The Rg-Veda: Hymns of the Rg-Veda (In 6 Volumes) by H.H. Wilson

The Rg-Veda: Hymns of the Rg-Veda (In 6 Volumes)

Author(s): H.H. Wilson
Publisher: Sri Satguru Publications
Language: English
Total Pages: 2197
Available in: Hardbound
Regular price Rs. 8,400.00
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Synopsis In 1805 H.T. Colebrooke, wrote an elaborate essay on the Vedas in the Asiatic Researches. This essay created a lot of interest in Europe to take up Vedic studies seriously. The efforts to study were directed towards three points: 1. Critical editions of the Vedic text. 2. Translations of those texts and. 3. Study of those texts in order to get acquainted with ancient Indian Culture and Philosophy. It was H.H. Wilson, who for the first time translated entirely the Rgveda into English. H.H. Wilson based his English translation on the commentary of Sayanacharya and has given his interpretations in the notes wherever there are differences with the commentary. This is a prose English translation of the Rgveda with exhaustive notes.