Siva MAHA Purana (3 Vol Set): Sanskrit Text with English Translation

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Siva MAHA Purana (3 Vol Set): Sanskrit Text with English Translation
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The Puranas are considered to be the pillars of the Vedic Dharma comprising of Sruti. Smrti and Puranas. The Siva-Mahapurana is a famous one amongst the eighteen Mahapuranas. Relatively bigger in size. This Purana is primarily of a religious tone, dedicated mainly to the glory, various forms, their importance and valour of lord Siva.

There had been certain deities, who after once appearing over the Indian Religious horizon, never lost their importance and continue here even to the present times, facing all the political, religions and other adversities. Lord Siva comes under this category, because his following never disappeared from the Indian scence after he attained the position of adoration and worship. Lord Siva has always remained important among all the gods starting from the oldest scriptures- VEdas, Brahmana literatures and Upanisads to the late poets and writers of Kasmira, he has been always the mainframe of these literatures. Even various philosophies emerged in the past among the followers of lord Siva.

Siva-Mahapurana, besides the Mahatmya, is comprised of seven Samhitas:-
(i) Vidyesvara Samhita
(ii) Rudra Samhita-(a) Srsti Khanda, (b) Sati Khanda, (c) Parvati Khanda, (d) Kumara Khanda, (e) Yuddha Khanda
(iii) Satarudra Samhita
(iv) Koti Rudra Samhita
(v) Uma Samhita
(vi) Kailasa Samhita
(vii) Vayaviya Samhita- (a) First Part, (b) Second Part

While bringing out the English version of the Siva Purana, a new element of correlating the main events, with the available archaeological evidence in the entire length and breadth of the country relating to the gods and the goddesses referred to in this Purana, have been illustrated on the basis of which it makes this work of a unique character.

  Introduction xi
  Mahatmyam of Siva Purana 1
Chapter 1 The glory of the Purana 1
Chapter 2 Glory of the Purana 5
Chapter 3 Renunciation of Cancula-a Brahmana window 9
Chapter 4 Redemption of Cancula-a Brahmana widow 13
Chapter 5 Salvation of Binduga 18
Chapter 6 Method of listening to the Purana 23
Chapter 7 Description of the worship of the book and orator (speaker) 29
  Vidyesvara Samhita 34
Chapter 1 Discussion on Sadhya and Sadhana 34
Chapter 2 Reply to the question of the sages 38
Chapter 3 Discussion on Sadhya-sadhana 43
Chapter 4 The glory of listening, recitation and study of Purana for salvation 46
Chapter 5 The glory of Siva-linga 48
Chapter 6 Fight between Brahma and Visnu 51
Chapter 7 Contest between Visnu and Brahma 53
Chapter 8 Shattering the pride of Brahma 56
Chapter 9 Consecrating of the Siva-linga 58
Chapter 10 Discourse on Omkara 62
Chapter 11 Worship of Siva-linga and its consecration 66
Chapter 12 Description of the Siva-ksetras 72
Chapter 13 Description of a righteous person 75
Chapter 14 Agni-yajna 83
Chapter 15 Description of the country, time and vessel in Deva-yajna 87
Chapter 16 Description of the adoration of Parthiva Linga 92
Chapter 17 Glory of Pranava-pancaksara-mantra 102
Chapter 18 Glory of Sivalinga 115
Chapter 19 Glory of the adoration of Parthiva or clay Siva-linga 128
Chapter 20 Method of adoring Parthiva-linga 131
Chapter 21 Parthiva Pujana 136
Chapter 22 Glory of Siva naivedya and bilva (wood-apple) 141
Chapter 23 Glory of the names of Siva 144
Chapter 24 Process for the application of the ashes 148
Chapter 25 The glory of Rudraksa 157
  Rudra Samhita 166
  Srsti Khanda or Creation 166
Chapter 1 Question by the Sages 166
Chapter 2 Deputing of Kamadeva by Indra to disturb the tapas of Narada 169
Chapter 3 Svayamvara of Srimati and Narada's humiliation 173
Chapter 4 Narada reaches Vaikuntha and curses Visnu 178
Chapter 5 Narada's visit to Kasi 184
Chapter 6 Mahapralaya and Visnu's origin 187
Chapter 7 The dispute between Brahma and Visnu 192
Chapter 8 Description of the body of Sabdabrahman 197
Chapter 9 Siva-tattva highlighted 201
Chapter 10 Parama Siva-tattva 206
Chapter 11 Method of worshipping Siva 209
Chapter 12 Essentials and non-essentials of Siva's worship 216
Chapter 13 Mode of the adoration of Siva 223
Chapter 14 Directions for Siva's worship 229
Chapter 15 Manifestations of Rudra 236
Chapter 16 The Creation described 242
Chapter 17 The story of Gunanidhi 245
Chapter 18 Gunanidhi's salvation 250
Chapter 19 Friendship of Siva and Kubera 255
Chapter 20 Departure of Siva for Kailasa 257
  Rudra Samhita- Sati Khanda 263
Chapter 1 Brief story of Sati 263
Chapter 2 The appearing of Kamadeva 267
Chapter 3 Curse and blessing on Kama 270
Chapter 4 Marriage of Kamadeva 276
Chapter 5 The story of Sandhya 284
Chapter 6 Siva pleased with the worship of Sandhya 284
Chapter 7 Sandhya married to Vasistha as Arundhati 289
Chapter 8 Features of Vasanta 291
Chapter 9 Strength of Kamadeva and his attendants 295
Chapter 10 Conversation between Brahma and Visnu 300
Chapter 11 Brahma worships Durga and gets a boon 305
Chapter 12 Receiving a boon by Daksa from Durga 309
Chapter 13 Daksa's curse to Narada 313
Chapter 14 Birth of Sati and her childhood sports 316
Chapter 15 Description of Nandyavrata and eulogy of Siva 320
Chapter 16 Brahma and Visnu eulogise Siva 326
Chapter 17 Siva grants boon to Sati 331
Chapter 18 Marriage of Siva and Sati 336
Chapter 19 Sports of Sati 339
