The Skanda Purana 23 Parts in Set (AITM Vol. 49 & 71): Ancient Indian Tradition And Mythology

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The Skanda Purana 23 Parts in Set (AITM Vol. 49 & 71): Ancient Indian Tradition And Mythology
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It is the biggest among Puranas. Named after Skanda, son of Siva, this Purana expounds doctrines and worship of Siva. It also contains legends of Siva, especially his battles with Daityas and Danavs. There are sections of Yoga, Dhyana (Meditation), and Jnana (Knowledge). It describes Siva temples in and around Varanasi. It is encyclopedic in character and throws light on different topics of general interest. This Purana is divided into Seven Khandas: Mahesvara, Brahma, Vaisnava, Kasi, Avantya, Nagara, and Prabhasa. While the first three include episodes related to the Trinity, the last four deal with the holy places of pilgrimage, the meaning and significance thereof, and the anecdotes illustrating the same. Skanda is the biggest among the Mahapuranas.

Publisher's note

The purest gems lie hidden at the bottom of the ocean or in the depth of rocks. One has to dive into the ocean or delve into the rocks to find them out. Similarly, the truth lies concealed in the language which with the passage of time has become obsolete. Man has to learn that language before he discovers that truth.

But he has neither the means nor the leisure to embark on that course. We have therefore planned to help him acquire knowledge by an easier course. We have started the series of Ancient indian tradition and mythology in English translation. Our goal to universalize knowledge through the most popular international medium of expression. The publication of the puranas in English translation is a step towards that goal.



All religions be it islam Christianity or Hinduism lay great emphasis on the sanctity of certain places and enjoin pilgrimage to them. Large rivers mountains and forests have always been venerated as the abodes of gods.

Ancient Sutras and old Smrtis like Manu and Yajnavalkya do not attach importance to Tirthas but the later literature on this branch of Dharmasastra is very extensive. The Mahabharata regards pilgrimage to Tirthas more meritorious than sacrifices.

Hence it was natural that Puranas and digests on Tirthas vied with one another in glorifying their respective Tirthas. The Skanda Purana is not one book but a library of such Sthaal Puranas or Tirtha Mahatmyas. Hence its importance for researches in different disciplines.

The great oriental scholar Dr. Jan Gonda has succinctly emphasized the importance of these sthala puranas in his Medieval religious literature in Sanskrit as follows.

This genre of literature is not only very useful for deepening out knowledge of the cultural and religious history of india in general but also most valuable for those who want to reconstruct the development of regional history and local cults or to gain a deeper insight into various religious institutions for instance the recommendation of pilgrimage to poor people as a substitute for expensive sacrifice into beliefs and practices e.g. those who bathe here go to heaven and those who die here are not born again and in connection with the conviction in religious suicide and worship of the deceased and into the significance of holy places local variants of myths and legends and so on. They give information on topography.

The Skp is thus a mine of social cultural political historical geographical religious and philosophical information.

it need not however be supposed that the Skp or the Mbh underestimates the importance of moral purity. The Skp kasikhanda quotes Mbh vana 82.9-12 and exhorts the need of self control knowledge and penance for obtaining the full advantage of pilgrimage.

The Skp is specially important as it covers practically the whole of india. Thus it describes the topography cultural traditions etc. of the Himalayan region of Uttara Pradesh Orissa (in Purusottama ksetra-mahat-mya) Malwa Rajasthan and a part of Gujarat western india along with Gujarat and south india. The Skp has thus covered the major part of india (except such states as maharashtra and Punjab). The authors of each of these Mahatmyas knew their respective regions like the palm of their hand and describe the topography of the area particular Tirtha its location legendary history its distance and directions from the main Tirtha. Naturally these Tirtha-mahata-myas came to be written at different times by different authors. Hence the criticism or evaluation of a particular Khanda should not be regarded as applicable to the whole of the Skp thus the ignorance about the beginning of the kali age or the dates of Vikramaditya Saka, Pramati etc. in Kaumarkakahanda should be attributed to the author of that particular khanda and not to authors of other parts. Similarly the author of the Kasikhanda does not mean that the whole of the Skp is of that poetic standard. The general literary standard of other authors however is certainly high.

This Purana is called Skanda according to the NP 104.2-4 Vyasa this Purana Skanda and described it as consisting of a hundred thousand verses and all the rites and rituals regarding Siva have been revealed by Skanda.

The Skp in the concluding (44th) Adhyaya of the last Khanda informs us.

This skanda Purana was formerly disclosed by Kumara (skanda).

This Purana contributing to longevity and pleasing to the people of four Varnas was certainly created by the greatsouled Skanda.

in the traditional list of Mahapuranas the Skp holds the thirteenth rank but in its extent in number of verses it is the first.

The Skp is found in two versions or forms (1)Khandas and (2) Samhitas the Samhitas are six in number viz ,(a) Sanatkumara (b) Suta (c) Sankari (d) Vaisnavi (e) Brahmi and (f) Saura the total number of verses in these Samhitas is one hundred thousand.

But the NP recognizes the Khanda version. The Skp has the following seven khandas.

(1) Mahesvara (2) Vaisnava (3) Brahma (4) Kasi (5) Avanti (6) Nagara and (7) Prabhasa the NP 104.3 states that the Skp contains 81,000 verses a figure confirmed by the Skp in the colophon of each Adhyaya. The Mtp 53.41-42 the Vap 104 and the Bhp 12,13 give 81,000 as the number of its verses. But the AP 272.17 states that the Skp has 84,000 verses a view confirmed by the Skp.

The Venkateshwar Press edition of the Skp which we translate contains 94313 verses. The incidents mentioned in this Purana took place in the Tatpurusa Kalpa.

There are four editions of this Khanda type of Skp (1) the Venkateshwar Press (VP) (2) Bangavasi (BV) (3) Naval Kishore Press Lucknow and (4) the Gurumandala (GM) edition but these editions vary in their contents for ecample the catruastiti linga mahatmya in Part i of the Avanti Khanda is not found in the Lucknow edition. in Part ii of the Avanti Khanda some 110 chapters differ considerably from those in the VP edition. The GM includes the spurious Satya Narayana mahatmya in the Reva khanda but it is not found in the VP Edition.

The Skp Vii states that the entire Purana was narrated formerly by Skanda to Bhrgu. Angiras got it from Bhrgu Cyavana got it from Angiras Reika got if from Cyavana. it is thus traditionally handed down. The Purana is silent as to how it came up to suta through Vyasa. The rest of that last chapter of the Skp is Phalasruti.

The present text of the Sky is somewhat different from that of the 11th cent. A.D. Some of the verses then existing in the Skp and quoted as such by Laksmidhara in the Kalpataru (A.D. 1110) are not found in the present day text of the Sky. For example, in the Kalpataru on Tirtha (pp. 36-3 some 19 verses are quoted from the Sky, but they are untraced in the present text of the SkP, though they are found in LP 92.120-142. in the Kalpataru on p. 44 three verses are quoted from the Sky but are not found in our Sky text, though they are traced in the Ly 92.97-99

There is thus an urgent necessity of preparing a critical edition of the Skanda Purana. I have, however, followed here the VP edition.

The position of the Skp as a Mahapuraa is not disputed by anyone. But the very nature of Sky being a library of Ksetra and other Mahatamyas, is basically different from other Puraias, say the VP or the Bhp. Hence we should not stretch the Sky on the Procrustean bed of puranam paica1akca- zam. in fact (as observed by A.D. Pusalkar in Studies in Epics and Puratnas, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay) the paflca laksatzas are observed in their breach by a number of Puranas except the VP. The Sky not being one book, is not expected to follow the five laksanas. it is true that many books in the Sky share the Puranic ideas about Sarga, Pratisarga, Manvantara, but the lakksanas Vamsa and Vansabycarita are totally absent except a few unconnected semi-historical references in the Kaumarikaichanda and Brahmakhanda (see infra, the section on "Semi-historical References in the Skanda Puraa").

As society in Puranic india is of utmost importance and interest, let us first see society as depicted in the Sky. Like other Puranas, the Sky nostalgically remembers the ideal social condition in the Krta Age-a classless society, free provision of shelter, food, clothes and ornaments by trees, absence of the concept of Adharma etc. the evolution of varnas like Ksatriyas and the introduction of the performance of sacrifices appeared in treta Yuga.

But as P.V. Kane Points out Varna is not jati or caste Jati has the following characteristics.

(1) Heredity caste is assigned by birth

(2) Endogamy and Exogamy

(3) Certain restrictions as to food (what food is to be taken from whom etc.)

(4) Occupation A particular caste is to follow a particular occupation.

(5) Gradation of castes on a social scale jati thus lays special emphasis on birth or heredity, while Varna emphasized duties.

But Brahmana ksatriya vaisaya and sudra are equally important parts of the body of the Purusa. it thus represents the organic nature of the Hindu Society.

The Skp strongly asserts equality between man and man.

Humanity being the common factor who is low and who is high? Asks Skp iV if four sons are born from the same person from the same woman how can they belong to four different varpas. The distinction between one varna and another does not hold water. Hence nobody should every regard that there is difference between man and man like Sankara Vedanta the Skp also espoused elsewhere the stand of equality. Listing the created castes god Brahmi asserts the equality of these casters to Narada all those subjects are born from parts of my body and hence are equal.

This equality is voiced in other Puranas as well e.g. all varnas are born of the person the respetive duties of Brahamanas Ksatriyas, vaisyas and Sutras are based on old Smrtis like Manu Yajnavalkya. But even brahamanas took to different vocations like agriculture medical profession begging at forbidden houses and became degraded. it resulted in the creation of eleven castes among brahmanas who neither dine dor marry inter.


