Everything that this body says or does, its actions, movements, it's going hither and thither, is done for your sake. Whatever is done for you by this body at any time, it is you who cause it to happen.” _ Shree Shree Anandamayee Ma in reply to a devoteeês query
This book contains miracle-laden incidents and strange little happenings depicting Shree Shree Ma Anandamayeeês infinite compassion for Her children. Each narrative carries one particular message- the message of solace and compassion for Her devotees.
The stories of miracles described in the volume corroborate the fact that Shree Shree Ma Aanandamayee lives solely for Her children; for helping and guiding them to become pilgrims of the supreme path- the path that leads to Self-realization and to the supreme ultimate God itself.
The book makes a revealing study of Mother's supernatural glory. Its appeal is irresistible not only for the devotees of the Mother but for all seekers of God realization.
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