Chapter 20 Festivities of Sati's marriage 345
Chapter 21 Sports of Siva and Sati 349
Chapter 22 Love sports of Siva and Sati over the Himalaya 353
Chapter 23 Influence of devotion 359
Chapter 24 Sati's doubt about Rama's divinity 363
Chapter 25 Separation of Siva and Sati 368
Chapter 26 Cause of conflict between Daksa and Siva 374
Chapter 27 Start of the yajna of Daksa 378
Chapter 28 Sati's Travel 383
Chapter 29 Declaration of Sati 386
Chapter 30 Sati ends her life in fire-altar 391
Chapter 31 The divine voice 394
Chapter 32 Birth of Virabhadra and Siva's advice to him 396
Chapter 33 The march of Vsrabhadra 401
Chapter 34 Inauspicious omens witnessed by gods 403
Chapter 35 Visnu's speech 406
Chapter 36 Talk between Visnu and Virabhadra 409
Chapter 37 Destruction of the yajna of Daksa 415
Chapter 38 Conflict between Ksuva and Dadhica 420
Chapter 39 Fight between Ksuva and Dadhica 425
Chapter 40 Audience of gods with Siva 429
Chapter 41 The gods offer prayer to Siva 433
Chapter 42 Showering of grace on Daksa 437
Chapter 43 Performance of Daksa's yajna 441
  Rudra Samhita-Parvati Khanda 445
Chapter 1 Marriage of Himalaya 445
Chapter 2 Sanaka's curse to Menaka and others 447
Chapter 3 Visnu and other gods eulogise Siva 451
Chapter 4 The assurance of the goddess to the gods 454
Chapter 5 Menaka receives a boon 458
Chapter 6 Birth of Parvati 462
Chapter 7 Childhood sports of Parvati 467
Chapter 8 Conversation between Narada and Himalaya 469
Chapter 9 Performing of penance of Parvati and appearing of Siva before her 473
Chapter 10 Birth of Mars and his status of a planet by the grace of Siva 476
Chapter 11 Meeting between Siva and Himvat 478
Chapter 12 Conversation between Siva and Himalaya 482
Chapter 13 Talk between Siva and Parvati 485
Chapter 14 Birth of Taraka and Vajranga-their penance 490
Chapter 15 Taraka and his penance 493
Chapter 16 Brahma assures gods frightened by Taraka 498
Chapter 17 Discussion between Indra and Kamadeva 501
Chapter 18 Disturbance created by Kamadeva 505
Chapter 19 Destruction of Kamadeva 508
Chapter 20 The story of oceanic fire 512
Chapter 21 Narada's advice to Parvati 514
Chapter 22 Penance of Parvati 517
Chapter 23 Himavan dissuades Parvati but the gods go to meet Siva 523
Chapter 24 Siva agrees to Marry Parvati 527
Chapter 25 Seven sages test the devotion of Parvati 533
Chapter 26 Conversation between Jatila and Parvati 539
Chapter 27 Talk between Parvati and Brahmacari 543
Chapter 28 Witnessing of the real form of Siva by Parvati 546
Chapter 29 Talk between Parvati and Brahmacari 550
Chapter 30 Return of Parvati and the festivities 553
Chapter 31 Illusion of Siva 557
Chapter 32 Arrival of Sapta-Rsis 562
Chapter 33 Pleasing of Himavan 567
Chapter 34 The story of Anaranya 572
Chapter 35 The story of Padma and Pippalada 575
Chapter 36 Advice of the seven sages 580
Chapter 37 Despatch of letter of engagement and other connected celebrations 583
Chapter 38 Description of the mandapa 587
Chapter 39 Arrival of gods at Kailasa and departure of marriage party of Siva 590
Chapter 40 Siva's marriage procession 594
Chapter 41 Beauty of the mandapa 599
Chapter 42 Meeting between the lord and the mountain 603
Chapter 43 Wonderful sport of Siva 606
Chapter 44 Mena regains consciousness 611
Chapter 45 Siva assumes the pleasant form and people's delight 618
Chapter 46 Arrival of the Bridegroom 622
Chapter 47 Siva's ceremonious entry into the inner apartments of Himalaya 625
Chapter 48 The marriage of Siva and Parvati 629
Chapter 49 Delusion of Brahma 633
Chapter 50 The fun and jokes 637
Chapter 51 Revival of Kamadeva 641
Chapter 52 Serving of feast to the marriage party and retiring of Siva to the bed 644
Chapter 53 Siva's return after marriage 647
Chapter 54 The departure of the marriage party - duties of a chaste wife defined 650
Chapter 55 Siva returns to Kailasa 657
  Rudra Samhita 1
  Kumara Khanda 1
Chapter 1 Love sports of Siva and Parvati 1
Chapter 2 Birth of Kartikeya: the son of Siva 6
Chapter 3 Childhood sports of Kartikeya 12
Chapter 4 Search for Kartikeya and dialogue between Kartikeya and Nandi 15
Chapter 5 Crowning of Kartikeya 21
Chapter 6 Kumara's astonishing performance 26
Chapter 7 The starting of the war 29
Chapter 8 Battle between the gods and the demons 33
Chapter 9 Fight between Tarakasura and the gods 37
Chapter 10 Killing of Tarakasura 41
Chapter 11 Kumara's victory and the killing of Bana and Pralamba 45
Chapter 12 The story of Siva, Parvati and Kartikeya 48
Chapter 13 Birth of Ganesa 52
Chapter 14 Controversy with the ganas 55
Chapter 15 Ganesa's battle with Sivaganas 60
Chapter 16 Severing of the head of Ganesa 66
Chapter 17 Ganesa brought back to life 68
Chapter 18 Crowning of Ganesa as chief of Sivaganas 73
Chapter 19 Proposal for the marriage of Ganesa 79
Chapter 20 Marriage of Ganesa 83
  Rudra Samhita-Yuddha Khanda 87
Chapter 1 The demon Tripurasura 87
Chapter 2 Prayer by the gods 93
Chapter 3 Virtues of Tripura 98
Chapter 4 Receiving of Diksa by the lord of Tripura 102
Chapter 5 Fascination of Tripuras 108
Chapter 6 Prayer of Siva 113
Chapter 7 Prayer of Siva by the gods 117
Chapter 8 Making of a divine chariot by Visvakarma 120
Chapter 9 Siva's march for waging the war 123
Chapter 10 Burning of Tripura 127
Chapter 11 Prayer by gods after witnessing the awful of Siva 130
Chapter 12 Maya's taking refuge with Siva, bestowing of the Vitalaloka to him 133
Chapter 13 Punishing of Indra by Siva and restoring him to his original position 137
