
Meghdutum-Kalidasvirchit (Sansarchand)

Meghdutum-Kalidasvirchit (Sansarchand)

Author(s): Sansarchandra and Mohandev Pant
Language: Sanskrit & Hindi
Total Pages: 327
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Meghdoot is counted first among the songs and poems of Sanskrit literature. This is such a wonderful example of the mature art of Kalidas, high flight of imagination, serial speed of refined melody-filled language theme, and unity of the song, which cannot be matched by anyone else in the world. Meghdoot is a small poem of 121 verses written in 'Mandakranta'. In this, there is a pain-filled story of Yaksha's distressed heart separated from his beloved by the curse of Kuber, a heart-melting song of 'Vipralambh'. It is divided into two parts – Purva Megh and Uttar Megh.

Meghdoot of Kalidas is the pearl of poetry. In the literary world, the fame that Raghuvansh and Shakuntala have provided to the poet, Meghdoot has also provided no less fame than that. Scholars even agree that if Kalidas had written only Meghdoot instead of Raghuvansh Shakuntal, the world would have counted him among the great poets. The diverse luxury of imagination, the soft expression of feelings, and the continuous flow of melody that we find in this composition, where else? Yaksha is only a medium or instrument. Ornaments have also been used very well and naturally in Meghdoot, due to which the composition has got a lot of beauty. The luxury of the poet's art-spontaneous simile is made on seeing it.