Part I
  Publisher's Note  
  Editorial v
  Abbreviations vii
  Introduction xi
Skanda Purana
Book I: Mahesvarakhanda
Section I: Kedarkhanda
1 Daksa's insolence 1
2 Satys Arrival at Daksa's Sacrifice 7
3 Virabhadra Comes to the Yajna 13
4 A Fight between Vibhadra and Visnu and Others 20
5 Meritoriousness of Devotion to Siva 26
6 Curse to Brahma and Others 42
7 Worship of the Linga 47
8 The Story of a Thief: incarnation of Rama 53
9 The Churning of the Ocean 64
10 Siva Swallows the Poison 74
11 Procedure to Ganesa Worship: Manifestation of Laksmi 82
12 Devas Taste the Divine Nectar 90
13 The Fight between Devas and Asuras 96
14 Resuscitation of Dead Daityas 106
15 Nahusa and Yayati: Their indrahood and Fall 109
16 Dadhicys Gift of His Body 118
17 Vrtra Killed: Bali Prepares for War 126
18 Vamana's Arrival Balys Sacrifice 151
19 Sukra Curses Bali: Vamana Grants Boon to Bali 169
20 The Nirunatva of the Siva Linga: The Manifestation of Bhavani 176
21 Parvatys Penance 181
22 Sankara's Revelation of Himself to Parvati: Their Dialogue 196
23 Siva's Marriage 207
24 The Marriage Ceremony of Siva: The Arrangement for Accommodating Devas and Others 214
25 The Marriage Ritual 220
26 The Marriage Celebration of Siva and Parvati: Auspicious Festivities 227
27 The Birth of Kumara Karttikeya 232
28 Preparations of Devas and Daityas for War 242
29 The Battle Between Suras and Taraka 247
30 Taraka is Slain 254
31 The Greatness of Sivalinga 258
32 The Burning of Kala 268
33 The Greatness of Sivaratri Vrata 277
34 Siva Loses to Parvati in a Game of Dice 287
35 Parvati as Sabari Brings Back Siva: Siva's Coronation 301
  Index 307
Part II
  Publisher's Note v
  Editorial vii
  Abbreviations xv
Skanda Purana
Book I: Mahesvarakhanda
Section II: Kaumarikakhanda
1 Redemption of Five Apsaras by Arjuna 1
2 Glorification of Holy Places 10
3 Greatness of the Tirtha at the Confluence of Mahi and Sea 21
4 Dialogue between Narada and Arjuna: Different Kinds of Charitable Gifts 29
5 Dialogue between Narada and Sutanu 38
6 Narada Settles Brahmanas at the Holy Spot 51
7 Nadijangha's Story 64
8 Prakarakarna's Story 74
9 The Vulture's Story 81
10 Revival of indradyumna's Renown 86
11 The Previous Births of the Tortoise 90
12 Great Efficacy of the Worship of Siva: The Story of Sage Lomasa 95
13 Satarudriya Lingas 101
14 The Legend of Vajranga 122
15 The Birth of the Asura Taraka 130
16 Taraka and Devendra Prepare for War 136
17 The Fight between Yama and Grasana 143
18 The Battle between the Armies of Taraka and the Devas 148
19 The Battle between Visnu and Kalanemi 155
20 Visnu Fights with Daityas 161
21 Taraka's Victory in the Battle 169
22 The Birth of Parvati 193
23 Himavan Consoled 199
24 Kama is Burned 204
25 Mahadeva Meets Parvati: Eagerness for Marriage with Parvati 208
26 The Marriage of Hara and Gauri Celebrated 220
27 Parvati Enraged: The Origin of Ganesa 227
28 Parvati Goes to the Mountain for Penance 234
29 Kumara Becomes Commander-in-chief of the Deva Army: (i) Legend of Arbuda 236
30 Skanda installed as the Commander-in-chief 254
31 Kumara's March against the City of Tarakasura 260
32 Taraka is Slain 264
33 The Greatness of Lingas installed by Kumara 278
34 The Greatness of Kumaresa 284
35 Greatness of Stambhesvara 294
36 Description of the Five Lingas Concluded 295
37 Bhuvanakosa: Evolution of the Universe: Description of Dvipas or Continents 301
38 The Position of the Higher World 309
39 The Greatness of Barkaresvara 315
40 The Birth of Mahakala: The Arrangement of Four Yugas 335
41 Kinds of Sins; Procedure of Siva Worship; Rules of Good Conduct 361
42 The Story of Brahmana Aitareya 378
43 Establishment of Bhattaditya 401
44 Description of the Divyas (Ordeals) 410
45 The Story of Nandabhadra 418
46 Events Connected with Baladitya 430
47 Installation of Goddesses at Bahudaka Tirtha 444
48 The Description of Somanatha 453
49 Dialogue between Kamatha and the Sun-god 456
50 Human body-A Miniature Cosmos: Departure of the Soul to the Next World 462
51 The Greatness of Jayaditya 470
52 The Story of Kotitirtha 478
53 Greatness of Tripurusasala and the Glory of Narada's Lake 482
54 The Glory of idol Lake 486
55 The Characteristics of Yoga 491
56 Brahmesvara, Moksesvara and Garbhesvara 505
57 The Glory of Nilakantha 506
58 End of Arjuna's Pilgrimage 507
59 The Departure of Ghatotkaca to Pragjyotisa 513
60 The Birth of Barbarika 519
61 The Liturgy of Ganesvara 525
62 The Practice of Mahavidya 531
63 Vikaya's Accomplishment of Siddhi 538
64 The Greatness of Bhimesvara 545
65 Disagreement between Bhima and Yudhisthira: installation of Kalesvari 551
66 Krsna beheads Barbarika: Greatness of Guptaksetra Concluded 562
  Index 575
Part III
  Publisher's Note v
  Editorial vii
  Abbreviations xi
Skanda Purana
Book I: Mahesvarakhanda
Section II: Arunacalamahatamya
1 The Manifestation of the Taijasa Linga-Arunacala 1
2 Greatness of immovable Linga of Sankara 8
3 Parvati Goes to Kanci for Penance 13
4 Parvati Goes to the Hermitage of Gautama 19
5 The Greatness of Brahmapuskara 25
6 Description of Various Holy Places at Aruncala 31
7 Different Tirthas on Arunacala 43
8 The Propitiation of Arunesvara 47
9 The Efficacy of the Circumambulation of Arunesvara 54
10 The Fight with Mahisasura 65
11 Mahisasura Slain: His Head Stuck to Gaurys Hand 74
12 The Reunion of the Goddess with Siva 82
13 Granting of Boons to Parvati 90
1 Introduction: Markandeya's Query 95
2 A List of Different Sacred Places of Siva on the Earth 97
3 Markandeya's Further Query 106
4 The Greatness of Arunacala 108
5 Rewards and Punishments Resulting from Previous Karmas 113
6 Expiatory Rites 116
7 Holy Rites for Special Attainments 120
8 The Description of Creation 125
9 Dispute between Brahma and Visnu 127
10 Manisfestation of the Fiery Linga 131
11 Visnu's Exploration of the Top of the Column of Splendour 133
12 Brahma's Requests the Ketaka Bunch to Perjure 136
13 Brahma Requests the Ketaka Bunch to Perjure 138
14 Manisfestation of Sankara 140
15 Brahma Prepares to Eulogize Siva 143
16 Description of the Temple of Arunacala by Brahma and Visnu 145
17 The Sports of Siva and Parvati 151
18 Parvatys Devotional Service to Arunacalesvara 154
19 Demon Mahisa Slain by Durga 161
20 Parvatys Eulogy of the Lord of Arunacala 168
21 Siva Praises Parvati 171
22 The Story of Vajrangada 175
23 The Story of Kaladhara and Kantisali 180
24 Vajrangada Attains Salvation 181
  Index 187
Part IV
  Publisher's Note v
  Editorial vii
  Abbreviations xi
Skanda Purana
Book II: Vaishnavakhanda
Section I: Venkatcala Mahatmya
1 Narada's Vision of Yajnavaraha 1
2 Propitation of Sri Varaha by Mantras 13
3 Manifestation of the Lord to the Eyes of Everyone at the Request of Agastya 16
4 Narada Approaches Padmavati 20
5 Srinivasa Enchanted on Seeing Padmavati 25
6 Marks of Visnu's Devotee 31
7 Preparations for the Marriage of Padmalaya 38
8 The Marriage of Srinivasa and Padmavati 44
9 The Story of Hunter Vasu: The Greatness of Padmasaras 48
10 The Story of Emperor Tondaman 59
11 Kasyapa Absolved of Sins 69
12 The Greatness of Svamipuskarini 76
13 The Greatness of Svamipuskarini 81
14 The Greatness of Svamipuskarini 86
15 The Greatness of Ramakrsna Tirtha 90
16 The Merit of Making a Gift of Water 92
17 The Greatness of Venkatacala 96
18 The Glory of Sri Venkatacala 99
19 The Greatness of Papavinasana Tirtha 102
20 Merit from Gift of Lands 111
21 The Greatness of Akasaganga 119
22 Qualifications of Those Who Are Fit to Receive Charitable Gifts 125
23 Great Efficacy of Cakratirtha 131
24 The Episode of the Gandharva Sundara 135
25 The Greatness of Jabalitirtha 139
26 The Greatness of Tumburu (Ghona) Tirtha 143
27 Sri Venkatacala Contains All the Tirthas 152
28 In Praise of Kataha Tirtha 158
29 Arjuna Proceeds on a Pilgrimage 166
30 Description of the Hermitage of Bharadvaja 171
31 Agastya's Departure to the South 176
32 The Birth of Suvarnamukhari 180
33 The Efficacy of Suvarnamukhari 186
34 The Miraculous Power of Agastya Tirtha and Agasteyesvara 193
35 The Confluence of Kalya with Suvarnamukhari 198
36 Glorification of the Boar incarnation (of Visnu) 204
37 The Arrival of Sankha, Agastya and Others at Sri Ventakacala 209
38 Manifestation of Lord Visnu to Agastya and others 214
39 Anjana's Penance for Getting a Son 222
40 The Proper Times for Sacred bath in Viyadganga 226
  Index 229
Part V
  Publisher's Note v
  Editorial vii
  Abbreviations xiii
Skanda Purana
Book II: Vaishnavakhanda
Section II: Purusottama-ksetra Mahatmya
1 A Dialogue between Jaimini and the Sages 1
2 Yama's Prayer 5
3 Story of Markandeya and the Greatness of Yamesvara 9
4 The Redemption of Pudarika and Ambarisa 14
5 Pundarika and Ambarisa Attains Salvation 22
6 Description of the Land of Utkala 29
7 The Story of indradyumna 31
8 The Messenger Vidyapati Returns 39
9 Vidyapati Reports to indradyumna 45
10 Dialogue between Narada and indradyumna 50
11 Dialogue between Narada and indradyumna (Continued) 60
12 Description of the Holy Place Ekamravana (Bhuvanesvara) 72
13 The Greatness of Kapotesa and Bilvesvara 82
14 Narada Consoles indradyumna and Urges Him to Perform Horse-sacrifices 85
15 Indradyumna's Grief Dispelled: Manifestation of Four-formed Visnu 89
16 Installation of the idol of Nrsimha 93
17 Indradyumna Performs a Thousand Horse-sacrifices 98
18 The Eternal Banyan Tree Emerges 109
19 The Lord Manifests Himself as Wooden idol 112