Chapter 14 Birth of Jalandhara from the oceanic fire and his marriage with Brnda 141
Chapter 15 Finding the severed head of Rahu, Jalandhara attacking Indra 144
Chapter 16 Fleeing of the gods from the heaven 150
Chapter 17 Visnu starting living in the abode of Jalandhara with Laksmi 153
Chapter 18 Narada highlighting the beauty of Parvati to Jalandhara 157
Chapter 19 Jalandhara's sending a messenger to Siva for getting Parvati 161
Chapter 20 Battle between the armies of Siva and Jalandhara 166
Chapter 21 Special war between the gods and the demons 171
Chapter 22 Jalandhara's approaching Parvati in the form of Siva 175
Chapter 23 Cheating of Vrnda by Visnu who is cursed by her 179
Chapter 24 Killing of Jalandhara at the hands of Siva 183
Chapter 25 God's prayer to Siva 188
Chapter 26 Visnu's applying of Vrnda's ashes over his body 191
Chapter 27 Performing of a tapas by Sambhasura for getting a son 196
Chapter 28 Performing to tapas by Samkhacuda and his marriage with Tulasi 199
Chapter 29 Previous birth of Samkhacuda 202
Chapter 30 Gods' prayer to Siva for the slaying of Samkhacuda 207
Chapter 31 Siva's discourse for gods 210
Chapter 32 Siva's deputing Puspadanta as a messenger to Samkhacuda 215
Chapter 33 Departure of Virabhadra, Nandi, Kali, Asta-Bhairavas and others 218
Chapter 34 Samkhacuda proceeds for waging a war 221
Chapter 35 Exchange of messengers from both the sides 323
Chapter 36 Fight between the gods and the Danavas 227
Chapter 37 Samkhacuda's fight with Kartikeya and other warriors 230
Chapter 38 Battle between Mahakali and Samkhacuda 233
Chapter 39 The war between Siva and Samkhacuda 236
Chapter 40 Visnu begs for the kavaca from Samkhacuda 240
Chapter 41 Tulasi's curse to Visnu 243
Chapter 42 Slaying of Hiranyaksa 248
Chapter 43 Killing of Hirnyakasipu in the form of Narasimha 253
Chapter 44 Andhaka receives the kingship of his father 258
Chapter 45 Battle between Andhakasura and Siva's army 267
Chapter 46 Defeat of Virabhadra in the battle 273
Chapter 47 Bringing back of Daitya to life 278
Chapter 48 Swallowing of Sukra by Siva 283
Chapter 49 Andhaka performs tapas lodged at the tip of Siva's trident 287
Chapter 50 Learning of Mrtasanjivani lore by Sukra 291
Chapter 51 The story of Usa, the daughter of Banasura 296
Chapter 52 The story of Usa-her meeting with Aniruddha 301
Chapter 53 The story Banasura and Aniruddha 306
Chapter 54 Departure of Krsna to Patala in order to get back Aniruddha 310
Chapter 55 Krsna's cutting of the arms of Banasura by the grace of Siva 315
Chapter 56 Bestowing the position of Ganapati on Banasura by Siva 319
Chapter 57 Killing of Gajasura, the son of Mahisasura by Siva 322
Chapter 58 Killing of Dundubhi, Nirhrada by Siva in the from of Vyaghresvara 338
Chapter 59 Killing of the Daityas, named Vidala and Utpala by Gauri 332
  Sata-Rudra Samhita 336
Chapter 1 Saunaka describes the difference between forms of Siva 336
Chapter 2 Eight forms of Siva-like Bhava, Sarva and others 340
Chapter 3 Appearing of Siva in Ardhanarisvara form before Brahma 341
Chapter 4 Incarnation of Siva as Svetamuni or Rsabhadeva 344
Chapter 5 Incarnations of Siva during the tenth to twenty eight Dvaparas 347
Chapter 6 Performing of tapas by sage Silada for getting a son 352
Chapter 7 Bestowing of the position of a gana by Siva to Nandi 357
Chapter 8 Incarnation of Bhairava 362
Chapter 9 Relieving of the sin of Brahmahatya at Kapalamocana Tirtha 368
Chapter 10 Lord Siva's assurance to the gods 374
Chapter 11 Removal of Narasimha's pride by Virabhadra 377
Chapter 12 Incarnation of Siva as Grhapati 392
Chapter 13 Performing of tapas by Visvanara and his wife for getting a son 386
Chapter 14 Incarnation of Siva as Grhapati 392
Chapter 15 Performing of tapas by Grhapati to ward off untimely death 395
Chapter 16 Siva's incarnation as Yaksesvara at the churning of the ocean 401
Chapter 17 The ten incarnations of Siva with Sakti 404
Chapter 18 Eleven incarnations of Siva for the protection of the gods 406
Chapter 19 The tapas of Atri and birth of Candra, Dattatreya and Durvasa 409
Chapter 20 Incarnation of Hanuman and the related story 414
Chapter 21 Curse of Parvati to Bhairava to be born as a human 417
Chapter 22 Visnu's enjoying the company of divine damsels born out of ocean 419
Chapter 23 Visnu's fight with the Bull form of Siva 423
Chapter 24 Siva's incarnation as Pippalada 426
Chapter 25 The story of the Pippalada incarnation of Siva 431
Chapter 26 Vaisyanatha incarnation of Siva 433
Chapter 27 Dvijesvara incarnation of Siva 438
Chapter 28 Yatinatha incarnation of Siva 444
Chapter 29 The story of Nabhaga and Krsna-darsana incarnation of Siva 447
Chapter 30 Manifestation of Siva as Avadhutesvara 452
Chapter 31 Incarnation of Siva as Bhiksuvarya 456
Chapter 32 Incarnation of Siva as Suresvara 462
Chapter 33 Siva's incarnation as Brahmacari 468
Chapter 34 Siva's incarnation as Sunartaka-nata 474
Chapter 35 Incarnation of Siva as a Brahmana 477
Chapter 36 Siva's incarnation as Asvatthama 480
Chapter 37 Arjuna deputed to Indrakila mountain by Vyasa 483
Chapter 38 Arjuna's penance 489
Chapter 39 Killing of demon Muka and appearing of Siva in the form of Kirata 494
Chapter 40 Quarrel between Arjuna and Siva, at the killing of the boar 498
Chapter 41 Battle between Siva and Arjuna, Siva bestows boon to Arjuna 502
Chapter 42 Siva's incarnations as twelve Jyotirlingas 507
  Koti-Rudra Samhita 513
Chapter 1 Greatness of Jyotirlinga and Upalingas 513
