Kunjuwswami was a shining personality whose life from its youth revolved around the Sun of Jnana. Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. He came to Sri Bhagavan in 1920, while still in his teens, and served Him till His nirvana in 1950.
Kunjuswami’s Reminiscences provide a rare, first–hand account of the early days of Sri Ramanasramam and life at Skandasramam.
The author imbibed the teachings of his Master, took them to heart, and dedicated his life to their fulfillment. His own experience and life with the Master have generated much interest among devotees. Those who listened to him were transported to a different world altogether.
Kunjuswami lived a simple and austere life at Sri Ramanasramam, rendering invaluable service by sharing his experiences with the seekers until the ripe age of 95 when he was absorbed in His Master’s Feet.
It is a very rare privilege indeed for one even to have ht darshan of a Jnani. More fortunate is one who lives with a Jnani and serves Him too. Greater than all these is the one who pits into practice the teaching of such a Mahatma and proves that the teaching is a liveable, living Truth and not just a dogma.
Sri Kunjuswami, who happily lives in our midst at the Ashram, is now ninety- five years young. He es alert, agile, and ever ready to share with fresh and young. He is alert, agile, and ever ready to share with fresh and young ‘Catches’ in the ‘Ramana-net’ the beauty, love, and wisdom of his Master. Though not a scholar in the academic sense, he is an erudite person and had the privilege of being taught directly by Sri Bhagavan. Sri Swami has a remarkable and accurate memory and it is our good fortune that he has come forward to put down all that he remembers of his Master, his teachings, and also his early devotees, some of whom we know little.
Enadau Ninaivugal, Sri KUnjuswami’s reminiscences of his Master written in Tamil, is a treasure-trove of spiritual wisdom. Now it is available for the first time in English, thanks to the spontaneous and willing services of Dr. K. Subrahmanian, who not only rendered it into simple and lucid English but also helped the Ashram to have it printed in Hyderabad, with all care and attention. The English-knowing public will be grateful to Dr. Subrahamanian for this act of service. Special thanks are also due to Sri A. V. Ramanaiah, Sri Ramdas Murthy, and Sri Hari Rao of Sri Ramana Kendra, Hyderabad, for all their help in getting the book printed. The devotees, I am sure, will be happy to have the translation of Sri Kuinjuswami’s Reminiscences in book form.
“To remember and to recount the essence and glory of the Master’s words f wisdom”, Sri KKunjuswami repeatedly says. “Is the major duty of a devout disciple.” Yes, Sri Kunjuiswami is a gem of a disciple of a Mountain of a Master.
I am filled with gratitude and joy that I am blessed to live at the Ashram when Sri Kunjuswami too is animate. For this, I offer my repeated prostrations to our Master, Bhagavan Ramana.
About two years ago, Sri V. Ganesan, editor, of The Mountain Path, in a conversation with me, Viswanatha Swami and Ramaswami Pillai said, “Lap; ease record all the incidents that took place in the immediate presence of Sri Bhagavan ever since you came here and also about Sri Bhagavan’s devotees you have known. If these are published, it will be of great use to all devotees.” Acceding to his request, on my behalf and behalf of my fellow devotees, I dictated themarvellous incidents relating to Sri Bhagavan and his devotees to a great devotee of Sri Bhagavan, Srimati M. Pankjakshi Ammal, daughter of Somasundaram Pillai. She completed the task with great devotion. This book of jnana was carefully read by one of the greatest devotees of Sri Bhgavan , Sadhu Natanananda. He made certain corrections, prepared a table of contents and also wrote a foreword. This sacred book, which will cleans the devotees, was made possible through the encouragement of Sri Ganesan and his father. The world of devotees is indebted to them. The book is reverentially paced at the lotus feet of Sri Bhagava.