20 Origin of the indradyumna Lake 116
21 Indradyumna Gets the Royal Shrine Built 122
22 Indradyumna Goes to Brahma's Abode along with Narada 126
23 Indradyumna Returns after Visiting Brahma 130
24 Devas Eulogize the Lord: Padmanidhys Reception 135
25 The Construction and installation of the Chariot of the Lord 139
26 Indradyumna Worships the Lord: King Gala Submits to indradyumna 145
27 Installation of the Four Deities 149
28 The Lord Adopts the Form of Nrsimha: Dialogue between Brahma and indradyumna 158
29 The Lord Grants Boons to indradyumna 163
30 The Greatness of Pancatirtha 168
31 The Procedure for the Sacred Ablution of the Lord in the Wooden Body 181
32 The Rite of Jyestha Pancaka 188
33 The Chariot-Procession Called Gundica Yatra 194
34 In Praise of Chariot-Procession 203
35 The Procedure of Preserving the Chariot 207
36 The Festival's of Lords Retiring o Sleep 209
37 King Sveta Attains Salvation 214
38 The Great Efficacy of Nirmalya etc. 219
39 Festival to be Celebrated during Caturmasya 229
40 Pravarana (Covering) Festival of Nrsimha 235
41 The Festival of Holy Bath on Pusya Day 237
42 The Festival of the Transit (of the Sun) to Capricorn 239
43 The Festival of Swing 241
44 Description of the Jyesthapancaka Vrata 245
45 The Procedure of Splitting Damanaka Grass 248
46 Celebration of Yatra by Daksa (on Aksayatrtiya) 250
47 Meditation on the Lord in Different Forms 254
48 Popularization of the Lord's Worship by indradyumna 255
49 The Merit of Listening to a Purana 258
  Index 263
Part VI
  Publisher's Note v
  Editorial xi
  Abbreviations xv
Skanda Purana
Book II: Vaishnavakhanda
Section III: Badarikasrama Mahatmya
1 Superiority of the Holy Place Badarikasrama over all Tirthas 1
2 Agni Eulogizes the Lord 7
3 The Greatness of Agnitirtha ans Silas of Narada and Markandeya 11
4 The Greatness of the Rocks of Garuda, Varaha and Narasimha 18
5 The Greatness of Visala 23
6 The Greatness of Vasudhara 28
7 The Greatness of Pancadhara and other Tirthas 34
8 The Greatness of Various Tirthas at Badari 42
Section IV: Kartikkamasa-Mahatamya
1 Praise of Karttika Vow 49
2 Rites to Be Observed in Karttika 54
3 The Glory of Karttika 59
4 The Procedure of Karttikasnana 64
5 The Daily Routine of Duties in Karttika 70
6 Directions for Karttikavarata 73
7 Special Efficacy of the Gift of Lamps 78
8 The Greatness of Tulasi (Basil Plant) 88
9 Rites to be Performed on Vatsadvadasi, Yamatrayodasi, Narakacaturdasi and Dipavali 92
10 The Greatness of the First Day in the Bright Half of Karttika 101
11 The Efficacy of Yamadvitiya (The 2nd Day of Karttika) 107
12 The Efficacy of Dhatri 112
13 Previous Life of Satyabhama 122
14 The Birth of Jalandhara 127
15 The Victories of Jalandhara 130
16 Narada Visits Jalandhara 133
17 Dialogue between Narada and Jalandhara 136
18 Rudra's Army Defeated 139
19 The Fall of Virabhadra 142
20 Fight between Siva and Jalandhara 144
21 Vrnda's Self-immolation 146
22 Jalandhara Attains Salvation 149
23 The Origin of Dhatri and Tulasi 152
24 The Legend of Dharmadatta 154
25 Kalaha Attains Salvation 157
26 Dialogue between King Cola and Visnudasa 159
27 King Cola and Visnudasa Liberated 163
28 Dharmadatta Attains Salvation 165
29 The Story of Dhanesvara 168
30 Fasts and Austerities of the Month 171
31 The Rite of Kusmandanavami 177
32 The Efficacy of Bhismpancaka Vrata 180
33 Rules Pretaining to Pbabodhini 184
34 The Procedure of Concluding the Vrata 189
35 Vaikuntha Caturdasi Vrata 192
36 The Efficacy of Listening to the Purana 196
Section:V: Margasirsa-Mahatmya
1 Fruit of Holy Bath in the Month of Margasirsa (Obtained by Gopis) 201
2 The Application of Tripundra 203
3 imprinting Marks of Conch, etc. 207
4 Worshipping the Conch 212
5 The Fruit of Conch Worship 216
6 The Fruit of Offering Tulasi Twigs and Sandalpaste 219
7 Superiority of Jati Flower 223
8 The Greatness of Tulasi 225
9 The Procedure for Naivedya 229
10 The Concluding Rites in the Lord's Worship 232
11 The Story of Ekadasi 236
12 Uninterrupted Ekadasi Vow 243
13 importance of Jagarana in Ekadasi Vrata 249
14 The Greatness of the "Matsya" Festival 253
15 Efficacy of the Name of Krsna 257
16 The Greatness of Srimadbhagavata 262
17 The Greatness of Mathura 267
Section VI: Bhagavata-Mahatya
1 The Greatness of Vrajabhumi 273
2 Pariksit and Others Meet Uddhava 277
3 Dialogue between Pariksit and Uddhava 280
4 The Recitation of Bhagvata 286
  Index to Section III 293
  Index to Section IV 295
  Index to Section VI 301
  Index to Section VII 303
Part VII
  Publisher's Note v
  Editorial xi
  Abbreviations xv
Skanda Purana
Book II: Vaisnava-khanda
Section VII: Vaisakhamasa Mahatmya
1 The Greatness of the Holy Bath in Vaisakha 1
2 The Benefit of the Different Kinds of Charitable Gifts 3
3 Charitable Gifts (Continued) 7
4 The Holy Rites to be Observed in Vaisakha 11
5 The Excellence of Vaisakha 15
6 The Story of House-Lizard 18
7 Salvation of a Pisaca (Globlin) 23
8 Daksa's Yajna; Parvatys Birth etc. 27
9 The Birth of Kumara 34
10 Glorification of the Gifts of Umbrellas: The Story of Hemakanta 41
11 The Anecdote of King Kirtiman 48
12 Yama's Lamentation 57
13 Yama is Consoled 60
14 Liberation of a Pisaca 66
15 Story of a Ruler of Pancaladesa 70
16 The Pancala King Attains Sayujya 76
17 Story of Dantila and Kohala 81
18 Previous Birth of the Hunter 86
19 The Curse of Wind-god 92
20 The Bhagavata Dharmas 98
21 Birth of Valmiki 106
22 Liberation of Pitrs 111
23 The Greatness of Aksaya Trtiya 120
24 Salvation of a Bitch: importance of Dvadasi 124
25 The Conclusion 132
Section VIII: Ayodhya-Mahatmya
1 Ther Greatness of Visnuhari 139
2 Brahmakunda and Sahasradhara 149
3 The Tirthas: Svargadvara: Candrahari: Conclusion of Candra Vrata 157
4 The Greatness of Dharmahari 164
5 The Efficacy of Tilodaki 171
6 The Greatness of Sargadvara and Gopratara 173
7 Brhaspati, Rukmini and Other Kundas 191
8 Ratikunda and other Holy Tirthas 202
9 The Glory of Various Tirthas 211
10 Pilgrimage to Ayodhya 216
Section IX: Vasudeva -Mahatmya
1 Query by Savarni 225
2 Meeting of Narayana and Narada 228
3 Sri Vasudeva to Be Worshipped by All 231
4 Sveta-Dvipa 234
5 Uparicara Vasu, a Pious King 238
6 Fall of Uparicara Vasu 241
7 Uparicara Vasu Attains Liberation 245
8 Curse to Devendra 249
9 Genesis of Yajnas involving Himsa 251
10 The Grace of Vasudeva 254
11 Churning for the Nectar: Birth of the Position Kalakuta 257
12 Churning of the Ocean: Birth of Fourteen Precious Jewels 261
13 Gods Drink the Nectar 263
14 The Marriage Festival of Laksmi and Narayana 266
15 Eulogy of Laksmi-Narayana 270
16 Description of Goloka 277
17 Manifestation of Vasudeva 281
18 incarnations of Vasudeva 285
19 Narada Meets Nara and Narayana 290
20 The Duties of Four Varnas 293
21 Duties of Celibates (Students) 298
22 Duties of Householders 299
23 Duties of Forest-Hermaits and Recluses 306
24 The Nature of Knowledge 310
25 Vairagya and Bhakti 316
26 Eligibility for Kriya-Yoga etc. 321
27 Procedure of Puja Mandala Construction 325
28 Kriya-Yoga: Meditation on the Forms of Radha and Krsna 333
29 Kriya-Yoga: Procedure of Worship of Vasudeva 336
30 Description of Yoga and Limbs 341
31 Euology of Nara and Narayana 344
32 Text-transmission of Vasudeva-Mahatmya 346
  Index to Section VII 351
  Index to Section VIII 356
  Index to Section IX 359
Part VII
  Publisher's Note v
  Editorial xi
  Abbreviations xiii
Skanda Purana
Book III: Brahma-khanda
Section I: Setu Mahatmya
1 The Merit of Visiting Setu 1
2 The Construction o Setu 10
3 Dharmatirtha Becomes Famous as Cakratirtha 18
4 Redemption of Durdama from a Curse 27
5 Redemption from Curse of Alambusa and Vidhuma 32
6 Battle between the Goddess and Mahisasura 44
7 Mahisasura Killed 49
8 Sudarsana Becomes a Vampire 54
9 Redemption of Sudarsana and Sukarna 60
10 The Sanctifying Power of Papavinasa 66
11 Glorification of Sita Lake: indra Absolved of the Sin of Brahmana-Slaughter 73
12 Glorification of Mangala Tirtha 79
13 The Glory of Amrtavapi: Salvation of Agastya's Brother 87
14 Brahma's Redemption from Siva's Curse 91
15 The Glory of Hanumatkunda: Dharmasakha Blessed with a Hundred Sons 96
16 The Glory of Agasti Tirtha: The Story of Kaksivan 101
17 The Glory of Agastyakunda: The Marriage of Kaksivan 109
18 The Glory of Ramakunda: Dharamaputra's Atonement for False Speech 113
19 The Glory of Laksmanatritha: Balabhadra's Redemption from the Sin of Brahmana-Slaughter 122
20 The Glory of Jataritha: Dharmaputra Obtains Unlimited Wealth 127
21 The Glory of Laksmitirtha: Dharmaputra Obtains Unlimited Wealth 132
22 The Glory of Agnitirtha: Duspanya Relieved of His Ghosthood 136
23 The Glory of Cakratirtha: Aditya Gets Golden Hands 144
24 The Glory of Sivatirtha: Bhairava Absolved of the Sin of Brahmana-Slaughter 149
25 The Glory of Sankhatirtha: Vatsanabha Freed from the Sin of ingratitude 154
26 The Greatness of Ganga, Yamuna and Gaya: Janasruti Attains Perfect Knowledge 159
27 The Glory of Kotitirtha: Krsna Atones for His Sin of Killing His Uncle 167
28 The Glory of Sadhyamrtatirtha: Pururavas Liberated from a Curse 175
29 The Glory of Sarvatirtha: Sucarita Attains Sayujya 182
30 The Glory of Dhanuskoti 186
31 The Glory of Kotitirtha: Asvatthama's Liberation from the Sin of Killing Sleeping Persons 195
32 The Glory of Dhanuskoti: Dharmagupta Gets Rid of His Madness 204
33 The Glory of Dhanuskoti: Paravasu Liberated from the Sin of Brahmana-Slaughter 209