Chapter 2 Sivalingas and their greatness 516
Chapter 3 Tapas performed by the sage Atri and emerging of Atrisvara Linga 519
Chapter 4 Appearing of Atrisvara linga 522
Chapter 5 Death of a Brahmana woman and the glory of Nandikesvara 526
Chapter 6 Change of the black colour of a cow to that of white at Nandikesvara 529
Chapter 7 Killing of the lustful demon Mudha 535
Chapter 8 The glory of Mahakala 537
Chapter 9 Liberation of a Candala woman 539
Chapter 10 Relieving of the curse by the king Mitrasaha, at Gokrana-tirtha 542
Chapter 11 Description of the lingas known as Candrabhala, Pasupati and other 546
Chapter 12 Reasons for Siva's taking to the form of linga 548
Chapter 13 Origin of Batuka 552
Chapter 14 Origin of the Jyotrilinga of Somanatha 558
Chapter 15 Discussion on Mallikarjuna - the second Jyotirlinga 563
Chapter 16 The glory of Mahakala Jyotirlinga 565
Chapter 17 Greatness of the Mahakala Jyotirlinga 569
Chapter 18 The glory of Omkaresvara Jyotirlinga 575
Chapter 19 Kedaresvara Jyotirlinga's glory 577
Chapter 20 The disturbance created by Bhimasura 579
Chapter 21 Showering of the grace of Kamarupesvara 584
Chapter 22 The glory of Visvesvara at Kasi 589
Chapter 23 The greatness of the Jyotirlinga of Kasi Visvesvara 592
Chapter 24 Gautama's greatness in relation to Tryambakesvara 596
Chapter 25 False allegation on Gautama for killing a cow 599
Chapter 26 Siva's grace on Gautama by appearing of Tryambakesvara and Ganga 604
Chapter 27 Humiliation of the ascetics envious to Gautama 608
Chapter 28 The glory of Vaidyanathesvara Jyotirlinga 612
Chapter 29 Disturbance created by the Raksasas of Darukavana 618
Chapter 30 Greatness of Nagesvara Jyotirlinga 623
Chapter 31 Origin of Ramesvara Jyotirlinga 626
Chapter 32 The story of Ghusamesvara - the twelfth Jyotirlinga 630
Chapter 33 Regaining of life of the Son of Ghusma by Siva's grace 634
Chapter 34 Siva bestows Cakra to Visnu 639
Chapter 35 Thousand names of Siva 642
Chapter 36 Reward for reciting a thousand names of Siva 656
Chapter 37 Adoration of Siva through the sages 659
Chapter 38 The glory of Sivaratri 663
Chapter 39 Completion of Sivaratri Vrata 670
Chapter 40 The glory of Sivaratri 672
Chapter 41 Types of Salvation 680
Chapter 42 The difference between Siva's Nirguna and Saguna forms 682
Chapter 43 The perfect knowledge of Siva 685
  Uma Samhita 1
Chapter 1 Krsna's meeting with Upamanyu 1
Chapter 2 Upamayu's instructions to Krsna, for adoring Siva 6
Chapter 3 The glory of Siva 11
Chapter 4 Display of Siva's Maya 17
Chapter 5 The grave sins 20
Chapter 6 The minor sins 23
Chapter 7 Path to Yamaloka and form of the messengers of Yama 28
Chapter 8 Description of the hell 32
Chapter 9 Sufferings in the hell 36
Chapter 10 Agonies of the hell 39
Chapter 11 The glory of giving away the food in charity 43
Chapter 12 Penance and its greatness 48
Chapter 13 The glory of the Puranas 52
Chapter 14 The glory of charities 55
Chapter 15 Description of Patalaloka 58
Chapter 16 Achieving the hell and the repentance 61
Chapter 17 Description of Jambudvipa 64
Chapter 18 The seven continents 67
Chapter 19 Position of the planets like Sun and others 73
Chapter 20 Achieving of Sivaloka with the performing of tapas 77
Chapter 21 Righteous war and its fruits 81
Chapter 22 Genesis and evolution of the body 84
Chapter 23 The impurity of the body and sufferings in childhood 88
Chapter 24 Nature of women as described by the apsara Pancacuda 94
Chapter 25 Awareness about the time of death 97
Chapter 26 Competence of the Yogis to avert the death 103
Chapter 27 Achieving Siva by escaping from death 107
Chapter 28 The shadowy person 111
Chapter 29 Description of primeval creation 114
Chapter 30 The Creation 116
Chapter 31 Daksa pronounces a curse on Narada 120
Chapter 32 Kasyapa and his family 123
Chapter 33 Creation of Maruts and distribution of kingdoms 127
Chapter 34 The fourteen Manvantras 129
Chapter 35 The description of Vaivasvata 134
Chapter 36 The nine sons of the race of Manu 138
Chapter 37 The race of Iksavaku 142
Chapter 38 The birth of Satyavrata, Trisunka, Sagara and others 147
Chapter 39 The king Sagara and the expansion of his family 151
Chapter 40 Influence of Sraddha for the manes 155
Chapter 41 The story of seven hunters 160
Chapter 42 Redemption of Seven hunters 164
Chapter 43 Method of Vyasa puja 166
Chapter 44 Birth of Vyasa from Satyavati and establishing of Vyasesvara linga 167
Chapter 45 The story of the goddess and the killing of Madhu and Kaitabha 178
Chapter 46 The killing of Mahisasura by the goddess 184
Chapter 47 Killing of Dhumralocana, Canda, Munda and Raktabija 188
Chapter 48 Manifestation of Sarasvati 194
Chapter 49 Manifestation of Uma 199
Chapter 50 The origin of Mahavidyas 203
Chapter 51 Consecration of the image of the goddess 207
  Kailasa Samhita 214
Chapter 1 Conversation among Vyasa and other sages 214
Chapter 2 Siva enlightens Parvati over the secret subjects 217
Chapter 3 Description of the form of Omkara and Virajahoma 220
Chapter 4 The daily performance of a recluse or a Sanyasi 225
Chapter 5 Preparation of MAndalaat the place of worship 228
Chapter 6 Procedure for asana and pranayama 231
Chapter 7 Method of Siva's worship 236
Chapter 8 Mental worship of Siva 242
Chapter 9 Interpretation of the eight names of Siva, adoration of linga 245
Chapter 10 Discourse of Suta 250
Chapter 11 Question about Omkara and definition of Skanda stotra 253
Chapter 12 Procedure of the Nandi Sraddha, Brahmayajna etc. 258
