
  • Predictive Astrology a Treatise on: Muhurta, Marriages and Children - Motilal Banarsidass #author
  • Predictive Astrology a Treatise on: Muhurta, Marriages and Children - Motilal Banarsidass #author
  • Predictive Astrology a Treatise on: Muhurta, Marriages and Children - Motilal Banarsidass #author
  • Predictive Astrology a Treatise on: Muhurta, Marriages and Children - Motilal Banarsidass #author

Predictive Astrology a Treatise on: Muhurta, Marriages and Children

Author(s): L. C. Sharma
Publisher: Sagar Publications
Language: English
Total Pages: 322
Available in: Paperback
Regular price Rs. 490.00
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Author of this book, Shri L.C. Sharma, Jyotish Visharada, retired from the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi as Assistant Director, in January 1989. He had been interested in Astrology, right from the time of his service period and had been giving predictions to his colleagues, in service matters relating to promotions and transfers etc. He is an Honorary Lecturer in the Institute of Astrology, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi and teaches Preditive Astrology and Ashtakvarga. He writes Articles in Hindi and English for the Journal of Astrology published by the Institute of Astrology. He also writes Articles for the daily News Papers. His predictions for the General Elections 1999 that the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) will win about 300 seats in Lok Sabha, published in 'Vandernataram' a Hindi Daily Newspaper on 16-9-1999, proved 100% correct. He provides free consultations on all matters including Political affairs.

His talks on different Asrological topics of common interest to general public, are telecast .on a Television Channel under the title 'Astrological Predictions' and also on 'Know Your Future', from time to time.

In this book, he has explained the appropriateness and utility of Muhurta in modern context and has analysed the different aspects of marriage and marital relations, as well as the matters relating to children by examination of a number of horoscopes through composite technique - of 'Parashari' system 'Jaimini' methodology and Ashtakvarga.

It is earnestly hoped that this book will be found very useful to the students of Astrology and all those who are interested in this subject.


In Vedic times, India was the only country where facilities for advanced studies In science, medicine, engineering, architecture, humanities and fine arts were available and therefore, students from other countries of the world used to come here to study at Nalanda and other Universities but in Mahabharata Times, like most of the warriors were killed, similarly, the eminent learned men were also killed and the surviving scholars with their half knowledge, interpreted the classical books in a wrong manner. Thus, with the passage of time, there was a gradual decline in all the branches of education including Astrology with the result that people started losing faith and interest in Astrology.

After Independence, there has been a tremendous progress in the field of science, engineering and medicine, in India. Astrology has also become quite popular in big cities where a number of organisations have started its teaching. With the advance in information technology, a few astrologers have launched their web sites also. Casting of a horoscope on computer has become a very common thing. Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan New Delhi is conducting a two years part-time course in Astrology in a systematic order and also provides facilities for advanced research in this subject.

Like physics and chemistry, Astrology is also a science. With the various techniques available, like different types of dasha systems - Vimshottari, Jaimini, Yogini, Ashttottari, and Kalchakra etc., Various divisional charts, based on an 'individual's Horoscope, prediciton can be given about a person's future and if the data regarding time of birth, date of birth and place of birth etc., is correct, 100% correct predictions can be made about the future course of events and if some prediction turns out to be incorrect, that may be due to the errors or inexperience of the astrologer but not for any lacunae in astrological principles. Thus astrology is a pure Science and an astrologer works for the welfare of the society like a doctor by making his timely and useful predictions.

In this book, three topics- Muhurta, Marriages and Children have been discussed. Even those people who claim that they do not believe in astrology have to go to an astrologer or a priest to know about some auspicious time - Muhurta for any function like marriage or any other celebration, in the family. However, a common man may say that if all the events in a man's life are pre-destined, then what is the utility of selecting a specific time or 'Muhurta'. The most glaring example in this regard, is the selection of Muhurta for Indian Independence. The British rulers had given a time limit of 24 hours for this purpose. Our leaders, in their wisdom, thought it fit to choose an auspicious 'Muhurta' as per Indian traditions and consulted two .renowned astrologers of that time on whose advice, Independence was declared after mid- night on 14-8-1947 with the result that India is the biggest democracy in the world and has made alround progress during the last 50 years. It has become a super power in the field of information technology and. it's voice is heard with respect at the international forums whereas our neighbouring country who made their declaration of independence at random has been under military rule for more that 25 years. Even civilian governments have ruled there under the influence of Military. There is no freedom of speech or sanctity of human rights and their financial condition is worse.