34 The Glory of Dhanuskoti: Sumatys Liberation from Great Sins 215
35 The Glory of Dhanuskoti: The Jackal and the Monkey Liberated 221
36 The Glory of Dhanuskoti: Duracara Liberated from the Sin of Associating with Sinners 227
37 Ksirakunda 241
38 The Glory of Ksirakunda: Kadru's Expitation for her Deceitful Action 246
39 The Glory of Kapitirtha: Rambha and Ghrtaci Liberated from their Curse 256
40 The Glory of Gayatri and Sarasvati Tirthas 261
41 The Glory of Gayatri and Sarasvati Kundas: Destruction of Kasyapa's Sin 266
42 Rnamocana and Other Tirthas 274
43 The Glory of Ramanatha 278
44 The installation of the Linga of Ramanatha 288
45 Rama's Discourse on Philosophy 297
46 The Reason for the installation of Ramanatha 303
47 Rama's Sin of Brahma-hatya 309
48 Cessation of Great Sins incurred by King Sankara 314
49 Eulogy of Ramanatha 323
50 The Story of Punyanidhi 334
51 Pilgrimage to Setu 342
52 The Glory of Setu 349
  Index 367
Part IX
  Publisher's Note v
  Editorial ix
  Abbreviations xiii
Skanda Purana
Book III: Brahma-khanda
Section II: Dharmaranya Mahatmya
1 Yudhisthira's Enquiries 1
2 Yudhisthira's Queries 11
3 Indira's Fear 13
4 Dharmaranya Established as a Holy Place 20
5 Good Conduct 31
6 Norms of Good Conduct for Householders 44
7 Code of Conduct for Women etc. 54
8 The Coming of Visnu 62
9 Different Spiritual Lineages and Their Goddesses 67
10 The Service Rendered by the Merchant Class 77
11 Dharamaranya Becomes Satyamandira 82
12 The installation of Ganesa 84
13 Greatness of Bakularka 87
14 Destruction of Visnu's Head 94
15 The Story of Hayagriva 99
16 The installation of Ananda 105
17 The Greatness of Srimata 108
18 The Story of Matangi and Karnataka 111
19 The Greatness of indresvara and Jayantesvara 123
20 Description of Dhara Ksetra 126
21 Gotras, Pravaras etc. of the Residents of Dharamaranya 131
22 installation of the Deities 135
23 Lohasura Devastates Dharmaranya 136
24 The Greatness of Dharmaranya 140
25 The Greatness of Sarasvati 141
26 The Greatness o Dvarika 143
27 The Episode of Balahaka: The Glory of Govatsa Linga 144
28 The Greatness of Holy Spots 148
29 The Legend of Lohasura Concluded 150
30 Rama's Life 156
31 Rama's Pilgrimage to Dharmaranya 164
32 Satyamandira Established 170
33 Rama Returns to Ayodhya 175
34 Rama's Copper-plate Grant to Brahmanas 179
35 Ruins of Dharmaranya Repaired 184
36 Hanuman Makes His Appearance 189
37 Return of Modha Brahmanas 204
38 Acquisition of the Character by Brahmanas 209
39 Different Families and Groups in Dharmaranya 215
40 Merit of Listening to the Purana 236
Section III: Brahmottara-Khanda
1 The Greatness of Pancaksara (Five-syllabled) Mantra 243
2 The Story of Kalmasapada: Greatness of Gokarna 249
3 The Greatness of Gokarna and the Caturdasi of Siva 259
4 The importance of Caturdasi 271
5 The Story of Gopakumara 275
6 The importance of Pradosa 282
7 The importance of Pradosa [Continued] 288
  [The Procedure of Siva's Worship]  
8 The Religious Vow to be Observed on Mondays: The Story of Simantini 300
9 The (Spiritual) Power of Simantini 313
10 Bhadrayu Resuscitated 320
11 Rsabha's Advice to Bhadrayu 328
12 Description of Sivakavaca 333
13 The Marriage of Bhadrayus 339
14 Bhadrayus Gets Siva's Favour 344
15 Efficacy of the Holy Ash 350
16 Efficacy of the Holy Ash (Continued) 356
17 Efficacy of the Holy Ash (Continued) 362
18 Observance of the Vow of Uma-Mahesvara 366
19 The Story of Sarada 372
20 The Great Efficacy of Rudrakasa: The Story of Mahananda 379
21 The Greatness of Rudradhyaya 386
22 The Efficacy of Listening to the Purana 392
  Index to Section II 403
  Index to Section III 411
Part X
  Publisher's Note  
Skanda Purana
Book IV: Kasi-khanda
Section I: Purvardha Mahatmya
1 Increase in the Height of Vindhya 1
2 Satyaloka 9
3 The Heritage of Agastya 20
4 The Characteristics of a Chaste Woman 30
5 Agastya's Departure 41
6 Tirthadhyaya 53
7 The Seven Holy Cities 59
8 The World of Yama 71
9 The Regions of Celestial Damsels and of the Sun 81
10 The Worlds of indra and Agni 90
11 The World of Vahni (Fire-God) 103
12 The Worlds of Nirrti and Varuna 117
13 Gandhavati and Alaka 125
14 Somaloka 138
15 Description of the Stellar World 144
16 The World of Sukra (Venus) 150
17 The Worlds of Mars, Jupiter and Satrun 161
18 The World of SevenSages 172
19 The Story of Dhruva 174
20 The Story of Dhruva: The Vision of the Lord 184
21 The Story of Dhruva: Dhruva's Eulogy of Visnu 192
22 Brahma Praises Kasi 203
23 Caturbhujabhiseka 213
24 Sivasarman Attains Salvation 219
25 Agastya Visits Skanda 226
26 Description of Manikarnika 234
27 The Greatness of Ganga 246
28 The Greatness of Ganga (Continued) 261
29 A Thousand Names of Ganga 272
30 The Greatness of Varanasi 312
31 The Manifestation of Bhairava 323
32 The Manifestation of Dandapani 336
33 Description of Jnanavapi 351
34 In Praise of Jnanavapi 366
35 Sadacara - Conduct of the Good 376
36 The Rites and Duties of a Religious Student 398
37 The Characteristics of Women 406
38 The Characteristics of Women (Continued) 420
39 Manifestation of the Lord of Avimukta 431
40 Duties of a Householder 439
41 The Path of Yoga 454
42 Means of Dodging Kala 470
43 King Divodasa's Valour 475
44 Description of Kasi 484
45 The Arrival of Sixty-four Yoginis 491
46 Description of Lolarka 496
47 Description of Uttararka 502
48 The Greatness of Sambaditya 507
49 Description of Draupadaditya and Mayukhaditya 511
50 Description of Khakholkaditya 520
  Index 533
Part XI
  Publisher's Note v
  Abbreviations ix
Skanda Purana
Book IV: Kasi-khanda
Section II: Uttarardha
51 Description of Sun-gods Called Aruna, Vrddha etc. 1
52 Description of Dasasvamedha 11
53 Siva's Attendants Go to Varanasi 19
54 The Greatness of Pisacamocana Tirtha 28
55 Ganesa Proceeds on a Mission to Kasi 35
56 Manifestation of the Maya of Ganesa 40
57 Manifestation of Dhundhi Vinayaka and Fiftysix Vinayakas 47
58 Attainment of Salvation by Divodasa 59
59 Pancanada Comes into Being 77
60 Manifestation of Bindumadhava 90
61 The Greatness of Visnava Tirthas 102
62 Manifestation of Bindumadhava 122
63. The Story of Jyesthesa 131
64. The Secret of Jyesthesvara 139
65. Manifestation of the Bull-emblemed Lord 148
66 Sailesa and Other Lingas 155
67 In Praise of Ratnesvara 167
68 The Origin of Krttivasas 184
69 The Assembly of Sixtyeight Holy Spots 191
70 Establishment of the Deities 204
71 Exploits of Durga 212
72 Victory of Durga 220
73 The Greatness of Omkara 230
74 The Greatness of Omkara (Continued) 246
75 Manifestation of Trilocana 254
76 The Power of Trilocana 261
77 The Greatness of Kedara 273
78 The Greatness of Dharmesa 279
79 Dharmesakhyanam 285
80 The Vrata Called Manoreathatirtya 294
81 The Legend of Dharmesvara 301
82 Exploits of Amitrajit 307
83 Manifestation of Viresvara 317
84 Tirthas from the Confluence of Ganga and Varana up to Manikarnika 327
85 Granting of Boons to Durvasas 336
86 Manifestation of Visvakarmesa 342
87 Daksa's Sacrifice 352
88 Sati Casts off Hr Body 361
89 Manifestation of Daksesvara 369
90 The Story of Parvatisa 379
91 The Greatness of Gangesvara 381
92 The Story of Narmadesvara 382
93 Manifestation of Satisvara 384
94 Manifestation of Amrtesa and Other Lingas 387
95 Vyasa's Arms Get Paralysed 391
96 Vyasa Released from the Curse 398
97 Holy Spot in Varanasi 414
98. Departure unto the pavilion of Salvation 436
99 The Greatness of Sri Visvesvara 444
100 Index to Kasikhanda 450
  Index 461
Part XII
  Publisher's Note v
  Abbreviations ix
Skanda Purana
Book V: Avantya-khanda
Section I: Avantiksetra Mahatmya
1 The Greatness of Mahakalavana 1
2 The Decapitation of Brahma 5
3 Brhma's Expiation 12
4 The Origin of Vaisvanara 16
5 The Arrival of the Lord 24
6 Getting Rid of Skull 29
7 Mode of Life in Mahakalavana 40
8 The Greatness of Apsarah Kunda 46
9 The Greatness of Mahisakunda and Rudrasaras 53
10 The Glory of Kutumbikesvara 55
11 The Greatness of Vidyadhara Tirtha 55
12 The Greatness of Sitala 57
13 The Glory of Svargadvara 57
14 The Greatness of Catussamudra 58
15 The Glory of Sankaraditya 60
16 The Efficacy of the River Nilagandhavati 62
17 The Greatness of Dasasvamedha 64
18 The Glory of Ekanamsa 64
19 The Glory of Harasiddhi 67
20 Pilgrimage to Fourteen Tirthas 69
21 The Greatness of Hanumatkesvara 70
22 The Efficacy of Rudrasaras 72
23 Pilgrimage to Mahakalesvara 74
24 The Greatness of Valmikesvara 77
25 The Greatness of Sukresvara and Other Shrines 80
26 The Glory of Mandakini-Ksetra 81
27 The Glory of Ankapada (Restoration of Sandipani's Son) 90
28 The Greatness of Somavati Tirtha 99
29 The Great Efficacyu of Anaraka Tirtha 108
30 Offering Lights to Anarakesvara 111
31 The Greatness of Saubhagyesvara and Other Tirthas 118
32 Arjuna's Eulogy of the Sun-god 125
33 The Greatness of Kesavaditya 134
34 The Greatness of Saktibheda Tirtha 137
35 The Greatness of Agastyesvara 145
36 The Greatness of Naradipa 147
37 The Importance of Angariki Caturthi 153
38 The Story of Abdhaka 157
39 The Greatness of Mahakalavana 162
40 The Origin of the Name Kanakasrnga 162
41 The Genesis of the Name Kusasthali 165
42 The Genesis of the Name Avanti 168
43 The Greatness of Name Ujjayini 172
44 The Greatness of Name Padmavati 177
45 The Efficacy of Kumudvati 180
46 The Genesis of the Name Amaravati 182
47 The Genesis of the Name Visala 184
48 The Genesis of the Name Pratikalpa 188
49 Sipra: The Remover of Jvara 192