Chapter 13 Procedure for embracing Sanyasa (renunciation) 265
Chapter 14 Pranava in the form of Siva 272
Chapter 15 Creation and dissolution of the universe 275
Chapter 16 Omkara as the cause of creation 279
Chapter 17 Advaita (non-dual) prana of Siva 286
Chapter 18 Initiation for a disciple 290
Chapter 19 The great statements and Yogapatta 293
Chapter 20 Rules for the removal of hair of an ascetic 298
Chapter 21 Ban on the cremation of Yatis and performing of their last rites 301
Chapter 22 Rites to be performed on the eleventh day of Yati's death 307
Chapter 23 The rites to be performed on the twelfth day for a Yati 310
  Vayaviya Samhita 315
  Purva-bhaga 315
Chapter 1 Genesis of the Vedas, the fourteen lores and the Puranas 315
Chapter 2 The complex problems of the ascetics 320
Chapter 3 Brahma declares Siva, as the best of all the gods 323
Chapter 4 Interpretation of the word Pasupati 328
Chapter 5 Reply of the wind god to the sages 330
Chapter 6 The principle of Siva faith 335
Chapter 7 The description of time in relation to Siva 341
Chapter 8 Creation of the universe for the sports of Siva 343
Chapter 9 Creation of the universe and sports of Siva 346
Chapter 10 Creation of the universe 348
Chapter 11 The rescue of the earth from Patala by Varaha 352
Chapter 12 Creating of moha, mada, goblins, pisacas, asuras etc. by Brahma 354
Chapter 13 Emergence of Brahma, Visnu and Rudra in different Kalpas 360
Chapter 14 The manifestation of Rudra 364
Chapter 15 Siva's appearing before Brahma in Ardhanarisvara from 365
Chapter 16 Manifestation of the divine Sakti 368
Chapter 17 Emerging so Satarupa from the body of Brahma 370
Chapter 18 Birth of Sati as daughter of Daksa, Daksa's enmity with Siva 375
Chapter 19 Origin of Virabhadra 380
Chapter 20 Destruction of the sacrifice of Daksa 385
Chapter 21 Flight of Visnu and other gods from the place of Yajna 388
Chapter 22 Fight between Virabhadra and the supporters of Daksa 392
Chapter 23 Prayer of gods and he completion of yajna 397
Chapter 24 Controversy between Siva and Siva 402
Chapter 25 Performing of tapas by Kai to become Gauri 406
Chapter 26 Parvati meets Siva as Gauri 410
Chapter 27 Meeting of Siva and Siva, showering of his grace on the tiger by Siva 412
Chapter 28 The glory of bhasma or ashes 415
Chapter 29 The speech and its meaning 417
Chapter 30 Vayudeva's discourse on Sivatattva 419
Chapter 31 Description of spotless Sivatattva by Vayudeva 424
Chapter 32 Excellent practice for the achieving of moksa 431
Chapter 33 The glory of the performing of Pasupata vrata 436
Chapter 34 Upamanyu's performance of tapas for Siva 443
Chapter 35 Siva's testing the devotion of Upamanyu 448
  Uttara-bhaga 454
Chapter 1 Instruction by Upamanyu to Sri Krsna to adore Siva 454
Chapter 2 Highlighting of the greatness of Pasupata, by Vasudeva to the sages 456
Chapter 3 Upamanyu's instruction to Sri Krsna 460
Chapter 4 Excellence of Siva and Siva 463
Chapter 5 Detailed discussion on Pasu and Pasupati 470
Chapter 6 The principle of Siva 473
Chapter 7 Principle of Siva 475
Chapter 8 The birth of Vyasa 478
Chapter 9 Siva's incarnations as Yogacarya 482
Chapter 10 Devotion to Siva 484
Chapter 11 Knowledge about Siva 490
Chapter 12 Glory of the five syllable mantra of Siva 494
Chapter 13 The glory of five syllabled mantra 497
Chapter 14 The method of performing the five syllabled mantra 502
Chapter 15 Procedure for Sivadiksa 508
Chapter 16 Initiation of the disciple 514
Chapter 17 The types of initiation 520
Chapter 18 Purification of the six paths 524
Chapter 19 The glory of the mantras 529
Chapter 20 Consecration of the disciple by the acarya 531
Chapter 21 Nitya and Naimittika rites 533
Chapter 22 Different types of Nyasas 537
Chapter 23 Method of mental adoration of Siva 542
Chapter 24 Ritualistic worship of Siva 543
Chapter 25 Adoration of Siva 549
Chapter 26 Adoration of Siva with connected rites 554
Chapter 27 Performing of Yajna 557
Chapter 28 Compulsory and optional rites 563
Chapter 29 The Kamya rites 566
Chapter 30 Avarana worship of Siva 569
Chapter 31 Siva strotra or hymn to Siva 576
Chapter 32 Method of achieving the worldly benefits 590
Chapter 33 Rites for achieving the worldly benefits 597
Chapter 34 Conflict between Visnu and Brahma 598
Chapter 35 Delusion of Brahma and Visnu 602
Chapter 36 Installation of Siva linga 608
Chapter 37 The yogic practices and their usages 613
Chapter 38 Obstructions in the path of Yoga 618
Chapter 39 Sivadhyana yoga and its divisions 625
Chapter 40 Travel of Rsis from Naimisaranya to Kasi 629
Chapter 41 Glory of the Siva Purana 633




Rudra Samhita 1
Kumara Khanda 1
Chapter 1 Love sports of Siva and Parvati 1
Chapter 2 Birth of Kartikeya : the son of Siva 6
Chapter 3 Childhood sports of Kartikeya 12
Chapter 4 Search for Kartikeya and dialouge between Kartikeya and Nandi 15
Chapter 5 Crowing of Kartikeya 21
Chapter 6 Kumara's astonishing performance 26
Chapter 7 The starting the war 29
Chapter 8 Battle between the goad and the demons 33
Chapter 9 Fight between the gods and the demons 37
Chapter 10 Killigg to Tarakasura 41
Chapter 11 Kumara's victory and the killing of Bana and Pralamba 45
Chapter 12 The story of Siva, Parvati and Karikeya 48
Chapter 13 Birth of Ganesa 52
Chapter 14 Controversy with the ganas 55
Chapter 15 Ganesa's battle with Sivaganas 60
Chapter 16 Severing of the head of Ganesa 66
Chapter 17 Ganesa brought black to life 68
Chapter 18 Crowning of Ganesa as chife of Sivagansa 73
