
  • Indian and Western Philosophies: Unity in Diversity
  • Indian and Western Philosophies: Unity in Diversity
  • Indian and Western Philosophies: Unity in Diversity
  • Indian and Western Philosophies: Unity in Diversity
  • Indian and Western Philosophies: Unity in Diversity
  • Indian and Western Philosophies: Unity in Diversity
  • Indian and Western Philosophies: Unity in Diversity

Indian and Western Philosophies: Unity in Diversity

Author(s): Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti
Language: English
Total Pages: 410
Available in: Hardbound
Regular price Rs. 780.00 Sale price Rs. 795.00
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Dragonetti and Tola deal in this book with many cases of thematic and methodological coincidences between Indian and Western philosophical thought in order to establish that there is an Indian Philosophy with the same expectations and the same weaknesses as those of Western Philosophy. Thus it is possible to conclude that there is not a "Western Thought characterized by rationality and freedom of mind", opposed to an "Indian Thought characterized by religiosity and irrationality", but only a "Universal philosophical Thought". The Method of demonstration is the same resorted to in their books On the Myth of the Opposition between Indian Thought and Western Philosophy (Georg Oims Verlag, 2004), Essays on Indian Philosophy in Comparative Perspective (Georg Oims Verlag, 2004), and Filosofia de la India. Del Veda al Vedanta. El sistema Sciiikhya (in Spanish, Editorial Kairos, Madrid, Spain, 2008 (first edition) and 2010 (second edition): the parallel presentation in their original languages of Indian and Western philosophical texts together with their own translation of them.


About the Author

CARMEN DRAGONETTI, Dr. Phil., Lima (Peru), is a research fellow of the CONICET (National Councillor Scientific Research, Argentina), and FERNANDO TOIA Dr. Litt., Lima (Pam), was a research fellow of the same institution (now retired), both in the highest category. Tola has also been a Professor of Indian Philosophy and Sanskrit at the National University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru, and at the University of Buenos Aires. Dragonetti and Tola are the President and Vice-President of the Institute of Buddhist Studies Foundation, Argentina, where they carry out their research work. They were the editors of the prestigious Revista de Estudios Budistas, a specialized journal in the field of Buddhism destined for all Spanish-speaking countries, which is now free on the internet. They are authors of numerous publications (in English and in Spanish) on Indian Philosophy and Indian Culture, publications are: On Voidness: A Study on Buddhist Nihilism, MLBD 2002; Being as Consciousness, MLBD 2004; Vaidalyapra-karana: Nagaljun's Refutation of Logic (Nyaya), MLBD 2004; Buddhist Positiveness: Studies on the Lotus Sutra, Delhi: MLBD 2009; Buddhist Philosophy: Three aspects of Sunyatd, Buenos Aires Editorial Las Cuarenta, 2012 (in press).