50 The Greatness of Sipra 195
51 The Genesis of the Name Amtodbhava 199
52 The Glorification of Sipra 203
53 Sundara Kunda and Pisacamocana 209
54 The Greatness of Nilaganga 213
55 The Greatness of Vimaloda Tirtha 216
56 The Greatness of the Confluence of Ksata 219
57 Praise of Gaya Tirtha 225
58 The Procedure of Sraddha 227
59 The Greatness of Gaya Tirtha 233
60 The Importance of the Intercalary Month 236
61 The Greatness of the Intercalary month 242
62 The Glory of Gomati Kunda 243
63 The Greatness of tirthas and a thousand epithets of Visnu 246
64 The Pilgrimage to Kalabhariava Tirtha 273
65 The Greatness of Nrsimha Tirtha 275
66 The Greatness of Nrsimha Tirtha 278
67 The Greatness of Kutumbesvara 281
68 The Greatness of Akhadesvara 283
69 The Greatness of Karkaraja Tirtha 285
70 Index of all tirthas (in this text) 290
71 The Glory of Avantiksetra 296
  Index 209
  Publisher's Note v
  Abbreviations xi
Skanda Purana
Book V: Avantyakhanda
Section II: Caturasiti Linga Mahatmya
1 Agastyesvara 1
2 Guhesvara 6
3 Dhundhesvara 10
4 Damarukesvara 13
5 Anadikalpesvara 16
6 Svarnajvalesvara 19
7 Trivistapesvara 23
8 Kapalesvara 26
9 Svargadvaresvara 30
10 Karkotesvara 33
11 Siddhesvara 35
12 Lokapalesvara 37
13 Kamesvara 40
14 Kutumbesvara 44
15 Indradyumnesvara 47
16 Isanesvara 49
17 Apsarevara 52
18 Kalakalesvara 54
19 Nagacandesvara 57
20 Pratiharesvara 59
21 Kukkutesvara 61
22 Karkatesvara 66
23 Meghanadesvara 68
24 Mahalayesvara 71
25 Mukusvara 73
26 Somesvara 78
27 Anarakesvara 83
28 Jatesvara 90
29 Ramesvara 96
30 Cyavanesvara 100
31 Khandesvara 104
32 Pattanesvara 107
33 Anandesvara 109
34 Kanthadesvara 113
35 Indresvara 116
36 Markandeyesvara 119
37 Sivesvara 123
38 Kusumesvara 127
39 Akruresvara 129
40 Kundesvara 133
41 Lumpesvara 136
42 Gangesvara 139
43 Angaresvara 142
44 Uttaresvara 144
45 Trilocanesvara 149
46 Viresvara 160
47 Nupuresvara 172
48 Abhayesvara 174
49 Prthukesvara 177
50 Sthavaresvara 180
51 Sulesvara 183
52 Omkaresvara 186
53 Visvesvara 188
54 Kantesvara 192
55 Simhesvara 196
56 Revabtesvara 198
57 Ghantesvara 201
58 Prayagesvara 204
59 Siddhesvara 207
60 Matangesvara 211
61 Saubhagyesvara 215
62 Rupesvara 220
63 Dhanuhsahasraka 224
64 Pasupatisvara 227
65 Brahmesvara 231
66 Jalpesvara 234
67 Kedaresvara 238
68 Pisacesvara 242
69 Sangamesvara 246
70 Durddharesesvara 251
71 Prayagesvara 255
72 Candradityesvara 261
73 Karabhesvara 266
74 Rajasthalesvara 270
75 Vadelesvara 274
76 Arunesvara 278
77 Puspadantesvara 282
78 Avimuktesvara 286
79 Hanumatkesvara 291
80 Svapnesvara 295
81 Pingalesvara 300
82 Kayavarohensvara 307
83 Bilvesvara 312
84 Uttaresvara 318
  Index 323
Part XIV
  Publisher's Note v
  Abbreviations xi
Skanda Purana
Book V: Avantyakhanda
Section III: Reva Khanda
1 Purana texts Described 1
2 The Greatness of Reva 6
3 Markandeya Rescued in the Pralaya 10
4 Boons to Narmada 13
5 Naming the River Narmada 17
6 Epithets of Narmada Explained 21
7 The Advent of Kurma Kalpa 25
8 The Advent of Baka Kalpa 27
9 The Origin of Narmada 30
10 The Benefits of Bath in Narmada 34
11 The Greatness of Narmada 40
12 Eulogy of Narmada 48
13 The Story of Twenty one Kalps 50
14 kalaratri Annihilates the Universe 53
15 Turbulence of the Annihilation (Pralaya) 58
16 Eulogy of Siva by Brahma 62
17 Annihilation by Twelve Suns 64
18 Glorification of Narmada 68
19 Varahakalpa 69
20 Varagakalpa (continued) 74
21 The Origin of the River Kapila 81
22 The Origin of Visalya 87
23 The Greatness of the Confluence of Visalya 89
24 The Greatness of the Confluence of Karanarmada 91
25 The Greatness of the Confluence of Nilaganga 91
26 The Observance called Madhuka Trtiya 92
27 Creating Agitation in Tripura 106
28 Destruction of Tripura Glorification of Jvalesvara and Amaresvara Tirthas 107
29 The Greatness of the Confluence of Kaveri and Narmada 117
30 The Glory of Daru Tirtha 121
31 The Greatness of Brahmavarta 122
32 The Greatness of Patresvara Tirtha 123
33 The Greatness of Agni Tirtha 125
34 Description of Ravi Tirtha 129
35 Glorification of Meghanada Tirtha 131
36 The Glory of Daruka Tirtha 133
37 Glorification of Deva Tirtha 135
38 The Greatness of Narmadesvara Tirtha 137
39 The Greatness of kapila Tirtha 143
40 The Greatness of Karanjesvara Tirtha 146
41 The Greatness of Kundalesvara Tirtha 151
42 The Greatness of Pippalada Tirtha 151
43 The Greatness of Vimalesvara Tirtha 156
44 Eulogy of Sulabheda 159
45 Andhaka Gets a Boon 162
46 Abduction of Saci 165
47 Devas Return to Svarga 168
48 Andhaka Blessed 170
49 Glorification of Sulebheda 177
50 Rules About the Eligibility for Dana 181
51 Glorification of Danadharma 185
52 The Story of Dirghatapas 190
53 Rksasrnga goes to Svarga 191
54 Dirghatapas goes to Heaven 195
55 Kasiraja Attains Moksa 200
56 Fruit of Dana Described 203
57 The Sabara goes to Svarga 214
58 The Greatness of Sulabheda Tirtha 217
59 The Greatness of Aditya Tirtha 219
60 The Greatness of Adityesvara Tirtha 220
61 The Greatness of Sakresvara Tirtha 226
62 The Greatness of Karodisvara Tirtha 227
63 The Greatness of Kumaresvara Tirtha 229
64 The Greatness of Agastyesvara Tirtha 230
65 The Greatness of Anandesvara Tirtha 231
66 The Greatness of Matrurtha 232
67 The Greatness of Lunkesvara Tirtha 233
68 The Greatness of Dhanda 242
69 The Greatness of Mangalesvara Tirtha 243
70 The Greatness of Ravi Tirtha 244
71 The Greatness of Kamesvara Tirtha 245
72 The Greatness of Maninagesvara Tirtha 245
73 The Greatness of Goparesvara Tirtha 251
74 The Greatness of Gautamesvara Tirtha 253
75 The Greatness of Sankhacuda Tirtha 254
76 The Greatness of Paresvara Tirtha 254
77 The Greatness of Bhimesvara Tirtha 256
78 The Greatness of Naradesvara Tirtha 257
79 The Greatness of Dadhiskanda and Madhuskanda Tirtha 260
80 The Greatness of Nandikesvara Tirtha 261
81 The Greatness of Varunesvara Tirtha 262
82 The Greatness of Panca Tirtha 263
83 The Greatness of Hanumantesvara Tirtha 264
84 Kapi and Other Tirthas 274
85 The Greatness of Somanatha Tirtha 279
86 The Greatness of Pingalesvara Tirtha 288
87 The Greatness of Rna-tray-Mocana Tirtha 290
88 The Greatness of Kapilesvara Tirtha 290
89 The Greatness of Putikesvara Tirtha 291
90 The Greatness of Jalasayi Tirtha 292
91 The Greatness of CanddadityaTirtha 301
92 The Greatness of Yamahasya Tirtha 302
93 The Greatness of Kalhodi Tirtha 305
94 The Greatness of Nandikesvara Tirtha 306
95 The Greatness of Narayana Tirtha 306
96 The Greatness of Kotisvara Tirtha 308
97 The Greatness of Vyasa Tirtha 309
98 The Greatness of Prabhasa Tirtha 325
99 The Greatness of Nagesvara Tirtha 328
100 The Greatness of Markandesvara Tirtha 331
Part XV
  Publisher's Note v
  Abbreviations xi
Skanda Purana
Book V: Avantyakhanda
Section III: Reva Khanda
101 The Greatness of Samkarsana Tirtha 333
102 The Glory of Manmathesvara Tirtha 333
103 The Greatness of the Confluence (of Erandi and Narmada) 334
104 The Greatness of Suvarnasila Tirtha 351
105 The Greatness of Karanja Tirtha 352
106 The Greatness of Kamada Tirtha 352
107 The Greatness of Bhandari Tirtha 354
108 The Greatness of Rohini Tirtha 354
109 The Greatness of Cakra Tirtha 356
110 The Greatness of Dhautapapa Tirtha 358
111 The Greatness of Skanda Tirtha 358
112 The Greatness of Angirasa Tirtha 362
113 The Greatness of Koti Tirtha 363
114 The Greatness of Ayonisambhava Tirtha 364
115 The Greatness of Angaraka Tirtha 364
116 The Greatness of Pandu Tirtha 365
117 The Greatness of Trilocana Tirtha 366
118 The Greatness of Indira Tirtha 366
119 The Greatness of Kalhodi Tirtha 369
120 The Greatness of Kambukesvara Tirtha 370
121 The Greatness of Soma Tirtha 372
122 The Greatness of Kohana Tirtha 375
123 The Greatness of Karmadesvara Tirtha 378
124 The Greatness of Narmadesvara Tirtha 378
125 The Greatness of Ravi Tirtha 379
126 The Greatness of Ayoniprabhava Tirtha 382
127 The Greatness of AgniTirtha 384
128 The Greatness of BhrkutesvaraTirtha 384
129 The Greatness of Brahma Tirtha 385
130 The Greatness of Devatirtha 386
131 The Greatness of Nagesvara Tirtha 387
132 The Greatness of Adivaraha Tirtha 390
133 The Glory of Kaubera and other Tirthas 391
134 The Greatness of Ramesvara Tirtha 395
135 The Greatness of SiddhesvaraTirtha 396
136 The Greatness of Ahalya Tirtha 396
137 The Greatness of Karkatesvara Tirtha 398
138 The Greatness of Sakra Tirtha 399
139 The Greatness of Somatirtha 400
140 The Greatness of Nandahrada Tirtha 401
141 The Greatness of Tapesvara Tirtha 402
142 The Greatness of Rukmini Tirtha 404
143 The Greatness of Yojanesvara Tirtha 411
144 The Greatness of Dvadasi Tirtha 413
145 The Greatness of Siva Tirtha 413
146 The Greatness of Asmahaka Tirtha 414
147 The Greatness of Siddesvara Tirtha 422
148 The Greatness of Mangalesvara Tirtha 423
149 The Greatness of Linga Varaha Tirtha 425
150 The Greatness of Kusumesvara Tirtha 427
151 The Greatness of SvetavarahaTirtha 431
152 The Greatness of Bhargalesvara Tirtha 433
153 The Greatness of Adityesvara Tirtha 434
154 The Greatness of Kalakalesvara Tirtha 437
155 Attainment of Siddhi by Canakya 438
156 The Greatness of Suklatirtha 447
157 The Greatness of Humkarasvami 450
158 The Greatness of Sangamesvara Tirtha 452
159 The Greatness of Anarakesvara Tirtha 453
160 The Greatness of Moksa Tirtha 461
161 The Greatness of Sarpa Tirtha 462
162 The Greatness of Gopesvara Tirtha 463
163 The Greatness of Naga Tirtha 464
164 The Greatness of Samvauresvara Tirtha 464
