
  • The Sacred Ganga- A Spiritual, Archaeological and Artistic Vision
  • The Sacred Ganga- A Spiritual, Archaeological and Artistic Vision
  • The Sacred Ganga- A Spiritual, Archaeological and Artistic Vision
  • The Sacred Ganga- A Spiritual, Archaeological and Artistic Vision
  • The Sacred Ganga- A Spiritual, Archaeological and Artistic Vision
  • The Sacred Ganga- A Spiritual, Archaeological and Artistic Vision
  • The Sacred Ganga- A Spiritual, Archaeological and Artistic Vision
  • The Sacred Ganga- A Spiritual, Archaeological and Artistic Vision

The Sacred Ganga- A Spiritual, Archaeological and Artistic Vision

Author(s): G.K. Lama
Publisher: Pathak Publisher and Distributors
Language: English
Total Pages: 237
Available in: Hardbound
Regular price Rs. 4,500.00
Unit price per


A symbol of India's age-old culture and civilization, the River Ganga executes a magic which has captured the hearts of men since times immemorial. In Vedic times, saints and seers meditated by this sacred stream to unravel the mysteries of life and death, so also the secrets of the universe. Hindus are never tired of singing the glories of Mother Ganga and every Hindu desires to take a dip at least once in his life in this sacred river. Many wend their way to the Ganga to spend the evening of their lives and to meet their end on her banks Hindus carry the ashes of their dead to consign them to the holy Ganga. To touch it, to drink its water, to take bath in it when alive, to be washed in it when dead, goes the belief, is to be cleansed within and without for life and beyond. The Ganga being one of the unifying factors of the people of India from the Cape to Kailasha and from Dvaraka to Kamakhya.

Present book not only throws light on the religious importance of the river but also deals with its geographical division, settlement pattern and important archaeological sites, agriculture and domestication, variety of ceramics recovered from various sites and important cities developed along the river. Apart from these the artistic form of goddess Ganga is also described providing latest information. In this way the book covers all the aspects of river Ganga Hope the book will be beneficial for the students of archaeology and religion.