Publisher's Note for the Second Edition | iii |
Publisher's Note for the First Edition | iv |
Forward | v |
Author's Note | vii |
Translator's Note | ix |
God's Gift of Grace | 1 |
Miracles on the Way to Arunachala | 9 |
Darshan of Sadguru | 13 |
Guru's Command is Upadesa | 15 |
Prayer for Grave and Guru's U[adesa | 16 |
Removal of Pettiness | 17 |
My New Birth | 18 |
The greatness of His Presence | 19 |
Service to the Guru | 21 |
Doubts Dispelled | 22 |
A concern of {alani Swami | 23 |
Pranava Body | 25 |
A concern of the Head of the Isanya Mutt | 26 |
Divine Visions of Arunchala | 28 |
Disguise | 29 |
Sri Bhagavan's Vedanta Knowledge | 30 |
Proper Initiation | 32 |
The Big Banyan Tree and the Nest of Waps | 34 |
Narayanaswami's Instructions Regarding Service to the Guru | 35 |
Kandaswami and Skandasharm | 37 |
Aksharamanamalai | 38 |
Demise of Palaniswami | 39 |
Arrangements for Food | 40 |
Vichara Sangraha | 41 |
Frugal Living | 42 |
Daily Routine at Skandashra | 44 |
Darshan from a Distance | 45 |
Absolute Renunciation | 46 |
Kavyakantha and Ramana Gita | 47 |
Power and Peace | 49 |
Service of a Man from Jaffna | 50 |
Sri Ramanasram in Rishikesh | 51 |
Kumbhabhishekam | 52 |
Seshadnswami's Occult Powers | 53 |
Gopal Rao and the Meditation Hall | 54 |
Sri Bhagavan's Bodyguard | 55 |
The Visit of Sri Narayana Guru | 56 |
Vedic Medicines | 60 |
Sri Bhagavan's Giripradakshina | 61 |
Mischievous Mani | 62 |
Mother's Samadhi | 63 |
Vasudeva and Vaasudeva | 68 |
Parayana and Sri Bhagavan's Deep Meditation | 70 |
Sri Bhagavan's Humour | 71 |
Permanent Stay at Mother's Samadhi | 72 |
Bath in the Pandava Tank | 74 |
Variety of Greens | 75 |
Continuous Giripradakshina | 76 |
Three Ways of Doing Japa | 77 |
The Mischief of Injikollai Dikshitar | 78 |
The Siddhis of a Silent Yogi | 80 |
The Forecast of Reddiar Thatha | 81 |
The Great Value of Going for Bhiksha | 83 |
Mother and Son | 85 |
Vows | 87 |
Significance of Namaskar | 88 |
Giripradakshina and Meditation in Movement | 90 |
Alamelu Ammal | 91 |
Who? | 92 |
Sri Bhagavan Saw Only the Good in All. | 93 |
Desire to Learn Vedanta | 94 |
If You Are in the Self, You Will Know Everything | 96 |
The Scholar Too Has Become Like Us | 97 |
Sundarambal | 98 |
My Teacher | 100 |
Jadaswami's Samadhi | 101 |
The Origin of Upadesa Undiyar | 103 |
Concern for the Disciple | 105 |
Young Man Vasu | 108 |
Veerasubbiahswami's Praise of Sri Bhagavan | 110 |
Veerappa ChetUar's Service | 112 |
The State of Sahaja Samadhi | 113 |
Iyengar Swami's Devotion and Dedication | 114 |
How Sri Bhagavan Stopped Going Round the Hil | 116 |
LayaSamadhi | 118 |
Real Samadhi | 119 |
Narasimhaswami's Devotion to Sadhus | 121 |
Sofa' Gouder | 123 |
Sri Bhagavan's Teaching and My Spiritual Life | 124 |
Devotees' Adventure and Sri Bhagavan's Forgiveness. | 129 |
Mudaliar Patti | 132 |
Barber's Devotion | 135 |
A Devotee of Dogs | 138 |
The Great Devotion of the Family of Somasundaram Piilai. | 139 |
The Disciplined Procedures followed by | |
C. Somasundaram Piilai of Cuddalore | 151 |
The Divine Force that Destroyed the Democratic Forces | 153 |
Tirupugazh Sachidananda Swami of Vallimalai | 154 |
Sadhu Natanananda's Darshan of Sri Bhagavan | 158 |
Sri Ramaswami Piilai | 162 |
Yogi Ramiah | 165 |
AGood Family | 166 |
Selfless Cooks | 169 |
Service-Minded Devotees | 171 |
Service in the Bookstall | 173 |
Office Administration | 174 |
Biographers of Sri Bhagavan | 175 |
Translations of Sri Bhagavan s Works and | |
Works on Sri Bhagavan | 177 |
Veda Parayana and Patasala | 180 |
Major A. W Chadwick | 181 |
The Mode of Worship in the Ashram | 182 |
Daily Routine of Sri Bhagavan | 184 |
The Tapovan that is Palakothu | 186 |
The Administrative Ability of Niranjananandaswami | 189 |
Sri Venkuttu | 191 |
Sri Ramana Nagar | 193 |
Conclusion | 194 |
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