Chapter 19 Proposal for the marriage of Ganesa 79
Chapter 20 Marriage of Ganesa 83
Rudra Samhita- Yuddha Khand 87
Chapter 1 The demon Tripurasura 87
Chapter 2 Prayer by the gods 93
Chapter 3 Virtues of Tripura 93
Chapter 4 Recivign of Diksa by the lord of Tripura 102
Chapter 5 Fascination of Tripuras 108
Chapter 6 Prayer of Siva 113
Chapter 7 Prayer of Siva by the gods 117
Chapter 8 Making of a divine chariot by Visvakarma 120
Chapter 9 Siva's march for wagign the war 123
Chapter 10 Burning of Tripura 127
Chapter 11 Prayer by gods after witnessing the awful form of Siva 130
Chapter 12 Maya's takign refuge with siva, bestowing of the Vitalaloka to him 133
Chapter 13 Punishing of Indra by Siva and restoring him to his original position 137
Chapter 14 Birth of Jalandhara from the oceanic fire and the marriage with Brnda 141
Chapter 15 Finding the severed head of Rahu, Jalandhara attacking Indra 144
Chapter 16 Fleeing of the gods from the heaven 150
Chapter 17 Visnu starting living in the abode of Jalandhara with Laksrnt 153
Chapter 18 Narada highlighting the beauty of Parvatt to Jalandhara 157
Chapter 19 Jalandhara's sending a messenger to Siva for getting Parvatt 161
Chapter 20 Battle between the armies of Siva and J alandhara 166
Chapter 21 Special war between the gods and the demons 171
Chapter 22 Jalandhara's approaching Parvatl in the form of Siva 175
Chapter 23 Cheating of Vrnda by Visnu who is cursed by her 179
Chapter 24 Killing of Jalandhara at the hands of Siva 183
Chapter 25 God's prayer to Siva 188
Chapter 26 Visnu's applying of Vrnda's ashes over his body 191
Chapter 27 Performing of a tap as by Sambhasura for getting a son 196
Chapter 28 Performing to tapas by Sarnkhacuda and his marriage with Tulasi 199
Chapter 29 Previous birth of Samkhacuda 202
Chapter 30 Gods' prayer to Siva for the slaying of Sarnkhacuda 207
Chapter 31 Siva's discourse for gods 210
Chapter 32 Siva's deputing Puspadanta as a messenger to Samkhacuda 215
Chapter 33 Departure of Vir ab had ra, Nandi, Kali, Asta-Bhairavas and others 218
Chapter 34 Samkhacuda proceeds for waging a war 221
Chapter 35 Exchange of messengers from both the sides 223
Chapter 36 Fight between the gods and the Danavas 227
Chapter 37 Samkhacuda's fight with Kartikeya and other warriors 230
Chapter 38 Battle between Mahakall and Sarnkhacuda 233
Chapter 39 The war between Siva and Sarnkhacuda 236
Chapter 40 Visnu begs for the kavaca from Sarnkhacuda 240
Chapter 41 Tulasl's curse to Visnu 243
Chapter 42 Slaying of Hiranyaksa 248
Chapter 43 Killing of Hirnyakasipu in the form of Narasirhha 253
Chapter 44 Andhaka receives the kingship of his father 258
Chapter 45 Battle between Andhakasura and Siva's army 267
Chapter 46 Defeat of Vlrabhadra in the battle 273
Chapter 47 Bringing back of Daitya to life 278
Chapter 48 Swallowing of Sukra by Siva 283
Chapter 49 Andhaka performs tapas lodged at the tip of Siva' strident 287
Chapter 50 Learning of Mrtasafijivanl lore by Sukra 291
Chapter 51 The story of Usa, the daughter of Banasura 296
Chapter 52 The story of Usa- her meeting with Aniruddha 301
Chapter 53 Fight between Banasura and Aniruddha 306
Chapter 54 Departure of Krsna to Patala in order to get back Aniruddha 310
Chapter 55 Krsna' s cutting of the arms of Banasura by the grace of Siva 315
Chapter 56 Bestowing the position of Ganapati on Banasura by Siva 319
Chapter 57 Killing of Gajasura, the son of Mahisasura by Siva 322
Chapter 58 Killing of Dundubhi, Nirhrada by Siva in the form of Vyaghresvara 328
Chapter 59 Killing of the Daityas, named Vidala and Utpala by Gaurl 332
Sata-Rudra Samhita 336
Chapter 1 Saunaka describes the difference between forms of Siva 336
Chapter 2 Eight forms of Siva- like Bhava, Sarva and others 340
Chapter 3 Appearing of Siva in Ardhanarlsvara form before Brahma 341
Chapter 4 Incarnation of Siva as Svetamuni or Rsabhadeva 344
Chapter 5 Incarnations of Siva during the tenth to twenty eight Dvaparas 347
Chapter 6 Performing of tap as by sage Silada for getting a son 352
Chapter 7 Bestowing of the position of a gana by Siva to NandI 357
Chapter 8 Incarnation of Bhairava 362
Chapter 9 Relieving of the sin of Brahmahatya at Kapalamocana Tlrtha 368
Chapter 10 Lord Siva's assurance to the gods 374
Chapter 11 Removal of Narasirnha's pride by Vlrabhadra 377
Chapter 12 Incarnation of Siva as Sarbha 382
Chapter 13 Performing of tap as by Visvanara and his wife for getting a son 386
Chapter 14 Incarnation of Siva as Grhapati 392
Chapter 15 Performing of tap as by Grhapati to ward off untimely death 395
Chapter 16 Siva's incarnation as Yaksesvara at the churning of the ocean 401
Chapter 17 The ten incarnations of Siva with Sakti 404
Chapter 18 Eleven incarnations of Siva for the protection of the gods 406
Chapter 19 The tapas of Atri and birth of Candra, Dattatreya and Durvasa 409
Chapter 20 Incarnation of Hanuman and the related story 414
Chapter 21 Curse of Parvatt to Bhairava to be born as a human 417
Chapter 22 Visnu's enjoying the company of divine damsels born out of ocean 419
Chapter 23 Visnu's fight with the Bull form of Siva 423
Chapter 24 Siva's incarnation as Pippalada 426
Chapter 25 The story of the Pippalada incarnation of Siva 431
Chapter 26 Vaisyanatha incarnation of Siva 433
Chapter 27 Dvijesvara incarnation of Siva 438
Chapter 28 Yatinatha incarnation of Siva 444
Chapter 29 The story of Nabhaga and Krsna-darsana incarnation of Siva 447
