This book related to Hora Shastra has been written considering the opinions of the main teachers of astrology. In this voluminous book of 1055 pages, all the topics of astrology have been explained in a simple manner.
The book is divided into two parts but both parts have come in one volume. There are three streams of the entire book. In the first part mathematics flow and astrology mystery flow are given, in the second part there is practical flow. All three streams are divided into 34 chapters and 357 sections.
From the point of view - In the 34 chapters of the entire book, along with providing knowledge of Samvatsar, Day, Month, etc., along with Nakshatra, Planet, Rashi, Ascendant house, Dasha, Arishta death, education, marriage, property, business, religion, age, Ashtakavarga On the basis of the scriptures, the important topics of astrology have been discussed in a modern way on the basis of the scriptures, natal lagna yoga, disease, condition, Mahadasha, Antardasha, transit, Muhurta, etc. In the second flow, chapters 15 to 22 have been given the name of Tarang, according to astrology, views on human life have been expressed. Arishta is discussed in the first wave, family in the second, education in the third, marriage in the fourth, children in the fifth, business in the sixth, religion in the seventh, and age in the eighth. The marking of the waves of life and its method is a special contribution of this book.
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