to be born in a family living in poor conditions or unhealthy tāmasic environment.
This book would engage the readers to think on those lines by supplying enough material on karma-adhikāratva, jīva-kartr̥tva and Divine intervention.


Scheme of Transliteration


The Earth Is Flat
Āstika Religions
Anumāna (Inference)
Thinking Human Being
Dārśanika and Darśana
The Brahmasūtra
Sāṁkhya’s Pūrva-pakṣa
Vyāsa’s Reply

1. Karma Adhikārī

Laws of Universal Causation and Karma
Definition of Sarīra
All Living Beings Have Adhikāra
Karmaṇi Virodhaḥ: The Contradiction
Relevance of Śabda
Law of Retribution
Properties of Ātmā
Determinism or Fate and Free Will
Jīva Is Nimitta-Mātra
Fate and Fatalism
Prārabdha Karma

2. Brahman: Jagat Kāraṇa

Sāṁkhya Mata Nirākaraṇa
Kārya-Kāraṇa Vibhāga-avibhāgāt
Bhāṣyakāra’s Khaṇḍana
Purposeful Flow of Inert Milk
Antaryāmī Brahman
Satya-saṅkalpa of Īśvara 81
Śruti Virodha and Yukti Virodha
Conversion of Grass and Water into Milk
Purposeful, Skilful and Independent Activity of
Lame Guiding the Blind
Sattva, Rajas and Tamas: Inequilibrium

3. Jīva Kartr̥tva Nirṇaya

Puruṣa Is Akartā, but Is a Bhoktā?
Nirlepa Ātmā
Jīvātmā Is Kevala Bhoktā
Involvement of Five Entities Including Daiva
Japākusuma and Spaṭikamaṇi
Prakr̥ti Attains Jñātr̥tva
Jīva’s Svatantra
Anvaya-vyatireka (Logical Connection – Distinct)
Svādhīna Kartā
Kartr̥tva-Śakti and Karaṇa-Śakti

4. Divine Intervention

Divine’s Role in Jīva’s Kartr̥tva
Prayojaka Kartā and Prayojya Kartā
Pūrva-Pakṣa’s Justification of Nirīśvaratva
Ekadeśī mata
Hetu Kartā
Antaḥ Praviṣṭaḥ Śāstā Janānāṁ
Sāmānya Kāraṇa
Dayā (Compassion)
Paramātmā’s Anugraha and Nigraha
Sāpekṣa (Dependent) Kartr̥tva
Kr̥ta Prayatna Apekṣastu
Sarva Kāryāntara-sāmānyahetu
Tattvasāra Forty-sixth Śloka

5. Karma-yoga as Mokṣa Sādhana

Human Effort
Five Entities of Action
Antaryāmitva of Bhagavān
Jīva Alone Is Accounted for Retributive Kartr̥tva
Exhausting Puṇya–Pāpa
Kartr̥tva, Mamatā and Phala-tyāgas
Triguṇas of Prakr̥ti Are the Cause for All Actions

6. Adhikaraṇasārāvali

Nitya and Anitya Dayā
Jīvātma’s Discretion to Perform


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