Chapter 30 Manifestation of Siva as A vadhutesvara 452
Chapter 31 Incarnation of Siva as Bhiksuvarya 456
Chapter 32 Incarnation of Siva as Suresvara 462
Chapter 33 Siva's incarnation as Brahmacarl 468
Chapter 34 Siva's incarnation as Sunartaka-nata 474
Chapter 35 Incarnation of Siva as a Brahmana 477
Chapter 36 Siva's incarnation as Asvatthama 480
Chapter 37 Arjuna deputed to IndrakIla mountain by Vyasa 483
Chapter 38 Arjuna's penance 489
Chapter 39 Killing of demon Muka and appealing of Siva in the form of Kirata 494
Chapter 40 Quarrel between Arjuna and Siva, at the killing of the boar 498
Chapter 41 Battle between Siva and Arjuna, Siva bestows boon to Arjuna 502
Chapter 42 Siva's incarnations as twelve Jyotirlingas 507
Koti-Rudra Sarhhita 513
Chapter 1 Greatness of Jyotirlinga and Upalingas 513
Chapter 2 Sivalingas and their greatness 516
Chapter 3 Tapas performed by the sage Atri and emerging of Atrisvara linga 519
Chapter 4 Appearing of Atrisvara linga 522
Chapter 5 Death of a Brahmana woman and the glory of Nandlkesvara 526
Chapter 6 Change of the black colour of a cow to that of white at Nandikesvara 529
Chapter 7 Killing of the lustful demon Mudha 535
Chapter 8 The glory of Mahakala 537
Chapter 9 Liberation of a Candala woman 539
Chapter 10 Relieving of the curse by the king Mitrasaha, at Gokrana-tirtha 542
Chapter 11 Description of the lingas known as Candrabhala, Pasupati and others 546
Chapter 12 Reasons for Siva's taking to the form of linga 548
Chapter 13 Origin of Batuka 552
Chapter 14 Origin of the Jyotrilinga of Somanatha 558
Chapter 15 Discussion on Mallikarjuna - the second Jyotirlinga 563
Chapter 16 The glory of Mahakala Jyotirlinga 565
Chapter 17 Greatness of the Mahakala Jyotirlinga 569
Chapter 18 The glory of Ornkaresvara Jyotirlinga 575
Chapter 19 Kedaresvara Jyotirlinga' s glory 577
Chapter 20 The disturbance created by Bhlmasura 579
Chapter 21 Showering of the grace of Kamarupesvara 584
Chapter 22 The glory of Visvesvara at Kasl 589
Chapter 23 The greatness of the Jyotirlinga of Kast Visvesvara 592
Chapter 24 Gautama's greatness in relation to Tryambakesvara 596
Chapter 25 False allegation on Gautama for killing a cow 599
Chapter 26 Siva's grace on Gautama by appearing of Tryambakesvara and Ganga 604
Chapter 27 Humiliation of the ascetics envious to Gautama 608
Chapter 28 The glory of Vaidyanathesvara Jyotirlinga 612
Chapter 29 Disturbance created by the Raksasas of Darukavana 618
Chapter 30 Greatness of Nagesvara Jyotirlinga 623
Chapter 31 Origin of Ramesvara Jyotirlinga 626
Chapter 32 The story of Ghusamesvara - the twelfth Jyotirlinga 630
Chapter 33 Regaining of life of the Son of Ghusrna by Siva' s grace 634
Chapter 34 Siva bestows Sudarsana Cakra to Visnu 639
Chapter 35 Thousand names of Siva 642
Chapter 36 Reward for reciting a thousand names of Siva 656
Chapter 37 Adoration of Siva through the sages 659
Chapter 38 The glory of Sivaratri 663
Chapter 39 Completion of Sivaratri Vrata 670
Chapter 40 The glory of Sivaratri 672
Chapter 41 Types of Salvation 680
Chapter 42 The difference between Siva's Nirguna and Saguna forms 682
Chapter 43 The perfect knowledge of Siva 685


Uma Samhita 1
Chapter 1 Krsna's meeting with Upamanyu 1
Chapter 2 Upamayu's instructions to Krsna, for adoring Siva 6
Chapter 3 The glory of Siva 11
Chapter 4 Display of Siva's Maya 17
Chapter 5 The grave sins 20
Chapter 6 The minor sins 23
Chapter 7 Path to Yamaloka and form of the messengers of Yama 28
Chapter 8 Description of the hell 32
Chapter 9 Sufferings in the hell 36
Chapter 10 Agonies of the hell 39
Chapter 11 The glory of giving away the food in charity 43
Chapter 12 Penance and its greatness 48
Chapter 13 The glory of the Puranas 52
Chapter 14 The glory of charities 55
Chapter 15 Description of'Patalaloka 58
Chapter 16 Achieving the hell and the repentance 61
Chapter 17 Description of Jambudvlpa 64
Chapter 18 The seven continents 67
Chapter 19 Position of the planets like Sun and others 73
Chapter 20 Achieving of Sivaloka with th~ performing of tapas 77
Chapter 21 Righteous war and its fruits 81
Chapter 22 Genesis and evolution of the body 84
Chapter 23 The impurity of the body and sufferings in childhood 88
Chapter 24 Nature of women as described by the apsara Pancacuda 94
Chapter 25 Awareness about the time of death 97
Chapter 26 Competence of the Yogis to avert the death 103
Chapter 27 Achieving Siva by escaping from death 107
Chapter 28 The shadowy person 111
Chapter 29 Description of primeval creation 114
Chapter 30 The Creation 116
Chapter 31 Daksa pronounces a curse on Narada 120
Chapter 32 Kasyapa and his family 123
Chapter 33 Creation of Maruts and distribution of kingdoms 127
Chapter 34 The fourteen Manvantras 129
Chapter 38 The description of Vaivasvata 134
Chapter 36 The nine sons of the race of Manu 138
Chapter 37 The race of Iksavaku 142
Chapter 38 The birth of Satyavrata, Trisunka, Sagara and others 147
Chapter 39 The king Sagara and the expansion of his family 151
Chapter 40 Influence of Sraddha for the manes 155
Chapter 41 The story of seven hunters 160
Chapter 42 Redemption of Seven hunters 164
Chapter 43 Method of Vyasa puja 166
Chapter 44 Birth of Vyasa from Satyavati and establishing of Vyasesvara linga 167
Chapter 45 The story of the goddess and the killing of Madhu and Kaitabha 178
Chapter 46 The killing of Mahisasura by the goddess 184
Chapter 47 Killing of Dhumralocana, Canda, Munda and Raktabija 188
Chapter 48 Manifestation of Sarasvati 194