Any job, started at an auspicious moment of time or good 'Muhurta', is completed smoothly and successfully and by doing so one can avoid the unpleasant or unfortunate events. To quote another example from our neighbouring country, had the then prime minister of Pakistan' Mian Nawaz Sharif consulted a learned astrologer also called 'Najoomi' on 12-10-1999 before dismissing his commander in chief Geneal Parvez Musharaf, he would have certainly warned him against this blunder of his lifetime and probably the situation might have been otherwise but it is now a part of history. Mian Nawaz Sharif was running the dasha period of Ketu-Venus-Moon. Venus is 'Markesh', in his birth chart: Moon is posited in the 8th house and is aspected by another Markesh and 8th lord retrograde Saturn. A Markesh (killer) planet can give death or troubles equivalent to death- which has happened in his case. Thus choosing of appropriate and auspicious time or 'Muhurta' for important jobs can ward off- against the unfortunate happenings also. Vedic or Hindu Astrology is based on constellations or Nakshatras. There- fore, different classificatios of Nakshatras according to their nature and usefulness have been given in the part I of the book relating to Muhurta. The five parts of Panchanga- Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra, Yoga, karna and the various benefic and malefic yogas, formed by them along with their use have also been explained in detail. Out of the 16 Samsakaras prevalent, in Hindu society, some important ones have been given. Similarly, some special Muhurtas like those for oath taking ceremony, for construction of new house and for entering a new house etc. have been explained along with general principles for selection of Muhurtas for various purposes.

In part II relating to marriages, timing of marriage and it's various eventualities like delay or denial of marriage, marital tension, divorces, Mangalik Dosha, multiple marriages, planetary combinations for widowhood and for wife's death have been illustrated with the help of several actual horoscopes.

The topic of birth of children is a very intricate subject. Some people spend their entire life in arranging 'Yajnas' and worships for progeny but remain childless. Some others have only daughters and no sons. Whereas some ladies have repeated miscarriages or still births. Is it due to the curses of past births? All this, has been discussed elaborately taking the actual horoscopes of persons whom predictions were given, detailing the astrological reasons.

While examining the various types of cases relaing to marriages as well as children, the principles given in classical texts on astrology and those tried and tested in my research have been presented applying various techniques like 'Parashari, Jaimini' and Ashtakvarga' method. This book has been written, keeping in view, the requirements of the students of Astrology and their fast changing aptitude for application of classical principles in modem context which is amply manifest in the different chapters that follow. It is hoped that this book will be found useful to all those who have interest in the study of astrology.



  Part- 1: Muhurta  
1 Muhurta and its's Relevance 1
2 Components of Muhurta 5
3 Some Benefic and Malefic Combinations or Yogas 30
4 Effects of Planets in Transit 42
5 Some Special Muhurtas 53
6 Ashtakvarga- an aid to Muhurta 79
  Part- 2: Marriage  
7 Marriage as a Social Institution 83
8 Timing of Marriage by Ashtakvarga method 110
9 Marital anomalies- Multipal marriages- application of classical principles on the Actual Horoscopes 127
10 Denial of Marriage or Kumar Yoga 139
11 Planetary Combination for Widowhood 154
12 Planetary Combination for Wife's death 163
  Part- 3: Children  
13 The effects of Poorva Janama 'Karma' on the birth of Children. 169
14 Timing of Birth of Children by Ashtakvarge method and Composite analaysis applying Parashari Principles 172
15 Determination of the sex of the child and combinations for the Birth of Daughters 181
16 Loss of Progeny- Miscarriages and mishaps to children 209
17 Childlessness- it's Astrological resons- a composite analysis using parashari system and 'Jamini' techniques on the actual Horoscopes 238
18 Father-son relations. Son's inmical relations with father 273
19 Some controversies- Sade- Sati,'kaal sarpa' yoga, Retrogression of Planets and effects of Planets in Mool Trikona Signs 285