165 The Greatness of Siddhesvara Tirtha 465
166 The Greatness of Siddesvari Tirtha 466
167 The Greatness of MarkandesvaraTirtha 467
168 The Greatness of Ankuresvara Tirtha 470
169 The Abduction of Kamamohini 473
170 Mandavya Impaled 477
171 Dialogue between Sandili and the sages 479
172 The Greatness of Mandavya Tirtha 484
173 The Greatness of Suddesvara Tirtha 491
174 The Greatness of Gopesvara Tirtha 492
175 The Greatness of Kapilesvara Tirtha 493
176 The Greatness of Pingalesvara Tirtha 495
177 The Greatness of Bhutisvara Tirtha 498
178 The Greatness of Gangavahaka Tirtha 500
179 The Greatness of Gautamesvara Tirtha 503
180 The Greatness of Dasavamedha Tirtha 504
181 The Creation of Bhrgukaccha Tirtha 511
182 The Greatness of Bhrgukaccha Tirtha 517
183 The Greatness of Kedaresvara Tirtha 522
184 The Greatness of Dhautapapa Tirtha 524
185 The Greatness of Erandi Tirtha 526
186 The Greatness of Kanakhalesvara Tirtha 527
187 The Greatness of Kalagnirudra Tirtha 531
188 The Greatness of Salagrama Tirtha 532
189 The Greatness of Udirna Varaha Tirtha 533
190 The Greatness of Candrahasa Tirtha 537
191 The Greatness of Dvadasaditya Tirtha 540
192 The Birth of Sripati 541
193 The Greatness of Sripati Tirtha 549
194 The Marriage of Sripati 555
195 The Glori of Sripati 562
196 The Greatness of Hamsatirtha 565
197 The Greatness of Mulasthana Tirtha 565
198 The Greatness of Sulesvara Tirtha 566
199 The Greatness of Asvina Tirtha 575
200 The Greatness of Savitri Tirtha 576
201 The Greatness of Deva Tirtha 578
202 The Greatness of Sikhitirtha 579
203 The Greatness of Koti Tirtha 580
204 The Greatness of Paitamaha Tirtha 580
205 The Greatness of Kurkuri Tirtha 582
206 The Greatness of Dasakanya Tirtha 583
207 The Greatness of Suvarnabindu Tirtha 584
Part XVI
  Publisher's Note v
  Abbreviations xi
Skanda Purana
Book VI: Nagara Khanda
1 The Birth of the Linga 1
2 Dialogue between Trisanku and vasistha 7
3 Hariscandra Coronated as King 10
4 Visvamitra Performs a Yajna fro Trisanku 12
5 Performance of a satra for Trisanku 17
6 Attainment of a Boon by Visvamitra 19
7 Trisanku Attains Svarga 21
8 Killing of Vrtra 22
9 Filling up the Nagabila 33
10 King Camatkara cursed 37
11 Gift of a city to Brahmanas 39
12 Advice to the sons 45
13 Glory of Acalesvara 46
14 Efficacy of Circumambulating Camatkarapura 49
15 Efficacy of Circumambulating Camatkarapura (Continued) 52
16 Merit of Residing near Raktasrnga 53
17 Viduratha goes ahunting 54
18 King Viduratha in a Hermitage 56
19 Greatness of Pitrkupika Tirtha 64
20 Greatness of Balamandana Tirtha 67
21 Glory of Balasakhya Tirtha 73
22 Greatness of Balamandana Tirtha 79
23 Greatness of Mrga Tirtha 83
24 Origin of Visnupadi Tirtha 85
25 Greatness of Visnupati Ganga 88
26 Greatness of Gokarna Tirtha 92
27 Characteristics of the Four Yugas 99
28 The Refuge to all tirthas 106
29 Greatness of Siddhesvara Ksetra 108
30 Manifestation of Siddesvara 127
31 Greatness of Naga Hrada 129
32 Greatness of the Hermitage of Seven Sages 138
33 Greatness of Agastya's Hermitage 148
34 Fight Between Devas and Asuras 152
35 Installation of Citresvara Pitha 155
36 Greatness of Citresvari Pitha 160
37 The Palace called Dussila 165
38 Greatness of Dhundhumaresvara 168
39 Greatness of Yayatisvara 170
40 Greatness of Citrasila 171
41 Manifestation of Jalasayin 176
42 Menaka Meets Visvamitra 181
43 Dialogue between Visvamitra and Menaka 184
44 Greatness of Visvamitresvara 186
45 Greatness of Tripuskara 189
46 Greatness of Sarasvati Tirtha 195
47 Greatness of Mahakalesvara 199
48 Installation of Uma Mahesvara 204
49 King Kalasa Turns into a Tiger 208
50 Dialogue between the cow and the tiger 211
51 Greatness of Kalasesvara 213
52 Greatness of Rudrakoti 221
53 Greatness of Bhrungarta 223
54 Greatness of Carmamunda 231
55 Greatness of Nalesvara 234
56 Greatness of Sambaditya 236
57 Bhisma's Pilgrimage 239
58 Greatness of Siva Ganga 243
59 Vidura Builds the Lord's Temple 244
60 Greatness of Naraditya 247
61 Birth of Visakanya 249
62 Greatness of Sarmistha Tirtha 251
63 Greatness of Somanatha 259
64 Greatness of Camatkari Durga 264
65 Greatness of Anartakesvara and Surakesvara 266
66 Murder of Jamadagni 271
67 Sahasrarjuna Killed 277
68 The Sea Recedes 280
69 Creation of Rama Hrada 282
70 Birth of Karttikeya 284
71 Installation of Skanda's Sakti 290
72 Dhrtarastra's Pilgrimage to Hatakesvara Ksetra 293
73 Pilgrimage of Dhrtarastra and others 296
74 Installation of Lingas by Kauravas Pandavas and Yadavas 300
75 Greatness of Yajnabhumi 301
76 Installation of Mundira Kalapriya and Mulasthana 302
77 Importance of Harasraya Vedika 308
78 Greatness of Rudrasirsa 314
79 Greatness of Valakhilyasrama 318
80 Importance of the sight of Visnu 323
81 Fall of Suparana's wings 328
82 Greatness of Suparnesvara 332
83 Greatness of the deity Suparna 335
84 Madhavi Born as Subhadra 338
85 Greatness of Mahalaksmi 340
86 Greatness of Saptavimasatika 341
87 Greatness of Soma's Shrine 344
88 Greatness of Ambavrddha 346
89 Greatness of the Padukas of Srimata 351
90 Greatness of Vasordhara 355
91 Creation of Agni Tirtha 362
92 Greatness of Brahmakunda 363
93 Greatness of Gomukha Tirtha 365
94 Greatness of Lohayasti 369
95 Greatness of Ajapalesvari 372
96 Dialogue between Dasratha and Sanaiscara 379
97 Dasaratha's Penance 383
98 Greatness of Rajavapi 387
99 Sage Durvasa visits Rama 389
100 Srirama goes to the city of Sugriva 393
101 Installation of Ramesvara in the Middle of the setu 398
102 Erection of five Palatial Shrines for Laksmana and others 402
103 Greatness of Anartaka Tirtha Kupika 404
  Publisher's Note v
  Abbreviations xi
Skanda Purana
Book VI: Nagara Khanda
104 Installation of Kusesvara and Lavesvara 413
105 Removal of the Raksasa Lingas 422
106 Greatness of the Vanished Tirthas 423
107 Installation of Citrasarma Linga 426
108 The Astasasti Tirthas 432
109 Greatness of Astasasti Tirthas 435
110 Greatness of Sixty Eight Tirthas 437
111 Lamentation of the King of Anarta 438
112 The Creation of Barren Land 446
113 Greatness of Agnikunda 448
114 The Term Nagara 456
115 Gotras of Sages 463
116 Greatness of Amba Revati Tirtha 467
117 Emergence of Bhattikatirtha 472
118 Installation of Raivatakesvara and Ksemamkari 479
119 Defeat of the Army of Gods 481
120 The Origination of Katyayani 487
121 Mahisasura Defeated 489
122 Creation of Kedara 496
123 Glory of Sukla Tirtha 502
124 Creation of Mukhara Tirtha 506
125 The Story of King Satyasandha 513
126 Greatness of Satyasa 520
127 Greatness of Karnotpala Tirtha 523
128 Origin of Atesvara 525
129 Greatness of the Hermitage of Yajnavalkya 530
130 Creation of Pancapinda Cow 536
131 Katyayani's Distress 541
132 Creation of Vastupada 545
133 Origin of Ajagrha 549
134 Origin of Tirthas like Saubhagyakupika 554
135 Boon to a Chaste Lady Dirghika 560
136 Origin of Dirghika 567
137 Mandavya Impaled 570
138 Origin of Dharmarajesvara 571
139 Greatness of Dharmarajesvara 573
140 The Son of Dharmaraja 578
141 Greatness of Mistannadesvara 579
142 Greatness of the Trio of Ganapatis 584
143 Provocation of Jabali 587
144 The Story of Citrangadesvara Phalavati and Jabali 592
145 Greatness of Amarakesvara Ksetra 606
146 Greatness of Amaresvara Kunda 610
147 Dialogue between Vyasa and Suka 611
148 Greatness of Vatikesvara 618
149 Manifestation of Kelisvari 619
150 Greatness of Kelisvari 627
151 Greatness of Bhairava Ksetra 630
152 Greatness of Cakrapani 635
153 Origin of Apsara Kunda 639
154 Greatness of Citresvara Pitha 643
155 A Ksatriya Addresses his wife 647
156 Manibhadra cheats a Brahmana Named Puspa 651
157 Boons to Puspa by the Sun god 655
158 Manibhadra's death 659
159 Puspa Acquires Prosperity 665
160 Brahmanas Invited for Purascarana 666
161 Greatness of Puspaditya 668
162 Procedure of Purascarana Saptami 670
163 Creation of Brahma Nagara (Community) 677
164 Installation of Nagesvara etc 680
165 Origin of Asva Tirtha 684
166 Birth of Parasurama 687
167 Visvamitra Renounces Kingdom 691
168 Greatness of the source of Dharotpatti 697
169 Greatness of Dhara Devi 702
170 Creation of Dhara Tirtha 705
171 Battle between Vasistha and Visvamitra 707
172 Sarasvati Cursed 709
173 Saravati Gets Rid of the Curse 711
174 Birth of Pippalada 713
175 Gift of a Boon to Yajniavalkya 721
176 Origin of Kamsaresvara 722
177 Creation of Pancapindika 724
178 Origin of Pancapinda Gauri 730
179 Rites Preliminary of Yajnas 736
180 Brahma Begins the Yajna 742
181 Greatness of Gayatri Tirtha 746
182 The Yajna of Brahma the first day 752
183 Creation of Naga Tirtha 758
184 The Yajna of Brahma The Third day 762
185 Creation of Holy places 765
186 Importance of an Atithi 775
187 Greatness of Raksasprapya Sraddha 777
  Publisher's Note v
  Abbreviations xi
Skanda Purana
Book VI: Nagara Khanda
188 The Groups of Mothers Cursed 783
189 The antecedents of Audumbari 789
190 Origin of Yaksma Tirtha 792
191 Occurrence of Evil Omens 799
192 Greatness of Savitri 800
193 Gayatri Grants Boons 808
194 Description of Tirthas 809
195 Story of the Daughter of Chandogya 814
196 Brhadbala proceeds to the city of anarta 818
197 The Expiation of Paravasu 819
198 Sudri Brahmani Tirtha 829
199 Greatness of Eight Nagara Families 538
200 Bhartryajna Prescribes expiatory Rites 852
201 Decision on Problems relating to Nagaras 855
202 Bhartryajna's Decision 858
203 Purification of Nagaras 860
204 Procedure of Preta Sraddha 862