Chapter 49 Manifestation of Uma 199
Chapter 50 The origin of Mahavidyas 203
Chapter 51 Consecration of the image of the goddess 207
Kailasa Samhita 214
Chapter 1 Conversation among Vyasa and other sages 214
Chapter 2 Siva enlightens Parvatl over the secret subjects 217
Chapter 3 Description of the form of Ornkara and Virajahoma 220
Chapter 4 The daily performance of a recluse or a Sanyasl 225
Chapter 5 Preparation of mandala at the place of worship 228
Chapter 6 Procedure for asana and pranayama 231
Chapter 7 Method of Siva's worship 236
Chapter 8 Mental worship of Siva 242
Chapter 9 Interpretation of the eight names of Siva, adoration of linga 245
Chapter 10 Discourse of Suta 250
Chapter 11 Question about Ornkara and definition of Skanda stotra 253
Chapter 12 Procedure of the NandI Sraddha, Brahmayajiia etc. 258
Chapter 13 Procedure for embracing Sanyasa (renunciation) 265
Chapter 14 Pranava in the form of Siva 272
Chapter 15 Creation and dissolution of the universe 275
Chapter 16 Omkara as the cause of creation 279
Chapter 17 Advaita (non-dual) prana of Siva 286
Chapter 18 Initiation for a disciple 290
Chapter 19 The great statements and Yogapatta 293
Chapter 20 Rules for the removal of hair of an ascetic 298
Chapter 21 Ban on the cremation of Yatis and performing of their last rites 301
Chapter 22 Rites to be performed on the eleventh day of Yati's death 307
Chapter 23 The rites to be performad on the twelfth day a Yati 310
Vayaviya Samita 315
Purva-bhaga 315
Chapter 1 Genesis of the Vedas, the fourteen lores and the Puranas 315
Chapter 2 The complex problems of the ascetics 320
Chapter 3 Brahma declares Siva, as the best of all the gods 323
Chapter 4 Interpretation of the word Pasupati 328
Chapter 5 Reply of the wind god to the sages 330
Chapter 6 The principle of Siva faith 335
Chapter 7 The description of time in relation to Siva 341
Chapter 8 Creation of the universe for the sports of Siva 343
Chapter 9 Creation of the universe and sports of Siva 346
Chapter 10 Creation of the universe 348
Chapter 11 The rescue of the earth from Patala by Varaha 352
Chapter 12 Creating of moha, mada, goblins, pisacas, asuras etc. by Brahma 354
Chapter 13 Emergence of Brahma, Visnu and Rudra in different Kalpas 360
Chapter 14 The manifestation of Rudra 364
Chapter 15 Siva's appearing before Brahma in Ardhanarisvara form 365
Chapter 16 Manifestation of the divine Sakti 368
Chapter 17 Emerging of Satarupa from the body of Brahma 370
Chapter 18 Birth of Sati as daughter of Daksa, Daksa's enmity with Siva 375
Chapter 19 Origin of Virabhadra 380
Chapter 20 Destruction of the sacrifice of Daksa 385
Chapter 21 Flight of Visnu and other gods from the place of Yajna 388
Chapter 22 Fight between Virabhadra and the supporters of Daksa 392
Chapter 23 Prayer of gods and the completion of yajna 397
Chapter 24 Controversy between Siva and Siva 402
Chapter 25 Performing of tapas by KaiI to become GaurI 406
Chapter 26 Parvati meets Siva as Gauri 410
Chapter 27 Meeting of Siva and Siva, showering of his grace on the tiger by Siva 412
Chapter 28 The glory of bhasma or ashes 415
Chapter 29 The speech and its meaning 417
Chapter 30 Vayudeva's discourse on Sivatattva 419
Chapter 31 Description of spotless Sivatattva by Vayudeva 424
Chapter 32 Excellent practices for the achieving of moksa 431
Chapter 33 The glory of the performing of Pasupata vrata 436
Chapter 34 Upamanyu's performance of tapas for Siva 443
Chapter 35 Siva's testing the devotion of Upamanyu 448
Uttara-bhaga 454
Chapter 1 Instruction by Upamanyu to Sri Krsna to adore Siva 454
Chapter 2 Highlighting of the greatness of Pasupata, by Vasudeva to the sages 456
Chapter 3 Upamanyu's instruction to Sri Krsna 460
Chapter 4 Excllence of Siva and Siva 463
Chapter 5 Detailed discussion on Pasu and Pasupati 470
Chapter 6 The principle of Siva 473
Chapter 7 Principle of Siva 475
Chapter 8 The birth of Vyasa 478
Chapter 9 Siva's incarnations as Yogacarya 482
Chapter 10 Devotion to Siva 484
Chapter 11 Knowledge about Siva 490
Chapter 12 Glory of the five syllable mantra of Siva 494
Chapter 13 The glory of five syllabled mantra 497
Chapter 14 The method of performing the five syllabled mantra 502
Chapter 15 Procedure for Sivadiksa 508
Chapter 16 Initiation of the disciple 514
Uttara-bhaga 454
Chapter 17 The types of initiation 520
Chapter 18 Purification of the six paths 524
Chapter 19 The glory of the mantras 529
Chapter 20 Consecration of the disciple by the acarya 531
Chapter 21 Nitya and Naimittika rites 533
Chapter 22 Different types of Nyasas 537
Chapter 23 Method of mental adoration of Siva 542
Chapter 24 Ritualistic worship of Siva 543
Chapter 25 Adoration of Siva 549
Chapter 26 Adoration of Siva with connected rites 554
Chapter 27 Performing of Yajna 557
Chapter 28 Compulsory and optional rites 563
Chapter 29 The Kamya rites 566
Chapter 30 Avarana worship of Siva 569
Chapter 31 Siva strotra or hymn to Siva 576
Chapter 32 Method of achieving the worldly benefits 590
Chapter 33 Rites for achieving future benefits 597
Chapter 34 Conflict between Visnu and Brahma 598
Chapter 35 Delusion of Brahma and Visnu 602
Chapter 36 Installation of Siva linga 608
Chapter 37 The yogic practices and their usages 613
Chapter 38 Obstructions in the path of Yoga 618
Chapter 39 Sivadhyana yoga and its divisions 625
Chapter 40 Travel of Rsis from Naimisaranya to Kasi 629
Chapter 41 Glosry of the Siva Purana 633

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