
Ramana Maharshis Miracles

Ramana Maharshis Miracles

Author(s): A. R. Natarajan
Publisher: Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning
Language: English
Total Pages: 98
Available in: Paperback
Regular price Rs. 150.00
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Ramana Maharshi, one of the most revered spiritual figures in modern India, was known not only for his profound teachings but also for the miraculous events and experiences that surrounded him. However, he was very humble about such occurrences and often discouraged people from focusing on miracles, considering them distractions from the ultimate goal of self-realization. Instead, he emphasized direct experience of the self and the realization of one's true nature.

Despite his reluctance to engage with the topic of miracles, several extraordinary events and experiences were attributed to him during his lifetime:

1. Self-Realization and Spontaneous Enlightenment

  • At the age of 16, Ramana Maharshi experienced a profound, life-changing realization of the Self while lying in his room. He did not need any external guidance or formal teachings to achieve this state of enlightenment, which could be seen as a "miracle" in itself, reflecting his deep connection with the divine.

2. His Presence and Healing Powers

  • Numerous devotees and seekers who came into Ramana's presence reported feeling a deep sense of peace and inner transformation. Some individuals who visited him were healed of physical ailments or mental distress, often attributing these cures to the Maharshi's spiritual energy.
  • There are accounts of people who felt cured simply by meditating or being near him, without any verbal interaction. This phenomenon is often associated with a spiritual presence so powerful that it has the capacity to heal or uplift others.

3. The Miracle of Silence

  • Ramana Maharshi's teaching emphasized the importance of silence (mauna). It is said that his silence was more powerful than words. Many individuals who sought answers to their existential questions found clarity simply by being in his silent presence. This form of "miracle" was seen by many as evidence of the profound spiritual energy and transformative presence of the Maharshi.

4. The Story of the Leper

  • One notable incident involves a leper who came to the Ashram and was in a pitiable condition. Upon encountering Ramana Maharshi, the leper is said to have been miraculously healed. This event was interpreted by many as a sign of the Maharshi's compassion and divine grace. However, Ramana himself did not give much importance to this incident and did not claim to be the source of the healing.

5. The Tiger Incident

  • Another well-known incident involves Ramana Maharshi's encounter with a tiger. While living in the forest of Arunachala, Ramana is said to have been approached by a tiger that seemed to be on the verge of attacking him. However, instead of fleeing or showing fear, the Maharshi sat calmly, and the tiger is said to have merely turned away and left. Some believe this event demonstrated his deep inner peace and fearlessness, reflecting his unity with nature and all beings.

6. The Sacred Ash (Vibhuti)

  • Some devotees reported receiving sacred ash (vibhuti) from the Maharshi's hands. It is said that the vibhuti, which is considered a symbol of divine grace in Hinduism, would often manifest spontaneously in his presence.

7. The Influence of Arunachala

  • Ramana Maharshi's connection to the sacred mountain of Arunachala was considered miraculous by many. Some believed that his realization and spiritual power were directly linked to the mountain, which is considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva. Devotees felt that by being near the Maharshi and Arunachala, they could experience a deep spiritual transformation.