205 Importance of Gaya Sraddha 866
206 Importance of Balamandana 867
207 Description of Indra Festival 881
208 Greatness of Gautamesvara Ahalyesvara and Satanandesvara 887
209 Origin of Sankhaditya and Sankhatirtha 894
210 Importance of Tambula 901
211 Greatness of Sankha Tirtha 908
212 Greatness of Ratnaditya 909
213 Efficacy of Kuharavasi Sambaditya 915
214 Procedure of Ganapati Worship 924
215 Necessity of the Performance of Sraddha 930
216 Origin of Sraddha 936
217 Sraddha Proper Time Eligible Brahmana etc. 947
218 Rules Prescribed for Sraddha Perfromance 953
219 Kamya Sraddha 955
220 Importance of Gajacchaya 957
221 Things Worthy of Beign offered in Sraddha 964
222 Decision regarding caturdasi Sraddha 969
223 Kinds of Sons Eligible to Offer Sraddha 972
224 Procedure of Sraddha 973
225 Procedure of Sapindikarana 978
226 Fortunes in Twentyone Hells 981
227 Means to Save one from Tortures in hells 988
228 Disobedience by Andhakasura 990
229 Birth of Bhrngiriti 993
230 Vrka's Conquest of Indra's Kingdom 996
231 Importance of Ekadasi Vrata 998
232 Vratas and Niyamas to be Observed in Caturmasa 1005
233 Benefits of Bath in Ganga 1008
234 Procedure of Adopting Niyama 1011
235 Importance of Dana in Caturmasya 1014
236 Greatness of Gifting desired Objects 1017
237 Greatness of Vrata 1020
238 Importance of Penance 1022
239 Efficacy of adoration penance etc. 1027
240 Devotion explained 1032
241 Characteristics of a Good Sudra 1034
242 Eighteen Prakrtis (castes and Sub castes) 1039
243 Importance of Saligrama worship 1043
244 Twentyfour varieties of Saligrama 1049
245 Devas go to the Mandara Mountain 1050
246 Parvati's curse on Devas 1054
247 Greatness of Asvattha Tree 1057
248 Greatness of Palasa Tree 1061
249 Greatness of Tulasi 1062
250 Creation of Bilva Tree 1064
251 Curse to Visnu 1066
252 Greatness of trees 1069
253 Sankara Consoles Parvati 1073
254 Tandava Dance of Sankara 1076
255 Greatness of Laksmi Narayana 1085
256 Efficacy of the name of Rama 1087
257 Parvati's Penance 1091
258 Hara is Cursed 1094
259 Prayer to the Bull 1098
260 Paijavana takes Leave 1105
261 Dhyanayoga 1106
262 Jnana Yoga Expalined 1112
263 Origin of Matsyendranatha 1119
264 Tarakasura Killed 1125
265 Asunyasayana Vrata 1128
266 Greatness of Sivaratri 1132
267 Importance of Tula Purusa Dana 1139
268 Description of Prthvi Dana 1143
269 Greatness of Kapalamocanesvara 1146
270 Making Gift of Papapinda 1159
271 Creation of Seven Lingas 1162
272 Characteristics of Different Yugas 1198
273 Reckoning of Yugas 1202
274 Origin of Duhsilesvara 1204
275 Nimbesvara and Sakambhari 1213
276 Origin of Eleven Rudras 1214
277 In Praise of Dana Performed in Front of Rudras 1217
278 The Legend of Yajnavalkya 1219
279 Merit of Listenning to the Purana 1230
  Index 1233
Part XIX
  Publisher's Note v
  Abbreviations xi
Skanda Purana
Book VII: Prabhasa Khanda
Section I: Prabhasa Ksetra Mahatmya
1 Queries of Sages 1
2 Merit in Gifting purana Texts 5
3 Queries made by Devi 14
4 The Extent of Prabhasa Ksetra 27
5 Sages and Devas Residing in Prabhasa Ksetra 37
6 Greatnes of Somesvara 40
7 The Apperance of Somanatha 44
8 The Glory of Somesvara 53
9 The Garland of Skulls and Tattvas 55
10 Supreme Excellence of Prabhasa 60
11 Origin of Rajabhattarka 64
12 Creation of Yamesvara 83
13 Origin of Arkasthala 84
14 Creation of Siddhesvara 87
15 Origin of Papanasana 90
16 Origin of Sunanda and other Mother Goddesses 90
17 Procedure of worship 92
18 The Birth of Moon God 109
19 Incarnations of Sri Visnu 111
20 Creation of the Moon 119
21 Advice to Propitiate Siva 124
22 Soma Gets a Boon 130
23 Installation of Somesvara 138
24 Importance of Somavara Vrata 148
25 Description of Somavara Vrata 163
26 Greatness of Gandharvesvara 168
27 Greatness of Gandharvasenesvara 168
28 Procedure of the Pilgrimage 169
29 Reason why sea water is not fit for drinking 180
30 Efficacy of the worship of Somesvara 187
32 Vadavanala Outwitted 191
33 The Story of Sarasvati 200
34 The Descent of Sarasvati 209
35 Greatness of Agni Tirtha 212
36 Greatness of Praci Sarasvati 222
37 Importance of Offering a Bracelet 226
38 Kapardi Vinayaka 229
39 Kedaresvara Linga 234
40 Bhimesvara 239
41 Bhairavesvara 240
42 Candisa 241
43 Adityesvara 242
44 Somesvara 243
45 Angaresvara 244
46 Budhesvara 245
47 Brhaspatisvara 245
48 Sukresvara 246
49 Sanaiscaresvara 247
50 Greatness of Rahvisvara 253
51 Greatness of Ketvisvara 255
52 Greatness of Siddhesvara 255
53 Greatness of Kapilesvara 255
54 Greatness of Gandharvesvara 256
55 Greatness of Vimalesvara 257
56 Greatness of Dhanadesvara 257
58 Greatness of Ajapalesvari 260
59 Greatness of Ajadevi 264
60 Greatness of Mangala 266
61 Greatness of Lalitomavasalaksi 267
62 Greatness of Catvaradevi 268
63 Greatness of Bhairavesvara 269
64 Greatness of Laksmisvara 269
65 Greatness of Vadavesvara 270
66 Greatness of Arghyesvara 270
67 Greatness of Kamesvara 271
68 Greatness of Gauri Tapovana 271
69 Greatness of Gaurisvara 274
70 Greatness of Varunesvara 275
71 Greatness of Usesvara 276
72 Greatness of Jalavasaganapati 276
73 Greatness of Kumaresvara 277
74 Greatness of Sakalyesvara 277
75 Greatness of Kalakalesvara 279
76 Greatness of Importance of the Pair of Lakulisa Lingas 281
77 Greatness of Uttankesvara 282
78 Greatness of Vaisvanaresvara 282
79 Greatness of Lakulisvara 283
80 Greatness of Gautamesvara 284
81 Greatness of Sri Daityasudana 284
82 Origin of Cakratirtha 288
83 Greatness of Yogesvari 290
84 Greatness of Adinarayana 295
85 Greatness of Sannihita 298
86 Greatness of Pandeavesvara 300
87 Greatness of Bhutesvara 300
88 Greatness of Nilarudra 302
89 Greatness of Kapalisvara 303
90 Greatness of Vrsavahanesvara 304
91 Greatness of Tryambakesvara 307
92 Greatness of Aghoresvara 308
93 Greatness of Mahakalesvara 309
94 Greatness of Bhariavesvara 310
95 Greatness of Mrtyunjaya 311
96 Greatness of Kamesvara 312
97 Greatness of Yogesvara 314
98 Greatness of Prthvisvara 315
99 Greatness of Dandapani Cakradhara 317
100 Durvasas Curses Samba 321
101 Greatness of Sambaditya 323
102 Greatness of Kantakasodhini 329
103 Greatness of Kapalesvara 329
104 Greatness of Kotisvara 332
105 Greatness of Brahma 333
106 Glorification of Brahmanas 339
107 Procedure of the worship of Brahma 345
108 Greatness of Pratyusesvara 355
109 Greatness of Anilesvara 356
110 Greatness of Prabhasesvara 357
111 Greatness of Rameshvara Ksetra 358
112 Greatness of Laksmanesvaraa 362
113 Greatness of Janakisvara 362
114 Greatness of Vamanasvami 363
115 Greatness of Pukaresvara 364
116 Greatness of Sankhodakakundesvari Gauri 365
117 Greatness of Bhutanahesvara 365
118 Greatness of Gopyaditya 366
119 Greatness of Balatibaladaityaghni 369
120 Greatness of Gopisvara 375
Part XX
  Publisher's Note v
  Abbreviations xi
Skanda Purana
Book VII: Prabhasa Khanda
121 Greatness of Jamadagnyesvara 377
122 Greatness of Citrangadesvara 378
123 Greatness of Ravanesvara 379
124 Greatness of Saubhagyesvari 381
125 Greatness of Paulomisvara 381
126 Greatness of Sandilyesvara 382
127 Greatness of Ksemankaresvara 383
128 Greatness of Sagaraditya 384
129 Greatness of Ugrasenesvara 386
130 Greatness of Pasupatesvara 390
131 Greatness of Dhruvesvara 397
132 Greatness of Siddhalaksmi 400
133 Greatness of Mahakali 401
134 Greatness of Puskaravartaka 402
135 Greatness of Sitalagauri 403
136 Greatness of Lomasesvara 404
137 Greatness of Kankala Bhairava 405
138 Greatness of Trnabindvisvara 405
139 Greatness of Citraditya 405
140 Greatness of Citrapatha River 409
141 Greatness of Kapardicintamani 410
142 Greatness of Citresvara 410
143 Greatness of Vicitresvara 411
144 Greatness of Puskara Kunda 411
145 Greatness of Gajakumbhodara 412
146 Greatness of Yamesvara 412
147 Greatness of Brahmakunda 413
148 Greatness of Kundalakupa 420
149 Greatness of Bhairavesvara 424
150 Greatness of Brahmesvara 425
151 Greatness of Savitrisvara Bhariava 425
152 Greatness of Naradesvara Bhairava 426
153 Greatness of Hiranyesvara 427
154 Greatness of Gayatrisvara 430
155 Greatness of Ratnesvara 431
156 Greatness of Garudesvara 431
157 Greatness of Satyabhamesvara 432
158 Glory of Anangesvara 432
159 Greatness of Ratnesvara 433
160 Greatness of Raivatakaraja Bhattaraka 434
161 Greatness of Anantesvara 434
162 Greatness of Astakulesvara 435
163 Greatness of Nasatyesvara 435
164 Greatness of Asvinesvara 436
165 Greatness of Savitri 436
166 Details of Savitri Puja 450
167 Greatness of Bhutamatrka 461
168 Greatness of Salakatankata 471
169 Greatness of Vaivasvatesvara 3471
170 Greatness of Matrganabala Devi 472
171 Greatness of Dasarathesvara 472
172 Glory of Bharatesvara 473
173 Greatness of four Lingas (Kusakesvara etc.) 474
174 Greatness of Kuntisvara 474
175 Greatness of Arkasthala 475
176 Greatness of Siddhesvara 476
177 Greatness of Lakulisa 476
178 Greatness of Bhargavesvara 477
179 Greatness of Madavyesvara 477
180 Greatness of Puspadantesvara 477
181 Greatness of Ksetrapalesvara 478
182 Greatness of Matr Deities 478
183 Greatness of Trisangama 479
184 Greatness of Mankisvara 480
185 Greatness of Devamatrgauri 480
186 Greatness of Nagasthana 481
187 Greatness of Prabhasa Pancaka 482
188 Greatness of Rudresvara 485
189 Greatness of Karmamoti 486
190 Greatness of Moksasvami 486
191 Greatness of Ajigartesvara 487
192 Greatness of Visvakarmesvara 487
193 Greatness of Yamesvara 487
194 Greatness of Amaresvara 488
