
  • The Four Yogas of Swami Vivekananda - Motilal Banarsidass #author
  • The Four Yogas of Swami Vivekananda - Motilal Banarsidass #author
  • The Four Yogas of Swami Vivekananda - Motilal Banarsidass #author

The Four Yogas of Swami Vivekananda

Author(s): Swami Tapasyananda
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama
Language: English
Total Pages: 231
Available in: Paperback
Regular price Rs. 150.00
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This volume of about two hundred and fifty pages dealing with the four Yogas – Karma Yogas, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga – is a précis of Swami Vivekananda's great lectures on these subjects published originally in four volumes, here condensed into about one third of the original. Attempt has been made here to compress the matters both by abridgement and re-telling, while at the same time retaining several inspiring passages of the original, which are put in quotations.

The object of this book is two-fold – on the one hand, to help new students of Swami Vivekananda literature with a general survey of the teachings which they are going to study in detail in the original, and on the other hand, to give those who have already studied them in the original, a brief Note to help refresh their memory. Every effort has been made to very faithful to the original, as also to interest the reader in the original speeches of the great Swami through their summarized presentation, interspersed with appropriate quotations.

The main features of the book are: 1. It compresses the matter into a little less than one third of the original. 2. The subject of each chapter is thoroughly analysed and topical subsidiary headings are given. 3. With the exception of Jnana Yoga, summaries of the other Yogas are given at the end of the each book. 4. In the Raja Yoga, the second part comprises the Yoga Aphorisms and the comments on them. Here the Aphorisms are omitted. The comments are summarized under appropriate sub-headings, which have reference to the Sutras.

There is also another purpose behind this abridgement. It is the experience of many readers of Swami Vivekananda literature that they are not able to grasp the thought content of them, though it elates them and grips their attention. If we analyse the reason for this, it will be found in the nature of the text itself. They are of such a high inspirational quality and are so highly charged with emotion that they become more a subject of experience than an object of analytical thought. Not that there are not thought and well packed arguments on recondite topics in them, but the brilliance of the inspirational quality keeps the others excellences submerged. Men therefore are inclined to read them more with their hearts then their head. One subject of the abridgement and retelling is to lift up and hold to view the rich thought content, which some at least might have missed in their reading of the original.

If this condensed version of the Yoga in this series called "Studies in Swami Vivekananda" is successful and meets the need of student of Swami Vivekananda literature, we shall follow it up with two others similar volumes on "The Others Philosophic Lectures of Swami Vivekananda" and "The Nationalistic Lectures of Swami Vivekananda."




  Publisher's Note 3
  Preface 5-7
Part 1: Karma Yoga
1 Effect of Karma on Character 19-21
2 Each is Great in His Own Place 22-26
3 Detached Work: Its Secret 27-32
4 Concept of Duty 33-39
5 In Helping The World We Help Ourselves 40-43
6 Non-Attachment is Self Abnegation 44-49
7 The Ideal of Freedom 50-61
8 Resume-The Gist Of Swami Vivekananda's Karma Yoga 62-64
Part 2: Raja Yoga
9 Prologue 67-71
10 Limbs of Yoga 72-76
11 Prana 77-82
12 the Psychic Prana 83-87
13 ThePsychic Prana And Its Control 88-91
14 Pratyahara And Dharana 92-95
15 Dhyana And Samadhi 96-102
16 Raja Yoga in a Nutshell 103-105
17 Summary of Swami Vivekananda's Commentary on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras 106-155
Part 3: Bhakti Yoga
18 What is Bhakti? 159-162
19 The Philosophy of Iswara 163-169
20 Aids to Bhakti 170-177
21 Incarnate Teacher & Incarnation 178-181
22 The Philosophy of The Mantra 182-185
23 Image Worship 186-194
24 The Method And The Means 195-199
25 Renunciation 203-210
26 Stages of Bhakti 211-214
27 The Peak of Bhakti 215-223
28 The Gist of Bhakti Yoga 224-231
Part 4: Jnana Yoga
29 The Need For Religion 235-241
30 Man's True Nature 242-249
31 Maya And Illusion 250-258
32 The Conception of God 259-264
33 Maya And Freedom 265-270
34 The Absolute And The Manifestation 271-280
35 God in Everything 281-287
36 Realisation 288-296
37 Unity In Diversity 297-303
38 The Freedom of The Soul 304-314
39 The Cosmos- The Microcosm 315-319
40 The Cosmos- The Microcosm 320-329
41 Immortality 330-337
42 The Atman 338-349
43 The Atman-its Bondage And Freedom 350-356
44 The Real And The Apparent Man 357-371