195 Greatness of Vrddhaprabhasa 488
196 Greatness of Jalaprabhasa 490
197 Greatness of Jamadagnisvara 491
198 Greatness of Pancamaprabhasa Ksetra 492
199 Destruction of Daksa's Sacrifice 493
200 Greatness of Kamakunda 497
201 Greatness of Kalabhairava Smasana 500
202 Greatness of Ramesvara Ksetra 501
203 Greatness of Mankisvara 507
204 Greatness of Sarasvati Sangama 509
205 Greatness of Brhamanas Unfit for Sraddha 511
206 Procedure for Performing Sraddha 519
207 Eligibility (of Brahmanas) for Sraddha 530
208 Brhamanas Eligible for Dana 538
209 Glory of Markandeyesvara 543
210 Greatness of Pulastyesvara 546
211 Greatness of Pulahesvara 547
212 Greatness of Kratvisvara 547
213 Greatness of Kasyapesvara 547
214 Greatness of Kausikesvara 548
215 Greatness of Kumaresvara 548
216 Greatness of Gautamesvara 549
217 Greatness of Glory of Devarajesvara 549
218 Greatness of Manavesvara 550
219 Greatness of Markandeyesvara 550
220 Greatness of Vrsabhadhvajesvara 552
221 Greatness of Rnamocana 553
222 Greatness of Rukmavatisvara 554
223 Greatness of Purusottama Tirtha 555
224 Greatness of Indresvara 563
225 Greatness of Anarakesvara 564
226 Greatness of Mehesvara 568
227 Greatness of Balabhadresvara 568
228 Greatness of Bhairavesvara 569
229 Greatness of Ganga 569
230 Greatness of Ganapati 570
231 Greatness of Jambavati Nadi (River) 570
232 Greatness of Pandava Kupa 571
233 Greatness of Pandavesvara 573
234 Greatness of Dasavamedha (Tirtha) 573
235 Greatness of Lingatraya 574
236 Greatness of Durvasaiditya 575
237 Greatness of vajresvara 578
238 Greatness of Hiranya Nadi 586
239 Greatness of Nagararka 587
240 Greatness of Balabhadra Subhadra Krsna 589
241 Greatness of Sesa 590
242 Greatness of Kumari 391
243 Greatness of Mantravali Ksetrapala 593
244 Greatness of Vicitresvara 594
245 Greatness of Brahmesvara 594
246 Greatness of Pinga Nadi 595
247 Greatness of Pingaladitya, Pingadevi & Sukresvara 596
248 Greatness of Brahmesvara 596
249 Greatness of Sangamesvara 597
250 Greatness of Ganesvara 598
251 Greatness of Sankaraditya 598
252 Greatness of Sankaranatha 599
253 Greatness of Guphesvara 599
254 Greatness of Ghantesvara 600
255 Glory of Rsitirtha 600
256 Greatness of Nandaditya 607
257 Greatness of Trita Kupa 611
258 Greatness of Sasapana 613
259 Greatness of Parnaditya 615
260 Greatness of Siddhesvara 616
261 Greatness of Nyankumati 617
262 Greatness of Varahasvami 618
263 Greatness of Chaya Linga 618
264 Greatness of Nandani Gupha 618
265 Greatness of Kanakanada 619
266 Greatness of Kumbhisvara 619
267 Greatness of Gangapathagangesvara 619
268 Greatness of Camasodbheda 620
269 Greatness of Vidurasrama 620
270 Greatness of Praci Sarasvati 621
271 Greatness of Jvalesvara 625
272 Greatness of Tripura Linga Traya 625
273 Greatness of Sanda Tirtha 625
274 Greatness of Surya Praci 626
275 Greatness of Trinetresvara 627
276 Greatness of Umapati 627
277 Greatness of Bhudhara (Yajnavaraha) 628
278 Greatness of Mu (su) Lasthana 630
279 Greatness of Cyavanaditya 637
280 Greatness of Cyavanesvara 639
281 Greatness of Cyanesvara (continued) 642
282 Greatness of Krtya 644
283 Greatness of Cyavanesvara (continued) 647
284 Greatness of Sukanyasaras 648
285 Greatness of Agastyasrama Gangesvara 648
286 Greatness of Balarka 651
287 Greatness of Ajapalesvari 652
288 Greatness of Ajapalesvari 652
289 Greatness of Lingatraya 653
290 Greatness of Somanatha Installed by Kubera 653
291 Greatness of Bhadrakali 657
292 Greatness of Bhadrakali Balarka 658
293 Greatness of Kubera 658
294 Greatness of Ajogandhesvara 659
295 Greatness of Indresvara 661
296 Greatness of Rsitoya Nadi 661
297 Greatness of Rsitoya 662
298 Greatness of Guptaprayaga 665
299 Greatness of Madhava 668
300 Greatness of Sangalesvara 669
301 Greatness of Siddhesvara 670
302 Greatness of Gandharvesvara 671
303 Greatness of Uttaresvara 671
304 Greatness of Ganga 672
305 Greatness of Naradaditya 675
306 Greatness of Sambaditya 678
307 Greatness of Aparanarayana 680
308 Greatness of the birth of Mulacandisa 681
309 Greatness of four faced vinayaka 686
310 Greatness of Kalambesvara 687
311 Greatness of Gopalasvami Hari 687
312 Greatness of Bakulasvami 688
313 Greatness of Uttararka 688
314 Greatness of Confluence of Rsitirtha 688
315 Greatness of Marudarya Devi 689
316 Greatness of Ksemaditya 689
317 Greatness of Kantakasosani 690
318 Greatness of Brahmesvara 691
319 Greatness of Unnata Sthana 692
320 Greatness of Lingadvaya 698
321 Greatness of Brahma 698
322 Greatness of Durgaditya 700
323 Greatness of Ksemesvara 701
324 Greatness of gananatha 701
325 Greatness of Unnata Svami 702
326 Greatness of Mahakala 702
327 Greatness of Mahodaya 703
328 Greatness of Sangamesvara 703
329 Greatness of Unnata Vinayaka 704
330 Greatness of Talasvami 704
331 Greatness of Kalamegha 705
332 Greatness of Rukmini 705
333 Greatness of Pingesvara Bhadra 705
334 Greatness of Talasvami 706
335 Greatness of Sankhavarta Tirtha 712
336 Importance of Gospada Tirtha 713
337 Greatness of Narayana Grha 733
338 Greatness of Jalesvara 734
339 Greatness of Humkara Kupa 741
340 Greatness of Candisvara 742
341 Greatness of God vighnaraja of Asapura 742
342 Greatness of Candresvara Kala Kunda 743
343 Importance of Obeserving the vow of Kapila Sasthi 743
344 Greatness of Jaradgavesvara 746
345 Greatness of Nalesvara 747
346 Greatness of Karkotarka 747
347 Greatness of Hatakesvara 748
348 Greatness of Naradesvari 752
349 Greatness of Mantra vibhusana Gauri 752
350 Greatness of Durga Kuta Ganapati 753
351 Greatness of Karuavesvari 753
352 Greatness of Suparnela 753
353 Greatness of Bhalla Tirtha 754
354 Greatness of Kardamala 757
355 Greatness of Guptesvara 760
356 Greatness of Bahusuvarnakesvara 761
357 Greatness of Srngesvara 761
358 Greatness of Koitsvara 762
359 Greatness of Narayana Tirtha 762
360 Greatness of Srngaresvara 762
361 Greatness of Markandesvara 763
362 Greatness of Markandesvara 763
363 Greatness of Ekadasa Rudra Linga 764
364 Greatness of Gharghara Hrada and Kandesvara 764
365 Greatness of Samvartesvara 764
366 Greatness of Miscellaneous Sthana Lingas 765
  Index 767
Part XXI
  Publisher's Note v
  Abbreviations xi
Skanda Purana
Book VII: Prabhasa Khanda
Section II: Vastrapathaksetra Mahatmya
1 The Greatness of Damodara 1
2 The Greatness of Bhava 11
3 Principal holy places in Vastrapatha 12
4 The Greatness of Dunnavillahrdgiri 13
5 The Greatness of Gangesvara 13
6 Seven Previous Births of the Deer Faced lady and king Bhoja 14
7 The Greatness of Svarnarekha 26
8 Propitiation of Rudra by Brahma 29
9 The Rise of Bhava 31
10 Sarasvata's advice to king Bhoja 51
11 Pilgrimage to Vastrapatha 52
12 Pilgrimage how it is to be done 56
13 The Importance of Sraddha Dana 59
14 Birth of Somesvara 63
15 The Greatness of Damodara 71
16 The Great Efficacy of Sivaratri 77
17 The Efficacy of Bali's Sacrifice 88
18 Subjugation of Bali 110
19 Dialogue between Sarsvata and Bhoja 133
  Index 137
  Publisher's Note v
  Abbreviations xi
Skanda Purana
Book VII: Prabhasa Khanda
Section III: Arbuda Khanda
1 A Hollow near the Hermitage of Vasistha 1
2 The acts of Uttanka A disciple of Gautama 4
3 Vasistha's order to nadivardhana to fill up the cleft 9
4 Origin of Acalesvara 13
5 Greatness of Naga Tirtha 15
6 Greatness of Vasistha's Hermitage 18
7 Influence of Acalesvara 19
8 Greatness of Three eyed in the pond of Bhadrakarna 22
9 Eminence of Kedara 23
10 Pilgrimage in the Arbuda Region during kali yuga 29
11 Eminence of Kotisvara 35
12 Greatness of Rupa Tirtha 37
13 Greatness of Visnu 41
14 Greatness of Siddhesvara 47
15 Greatenss of Sukresvara 49
16 Greatness of Manikarnikesvara 51
17 Greatness of Pangu Tirtha 54
18 Gretatness of Yama Tirtha 55
19 Greatness of Varaha Tirtha 57
20 Greatness of Candraprabhasa 59
21 Greatness of Pindodaka Tirtha 62
22 Greatness of Gracious Mother 64
23 Greatness of Sukla Tirtha 72
24 Greatness of Katyayani 74
25 Greatness of Pindaraka Tirtha 77
26 Greatness of Pindaraka Tirtha 79
27 Effect of Cakra Tirtha 81
28 Greatness of the Manusya Tirtha 81
29 Greatness of Kapila Tirtha 83
30 Eminence of Agni Tirtha 93
31 Greatness of Raktanubandha 98
32 Greatness of Vinayaka 102
33 Greatness of Parthesvara 106
34 Greatness of Krsna Tirtha 108
35 Origin of mamu lake 113
36 Origin of Eminent Asrama of Candi 118
37 Origin of Eminent Naga Tirtha 137
38 Origin of Eminent Siva Ganga Pool 140
39 Importance of Offering barley to the worshipable linga of siva 144
40 Eminence of Kamesvara 151
41 Markandeya the origin of his place of Hermitage 154
42 Eminence of Udalakesvara 158
43 Eminence of Siddhesvara 158
44 Effect of Gajatirtha 159
45 Origin of Eminent Devakhata 159
46 Eminence of Vyasa Tirtha 160
47 Greatness of the Hermitage of Gautama 160
48 Eminence of Kulasantavana Tirtha 162
49 Eminence of Rama Tirtha 166
50 Impact of Kotitirtha 168
51 Greatness of Candorudheda Tirtha 169
52 The Commanding peak of the mountain 171
53 Origin of centre of Pilgrimage with Brahma's foot 174
54 Eminence of Tri Puskara 176
55 Greatness of Rudra Lake 178
56 Greatness of the lord of caves 178
57 Greatness of the Undivided Region 179
58 Majesty of Umamahesvara 179
59 Impact of the Mahoujasa Tirtha 180
60 Impact of Jambu Tirtha 181
61 Eminence of Gangadhara Tirtha 183
62 Eminence of Katesvara Gangesvara 183
63 Eminence of fruits of Arbuda as heard of 185
  Index 186

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